#include #include #define STACK_MAX 256 #define INITIAL_GC_THRESHOLD 8 typedef enum { OBJ_INT, OBJ_PAIR } ObjectType; typedef struct sObject { /* The next object in the list of all objects */ struct sObject* next; unsigned char marked; ObjectType type; union { /* OBJ_INT */ int value; /* OBJ_PAIR */ struct { struct sObject* head; struct sObject* tail; }; }; } Object; typedef struct { /* The total number of currently allocated objects. */ int numObjects; /* The number of objects required to trigger a GC. */ int maxObjects; /* The first object in the list of all objects. */ Object* firstObject; Object* stack[STACK_MAX]; int stackSize; } VM; VM* newVM() { VM* vm = malloc(sizeof(VM)); vm->stackSize = 0; vm->numObjects = 0; vm->maxObjects = INITIAL_GC_THRESHOLD; vm->firstObject = NULL; return vm; } void mark(Object* object) { /* If already marked we're done. Check this first * to avoid recursing on cycles in the object graph */ if (object->marked) return; object->marked = 1; if (object->type == OBJ_PAIR) { mark(object->head); mark(object->tail); } } void markAll(VM* vm) { for (int i = 0; i < vm->stackSize; i++) { mark(vm->stack[i]); } } void sweep(VM* vm) { Object** object = &vm->firstObject; while (*object) { if (!(*object)->marked) { /* Remove unmarked object. */ Object* unreached = *object; *object = unreached->next; free(unreached); vm->numObjects--; } else { /* Reset mark for next traversal */ (*object)->marked = 0; object = &(*object)->next; } } } void assert(int condition, const char* message) { if (!condition) { printf("%s\n", message); exit(1); } } void push(VM* vm, Object* value) { assert(vm->stackSize < STACK_MAX, "Stack Overflow!"); vm->stack[vm->stackSize++] = value; } Object* pop(VM* vm) { assert(vm->stackSize > 0, "Stack underflow!"); return vm->stack[--vm->stackSize]; } void gc(VM* vm) { int numObjects = vm->numObjects; markAll(vm); sweep(vm); vm->maxObjects = vm->numObjects * 2; } Object* newObject(VM* vm, ObjectType type) { if (vm->numObjects == vm->maxObjects) gc(vm); Object* object = malloc(sizeof(Object)); object->type = type; /* Insert into list of all objects. */ object->next = vm->firstObject; vm->firstObject = object; vm->numObjects++; return object; } void pushInt(VM* vm, int intValue) { Object* object = newObject(vm, OBJ_INT); object->value = intValue; push(vm, object); } Object* pushPair(VM* vm) { Object* object = newObject(vm, OBJ_PAIR); object->tail = pop(vm); object->head = pop(vm); push(vm, object); return object; } void freeVM(VM *vm) { vm->stackSize = 0; gc(vm); free(vm); } void test1() { printf("Test 1: Objects on stack are preserved.\n"); VM* vm = newVM(); pushInt(vm, 1); pushInt(vm, 2); gc(vm); assert(vm->numObjects == 2, "Should have preserved objects."); freeVM(vm); } void test2() { printf("Test 2: Unreached objects are collected.\n"); VM* vm = newVM(); pushInt(vm, 1); pushInt(vm, 2); pop(vm); pop(vm); gc(vm); assert(vm->numObjects == 0, "Should have collected objects."); freeVM(vm); } void test3() { printf("Test 3: Reach nested objects.\n"); VM* vm = newVM(); pushInt(vm, 1); pushInt(vm, 2); pushPair(vm); pushInt(vm, 3); pushInt(vm, 4); pushPair(vm); pushPair(vm); gc(vm); assert(vm->numObjects == 7, "Should have reached objects."); freeVM(vm); } static void test4() { printf("Test 4: Handle cycles.\n"); VM* vm = newVM(); pushInt(vm, 1); pushInt(vm, 2); Object* a = pushPair(vm); pushInt(vm, 3); pushInt(vm, 4); Object* b = pushPair(vm); /* Set up a cycle, and also make 2 and 4 unreachable and collectible. */ a->tail = b; b->tail = a; gc(vm); assert(vm->numObjects == 4, "Should have collected objects."); freeVM(vm); } static void perfTest() { printf("Performance Test.\n"); VM* vm = newVM(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) { pushInt(vm, i); } for (int k = 0; k < 20; k++) { pop(vm); } } freeVM(vm); } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { test1(); test2(); test3(); test4(); perfTest(); return 0; }