#include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DEBUG #define DO_DEBUG DEBUG #else #define DO_DEBUG 0 #endif #define DEBUG_PRINTF(...) do{ if (DO_DEBUG) { printf(__VA_ARGS__);} } while(0) /* Output the current song if MPD is in a playing state. The connection password, host and port is * specified like for mpc with environment variables * MPD_HOST=[password@]host * MPD_PORT=port * If they are empty they defaults to localhost on port 6600. */ int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { char *mpd_host = NULL; char *mpd_password = NULL; unsigned int mpd_port = 0; char *mpd_host_m = NULL; char *mpd_password_m = NULL; const char *mpd_host_str = getenv("MPD_HOST"); if (mpd_host_str == NULL || strlen(mpd_host_str) == 0) { DEBUG_PRINTF("No envvar MPD_HOST set or empty. Using default value (localhost).\n"); mpd_host = "localhost"; } else { size_t mpd_host_len = strlen(mpd_host_str); char mpd_host_env[mpd_host_len + 1]; strncpy(mpd_host_env, mpd_host_str, mpd_host_len); mpd_host_env[mpd_host_len] = '\0'; char *pch = strtok(mpd_host_env, "@"); char *first = NULL; char *second = NULL; if (pch != NULL) { first = pch; } pch = strtok(NULL, "@"); if (pch != NULL) { second = pch; } if (first != NULL && second != NULL) { DEBUG_PRINTF("%s - %s\n", first, second); size_t first_len = strlen(first); size_t second_len = strlen(second); mpd_password_m = (char *) malloc(first_len + 1); mpd_host_m= (char *) malloc(second_len + 1); if (mpd_password_m == NULL || mpd_host_m == NULL) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Failed alloc password/host.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } strncpy(mpd_password_m, first, first_len); mpd_password_m[first_len] = '\0'; strncpy(mpd_host_m, second, second_len); mpd_host_m[second_len] = '\0'; } else if (first != NULL) { DEBUG_PRINTF("%s\n", first); size_t first_len = strlen(first); mpd_host_m = (char *) malloc(first_len + 1); if (mpd_host_m == NULL ) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Failed alloc host.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } strncpy(mpd_host_m, first, first_len); mpd_host_m[first_len] = '\0'; } } if (mpd_host_m != NULL) { mpd_host = mpd_host_m; } if (mpd_password_m != NULL) { mpd_password = mpd_password_m; } const char *mpd_port_env = getenv("MPD_PORT"); if (mpd_port_env == NULL || strlen(mpd_port_env) == 0) { DEBUG_PRINTF("No envvar MPD_PORT set or empty. Using default value (6600).\n"); mpd_port = 6600; } else { int mpd_port_m = atoi(mpd_port_env); if (mpd_port_m == 0) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Could not convert MPD_PORT to int.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (mpd_port_m < 0) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Negative port?!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { mpd_port = mpd_port_m; DEBUG_PRINTF("Using port %i\n", mpd_port); } } struct mpd_connection *mpd_connection = mpd_connection_new(mpd_host, mpd_port, 1000); if (mpd_connection == NULL) { DEBUG_PRINTF("%s\n", "Could Not connect"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (mpd_password != NULL) { bool authenticated = mpd_run_password(mpd_connection, mpd_password); if (!authenticated) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Failed to authenticate.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } free(mpd_host_m); free(mpd_password_m); bool sent_status = mpd_send_status(mpd_connection); if (!sent_status) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Could not send status request."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } struct mpd_status *mpd_status = mpd_recv_status(mpd_connection); if (mpd_status == NULL) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Could not get mpd status.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } enum mpd_state mpd_state = mpd_status_get_state(mpd_status); DEBUG_PRINTF("State: "); if (mpd_state == MPD_STATE_PLAY) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Playing."); } else if (mpd_state == MPD_STATE_PAUSE) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Paused."); } else if (mpd_state == MPD_STATE_UNKNOWN) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Unknown state."); } else if (mpd_state == MPD_STATE_STOP) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Stopped."); } DEBUG_PRINTF("\n"); if (mpd_state != MPD_STATE_PLAY) { // Nothing to do. mpd_status_free(mpd_status); mpd_connection_free(mpd_connection); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int song_id = mpd_status_get_song_id(mpd_status); DEBUG_PRINTF("songid = %i\n", song_id); mpd_status_free(mpd_status); struct mpd_song *song = mpd_run_get_queue_song_id(mpd_connection, song_id); if (song == NULL) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Could not get song.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } const char *song_artist = mpd_song_get_tag(song, MPD_TAG_ARTIST, 0); if (song_artist == NULL) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Could not get song artist."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } const char *song_title = mpd_song_get_tag(song, MPD_TAG_TITLE, 0); if (song_title == NULL) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Could not get song title."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("%s - %s\n", song_artist, song_title); mpd_song_free(song); mpd_connection_free(mpd_connection); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }