# Print current playing song in your music player of choice. source "${TMUX_POWERLINE_DIR_LIB}/text_roll.sh" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MAX_LEN_DEFAULT="40" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_TRIM_METHOD_DEFAULT="trim" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_ROLL_SPEED_DEFAULT="2" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_HOST_DEFAULT="localhost" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_PORT_DEFAULT="6600" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_LASTFM_UPDATE_PERIOD_DEFAULT="30" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_SIMPLE_FORMAT_DEFAULT="%artist% - %title%" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_NOTE_CHAR_DEFAULT="♫" generate_segmentrc() { read -d '' rccontents << EORC # Music player to use. Can be any of {audacious, banshee, cmus, itunes, lastfm, mocp, mpd, mpd_simple, pithos, rdio, rhythmbox, spotify, spotify_wine}. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MUSIC_PLAYER="" # Maximum output length. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MAX_LEN="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MAX_LEN_DEFAULT}" # How to handle too long strings. Can be {trim, roll}. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_TRIM_METHOD="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_TRIM_METHOD_DEFAULT}" # Charcters per second to roll if rolling trim method is used. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_ROLL_SPEED="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_ROLL_SPEED_DEFAULT}" # Hostname for MPD server in the format "[password@]host" export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_HOST="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_HOST_DEFAULT}" # Port the MPD server is running on. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_PORT="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_PORT_DEFAULT}" # Song display format for mpd_simple. See mpc(1) for delimiters. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_SIMPLE_FORMAT="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_SIMPLE_FORMAT_DEFAULT}" # Username for Last.fm if that music player is used. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_LASTFM_USERNAME="" # How often in seconds to update the data from last.fm. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_LASTFM_UPDATE_PERIOD="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_LASTFM_UPDATE_PERIOD_DEFAULT}" # Fancy char to display before now playing track export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_NOTE_CHAR="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_NOTE_CHAR_DEFAULT}" EORC echo "$rccontents" } run_segment() { __process_settings if [ -z "$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MUSIC_PLAYER" ]; then return 1 fi local np case "$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MUSIC_PLAYER" in "audacious") np=$(__np_audacious) ;; "banshee") np=$(__np_banshee) ;; "cmus") np=$(__np_cmus) ;; "itunes") np=$(__np_itunes) ;; "lastfm") np=$(__np_lastfm) ;; "mocp") np=$(__np_mocp) ;; "mpd") np=$(__np_mpd) ;; "mpd_simple") np=$(__np_mpd_simple) ;; "pithos") np=$(__np_pithos) ;; "rdio") np=$(__np_rdio) ;; "rhythmbox") np=$(__np_rhythmbox) ;; "spotify") np=$(__np_spotify) ;; "spotify_wine") np=$(__np_spotify_native) ;; *) echo "Unknown music player type [${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MUSIC_PLAYER}]"; return 1 esac local exitcode="$?" if [ "${exitcode}" -ne 0 ]; then return ${exitcode} fi if [ -n "$np" ]; then case "$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_TRIM_METHOD" in "roll") np=$(roll_text "${np}" ${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MAX_LEN} ${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_ROLL_SPEED_DEFAULT}) ;; "trim") np=${np:0:TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MAX_LEN} ;; esac echo "${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_NOTE_CHAR} ${np}" fi return 0 } __process_settings() { if [ -z "$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MAX_LEN" ]; then export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MAX_LEN="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MAX_LEN_DEFAULT}" fi if [ -z "$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_TRIM_METHOD" ]; then export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_TRIM_METHOD="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_TRIM_METHOD_DEFAULT}" fi if [ -z "$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_ROLL_SPEED" ]; then export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_ROLL_SPEED="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_ROLL_SPEED_DEFAULT}" fi if [ -z "$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_HOST" ]; then export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_HOST="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_HOST_DEFAULT}" fi if [ -z "$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_PORT" ]; then export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_PORT="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_PORT_DEFAULT}" fi if [ -z "$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_SIMPLE_FORMAT" ]; then export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_SIMPLE_FORMAT="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_SIMPLE_FORMAT_DEFAULT}" fi if [ -z "$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_LASTFM_UPDATE_PERIOD" ]; then export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_LASTFM_UPDATE_PERIOD="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_LASTFM_UPDATE_PERIOD_DEFAULT}" fi if [ -z "$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_NOTE_CHAR" ]; then export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_NOTE_CHAR="${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_NOTE_CHAR_DEFAULT}" fi } __np_mpd() { cd "$TMUX_POWERLINE_DIR_SEGMENTS" if [ ! -x "np_mpd" ]; then make clean np_mpd &>/dev/null fi if [ ! -x "np_mpd" ]; then return 2 fi np=$(MPD_HOST="$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_HOST" MPD_PORT="$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_PORT" ./np_mpd) echo "$np" } __np_mpd_simple() { np=$(MPD_HOST="$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_HOST" MPD_PORT="$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_PORT" mpc current -f "$TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_SIMPLE_FORMAT" 2>&1) if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -n "$np" ]; then mpc | grep "paused" > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then return 1 fi echo "$np" fi } __np_audacious() { audacious_pid=$(pidof audacious) if [ -n "$audacious_pid" ]; then if $(audtool playback-playing); then np=$(audtool current-song) echo "$np" fi fi } __np_banshee() { banshee_pid=$(pidof banshee) if [ -n "$banshee_pid" ]; then banshee_status=$(banshee --query-current-state 2> /dev/null) if [[ "$banshee_status" == "current-state: playing" ]]; then np=$(banshee --query-artist --query-title | cut -d ":" -f2 | sed -e 's/ *$//g' -e 's/^ *//g'| sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ - /g' ) echo "$np" fi fi } __np_cmus() { #cmus-remote returns EXIT_FAILURE/EXIT_SUCCESS depending on whether or not cmus is running. if cmus-remote -Q > /dev/null 2>&1; then status=$(cmus-remote -Q | grep "status" | cut -d ' ' -f 2) artist=$(cmus-remote -Q | grep -m 1 "artist" | cut -d ' ' -f 3-) title=$(cmus-remote -Q | grep "title" | cut -d ' ' -f 3-) #The lines below works fine. Just uncomment them and add them # in np below if you want the track number or album name. #tracknumber=$(cmus-remote -Q | grep "tracknumber" | cut -d ' ' -f 3) #album=$(cmus-remote -Q | grep "album" | cut -d ' ' -f 3-) np=$(echo "${artist} - ${title}") if [ "$status" == "playing" ]; then echo "$np" fi fi } __np_itunes() { [ ! shell_is_osx ] && return 1 np=$(${TMUX_POWERLINE_DIR_SEGMENTS}/np_itunes.script) echo "$np" } __np_lastfm() { local tmp_file="${TMUX_POWERLINE_DIR_TEMPORARY}/np_lastfm.txt" if [ -f "$tmp_file" ]; then if shell_is_osx || shell_is_bsd; then last_update=$(stat -f "%m" ${tmp_file}) elif shell_is_linux; then last_update=$(stat -c "%Y" ${tmp_file}) fi time_now=$(date +%s) up_to_date=$(echo "(${time_now}-${last_update}) < ${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_LASTFM_UPDATE_PERIOD}" | bc) if [ "$up_to_date" -eq 1 ]; then np=$(cat ${tmp_file}) fi fi if [ -z "$np" ]; then np=$(curl --max-time 2 -s http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/1.0/user/${TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_LASTFM_USERNAME}/recenttracks.txt | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/^[0-9]*,//' | sed 's/\xe2\x80\x93/-/') if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] && [ -n "$np" ]; then echo "${np}" > $tmp_file fi fi echo "$np" } __np_pithos() { if [ "$(dbus-send --reply-timeout=10 --print-reply --dest=net.kevinmehall.Pithos /net/kevinmehall/Pithos net.kevinmehall.Pithos.IsPlaying 2>/dev/null | grep boolean | cut -d' ' -f5)" == "true" ]; then np=$(${TMUX_POWERLINE_DIR_SEGMENTS}/np_pithos.py) echo "$np" fi } __np_mocp() { mocp_pid=$(pidof mocp) if [ -n "$mocp_pid" ]; then np=$(mocp -i | grep ^Title | sed "s/^Title://") mocp_paused=$(mocp -i | grep ^State | sed "s/^State: //") if [ -n "$np" -a "$mocp_paused" != "PAUSE" ]; then echo "$np" fi fi } __np_rdio() { [ ! shell_is_osx ] && return 1 np=$(osascript ${TMUX_POWERLINE_DIR_SEGMENTS}/np_rdio_mac.script) echo "$np" } __np_rhythmbox() { rhythmbox_pid=$(pidof rhythmbox) if [ -n "$rhythmbox_pid" ]; then np=$(rhythmbox-client --no-start --print-playing) # Does not tell if the music is playing or paused. rhythmbox_paused=$(xwininfo -root -tree | grep "$np" | sed "s/${np}//;s/ //g" | cut -f2 -d '"') # TODO I cant produce the output "Not playing", using rhythmbox 2.97. #STATUS=$(rhythmbox-client --no-start --print-playing) if [[ "$rhythmbox_paused" != "(Paused)" ]]; then echo "$np" fi fi } __np_spotify() { if shell_is_linux; then metadata=$(dbus-send --reply-timeout=42 --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify / org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer2.GetMetadata 2>/dev/null) if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] && [ -n "$metadata" ]; then # TODO how do one express this with dbus-send? It works with qdbus but the problem is that it's probably not as common as dbus-send. state=$(qdbus org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player PlaybackStatus) if [[ $state == "Playing" ]]; then artist=$(echo "$metadata" | grep -PA2 "string\s\"xesam:artist\"" | tail -1 | grep -Po "(?<=\").*(?=\")") track=$(echo "$metadata" | grep -PA1 "string\s\"xesam:title\"" | tail -1 | grep -Po "(?<=\").*(?=\")") np=$(echo "${artist} - ${track}") fi fi elif shell_is_osx; then np=$(${TMUX_POWERLINE_DIR_SEGMENTS}/np_spotify_mac.script) fi echo "$np" } __np_spotify_wine() { [ ! shell_is_linux ] && return 1 spotify_id=$(xwininfo -root -tree | grep '("spotify' | cut -f1 -d'"' | sed 's/ //g') echo $spotify_id if [ -n "$spotify_id" ]; then np=$(xwininfo -id "$spotify_id" | grep "xwininfo.*Spotify -" | grep -Po "(?<=\"Spotify - ).*(?=\"$)") echo "$np" fi }