Many moons ago, I used Xmarks for all my bookmarking. Then they shut down. I thought about maybe migrating to a new service but thought, naw. Now I keep all my links in this repo and call it a day. I do have some small scripts to help with maintenance so things should be up to date.
Tech Articles/Reading
- Strange Loop's greatest hits: Best Talks
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- Rich Hickey: Simple Made Easy
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Job Boards
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Machine Learning/A.I
Distributed Systems
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- Foundational Distributed Systems Papers
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- Distributed Tracing: The Why, What, and How?
- Principles of Distributed Computing Lectures
- How to do distributed locking
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- A Distributed Systems Reading List
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- GitHub - hobby-kube/guide: Kubernetes clusters for the hobbyist.
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- Kubernetes Playground
- Kubernetes By Example
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Raspberry Pi
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- GitHub - sharkdp/shell-functools: Functional programming tools for the shell
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- Nix from First Principles: Flake Edition
- Flake Parts: Core of a distributed framework for writing Nix Flakes.
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Website Testing
Frontend/Website Design
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Data Engineering
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