From e398816da47aa706b2bf05b8a663a637d5b6f39c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Cody Hiar Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015 11:57:49 -0600 Subject: Changing to different plugin system --- bundle/Vundle.vim/doc/vundle.txt | 411 --------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 411 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 bundle/Vundle.vim/doc/vundle.txt (limited to 'bundle/Vundle.vim/doc/vundle.txt') diff --git a/bundle/Vundle.vim/doc/vundle.txt b/bundle/Vundle.vim/doc/vundle.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9a2670a..0000000 --- a/bundle/Vundle.vim/doc/vundle.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,411 +0,0 @@ -*vundle.txt* Vundle, a plug-in manager for Vim. *vundle* - - VUNDLE MANUAL - -1. About Vundle |vundle-about| -2. Quick Start |vundle-quickstart| -3. Plugins |vundle-plugins| - 3.1. Configuring Plugins |vundle-plugins-configure| - 3.2. Supported URIs |vundle-plugins-uris| - 3.3. Installing Plugins |vundle-plugins-install| - 3.4. Updating Plugins |vundle-plugins-update| - 3.5. Searching Plugins |vundle-plugins-search| - 3.6. Listing Plugins |vundle-plugins-list| - 3.7. Cleaning Up |vundle-plugins-cleanup| -4. Interactive Mode |vundle-interactive| -5. Key Mappings |vundle-keymappings| -6. Options |vundle-options| -7. Plugin Interface Change |vundle-interface-change| - -============================================================================= -1. ABOUT VUNDLE ~ - *vundle-about* - -Vundle is short for Vim bundle and is a Vim plugin manager. - -Vundle allows you to... - - - keep track of and configure your scripts right in the `.vimrc` - - install configured scripts (a.k.a. bundle) - - update configured scripts - - search by name all available Vim scripts - - clean unused scripts up - - run the above actions in a single keypress with interactive mode - -Vundle automatically... - - - manages the runtime path of your installed scripts - - regenerates help tags after installing and updating - -Vundle's search uses to provide a list of all -available Vim scripts. - -Vundle is undergoing an interface change, see |vundle-interface-change| for -more information. - -============================================================================= -2. QUICK START ~ - *vundle-quickstart* - -1. Introduction: - - Installation requires `Git` and triggers git clone for each configured - repository to `~/.vim/bundle/` by default. Curl is required for search. - - *vundle-windows* - If you are using Windows, see instructions on the Wiki - - - *vundle-faq* - If you run into any issues, please consult the FAQ at - - -2. Setup Vundle: -> - git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim -< -3. Configure bundles: - - Put this at the top of your `.vimrc` to use Vundle. Remove bundles you - don't need, they are for illustration purposes. -> - set nocompatible " be iMproved, required - filetype off " required - - " set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize - set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim - call vundle#begin() - " alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins - "call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here') - - " let Vundle manage Vundle, required - Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim' - - " The following are examples of different formats supported. - " Keep Plugin commands between vundle#begin/end. - " plugin on GitHub repo - Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive' - " plugin from - Plugin 'L9' - " Git plugin not hosted on GitHub - Plugin 'git://' - " git repos on your local machine (i.e. when working on your own plugin) - Plugin 'file:///home/gmarik/path/to/plugin' - " The sparkup vim script is in a subdirectory of this repo called vim. - " Pass the path to set the runtimepath properly. - Plugin 'rstacruz/sparkup', {'rtp': 'vim/'} - " Avoid a name conflict with L9 - Plugin 'user/L9', {'name': 'newL9'} - - " All of your Plugins must be added before the following line - call vundle#end() " required - filetype plugin indent on " required - " To ignore plugin indent changes, instead use: - "filetype plugin on - " - " Brief help - " :PluginList - list configured plugins - " :PluginInstall(!) - install (update) plugins - " :PluginSearch(!) foo - search (or refresh cache first) for foo - " :PluginClean(!) - confirm (or auto-approve) removal of unused plugins - " - " see :h vundle for more details or wiki for FAQ - " Put your non-Plugin stuff after this line - -4. Install configured bundles: - - Launch vim and run -> - :PluginInstall -< - To install from command line: -> - vim +PluginInstall +qall - -============================================================================= -3. PLUGINS ~ - *vundle-plugins* - -3.1 CONFIGURING PLUGINS ~ - *vundle-plugins-configure* *:Plugin* - -Vundle tracks what plugins you want configured by the `Plugin` commands in your -`.vimrc`. Each `Plugin` command tells Vundle to activate the script on startup -adding it to your |runtimepath|. Commenting out or removing the line will -disable the `Plugin`. - -Each `Plugin` command takes a URI pointing to the script. No comments should -follow on the same line as the command. Example: -> - Plugin 'git_URI' - -The `Plugin` command can optionally take a second argument after the URI. It -has to be a dictionary, separated from the URI by a comma. Each key-value pair -in the dictionary is a configuration option. - -The following per-script configuration options are available. - -The 'rtp' option ----------------- - -Specifies a directory inside the repository (relative path from the root of -the repository) where the vim plugin resides. It determines the path that will -be added to the |runtimepath|. - -For example: -> - Plugin 'git_URI', {'rtp': 'some/subdir/'} - -This can be used with git repositories that put the vim plugin inside a -subdirectory. - -The 'name' option ------------------ - -The name of the directory that will hold the local clone of the configured -script. - -For example: -> - Plugin 'git_URI', {'name': 'newPluginName'} - -This can be used to prevent name collisions between plugins that Vundle would -otherwise try to clone into the same directory. It also provides an additional -level of customisation. - -The 'pinned' option -------------------- - -A flag that, when set to a value of 1, tells Vundle not to perform any git -operations on the plugin, while still adding the existing plugin under the -`bundles` directories to the |runtimepath|. - -For example: -> - Plugin 'mylocalplugin', {'pinned': 1} - -This allows the users to include, with Vundle, plugins tracked with version -control systems other than git, but the user is responsible for cloning and -keeping up to date. It also allows the users to stay in the current version of -a plugin that might have previously been updated by Vundle. - -Please note that the URI will be treated the same as for any other plugins, so -only the last part of it will be added to the |runtimepath|. The user is -advised to use this flag only with single word URIs to avoid confusion. - -3.2 SUPPORTED URIS ~ - *vundle-plugins-uris* - -`Vundle` integrates very well with both GitHub and -( allowing short URIs. It also allows -the use of any URI `git` recognizes. In all of the following cases (except -local) the 'https' protocol is used, see Vundle's options to override this. - -More information on `git`'s protocols can be found at: - - -GitHub ------- -GitHub is used when a user/repo is passed to `Plugin`. -> - Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim' => - -Vim Scripts ------------ -Any single word without a slash '/' is assumed to be from Vim Scripts. -> - Plugin 'ctrlp.vim' => - -Other Git URIs --------------- -No modification is performed on valid URIs that point outside the above -URLs. -> - Plugin 'git://' - -Local Plugins -------------- -The git protocol supports local installation using the 'file://' protocol. -This is handy when developing plugins locally. Follow the protocol with an -absolute path to the script directory. -> - Plugin 'file:///path/from/root/to/plugin' - -3.3 INSTALLING PLUGINS ~ - *vundle-plugins-install* *:PluginInstall* -> - :PluginInstall - -Will install all plugins configured in your `.vimrc`. Newly installed -plugins will be automatically enabled. Some plugins may require extra steps -such as compilation or external programs, refer to their documentation. - -PluginInstall allows installation of plugins by name: -> - :PluginInstall unite.vim - -Installs and activates unite.vim. - -PluginInstall also allows installation of several plugins separated by space. -> - :PluginInstall tpope/vim-surround tpope/vim-fugitive - -Installs both tpope/vim-surround and tpope/vim-fugitive from GitHub. - -You can use Tab to auto-complete known script names. -Note that the installation just described isn't permanent. To -finish, you must put `Plugin 'unite.vim'` at the appropriate place in your -`.vimrc` to tell Vundle to load the plugin at startup. - -After installing plugins press 'l' (lowercase 'L') to see the log of commands -if any errors occurred. - -3.4 UPDATING PLUGINS ~ - *vundle-plugins-update* *:PluginUpdate* *:PluginInstall!* -> - :PluginInstall! " NOTE: bang(!) -or > - :PluginUpdate - -Installs or updates the configured plugins. Press 'u' after updates complete -to see the change log of all updated bundles. Press 'l' (lowercase 'L') to -see the log of commands if any errors occurred. - -To update specific plugins, write their names separated by space: -> - :PluginInstall! vim-surround vim-fugitive -or > - :PluginUpdate vim-surround vim-fugitive - -3.5 SEARCHING PLUGINS ~ - *vundle-plugins-search* *:PluginSearch* -> - :PluginSearch - -Search requires that `curl` be available on the system. The command searches -Vim Scripts ( for matching -plugins. Results display in a new split window. For example: -> - PluginSearch foo - -displays: -> - "Search results for: foo - Plugin 'MarkdownFootnotes' - Plugin 'VimFootnotes' - Plugin 'foo.vim' -< - *:PluginSearch!* -Alternatively, you can refresh the script list before searching by adding a -bang to the command. -> - :PluginSearch! foo - -If the command is run without argument: -> - :PluginSearch! - -it will display all known plugins in the new split. - -3.6 LISTING BUNDLES ~ - *vundle-plugins-list* *:PluginList* -> - :PluginList - -Displays a list of installed bundles. - -3.7 CLEANING UP ~ - *vundle-plugins-cleanup* *:PluginClean* -> - :PluginClean - -Requests confirmation for the removal of all plugins no longered configured -in your `.vimrc` but present in your bundle installation directory -(default: `.vim/bundle/`). - - *:PluginClean!* -> - :PluginClean! - -Automatically confirm removal of unused bundles. - -============================================================================= -4. INTERACTIVE MODE ~ - *vundle-interactive* - -Vundle provides a simple interactive mode to help you explore new plugins -easily. Interactive mode is available after any command that lists `Plugins` -such as PluginSearch, PluginList or Plugins. For instance: -> - :PluginSearch! unite - -Searches for plugins matching 'unite' and yields a split window with: -> - "Keymap: i - Install bundle; c - Cleanup; s - Search; R - Reload list - "Search results for: unite - Plugin 'unite-scriptenames' - Plugin 'unite.vim' - Plugin 'unite-yarm' - Plugin 'unite-gem' - Plugin 'unite-locate' - Plugin 'unite-font' - Plugin 'unite-colorscheme' - -To install a bundle, move your cursor to the Plugin of interest and then -select a command. To install 'unite.vim' put your cursor on the line and -then push `i`. For a more complete list see |vundle-keymappings|. After -unite.vim is installed the `:Unite file` command should be available. - -Note: Interactive installation doesn't update your `.vimrc`. - -============================================================================= -5. KEY MAPPINGS ~ - *vundle-keymappings* - -KEY | DESCRIPTION -----|-------------------------- > - i | run :PluginInstall with name taken from line cursor is positioned on - I | same as i, but runs :PluginInstall! to update bundle - D | delete selected bundle (be careful not to remove local modifications) - c | run :PluginClean - s | run :PluginSearch - R | fetch fresh script list from server - -============================================================================= -6. OPTIONS ~ - *vundle-options* -> - let g:vundle_default_git_proto = 'git' -< - This option makes Vundle use `git` instead of `https` when building - absolute URIs. For example: -> - Plugin 'sjl/gundo.vim' -> - -============================================================================= -7. VUNDLE INTERFACE CHANGE ~ - *vundle-interface-change* *:Bundle* *:BundleInstall!* - *:BundleUpdate* *:BundleSearch* *:BundleList* *:BundleClean!* - *:VundleInstall!* *:VundleUpdate* *:VundleSearch* - *:VundleList* *:VundleClean!* - - In order to bring in new changes, Vundle is adopting a new interface. - Going forward we will support primarily the Plugin namespace, additionally - for convenience we will also alias some commands to the Vundle namespace. - The following table summarizes the interface changes. - - Deprecated Names | New Names - ----------------------------- - Bundle | Plugin - BundleInstall(!) | PluginInstall(!), VundleInstall(!) - BundleUpdate | PluginUpdate, VundleUpdate - BundleSearch(!) | PluginSearch(!), VundleSearch(!) - BundleClean | PluginClean(!), VundleClean(!) - BundleList | PluginList - - Note: The Bundle commands will be deprecated. You may continue using them, - but they may not get all future updates. For instance, we have enabled - comments on Plugin lines but not Bundle, since it requires a change in - command declaration. - -" vim: set expandtab sts=2 ts=2 sw=2 tw=78 ft=help norl: -- cgit v1.2.3