nvimNeovim configuration17 months
tmuxTMUX configuration17 months
vimArchive of my old vim settings17 months
vim-optionsMy shared nvim/vim settings in a plugin17 months
cookiecutter-dockerCookiecutter recipe for new dockerized projects17 months
docker-faustDockerized faust example17 months
docker-firefoxRun firefox in a container17 months
docker-jenkinsRun jenkins in docker to control other docker containers17 months
docker-kafkaHello World example with Python and Kafka17 months
docker-localstackDockerized localstack with SQS script17 months
docker-neovimDockerized version of me neovim setup17 months
docker-nginx-proxy-testDockerized Nginx with Httpbin for proxy testing17 months
docker-nordvpn-transmissionDockerized nordvpn with transmission17 months
docker-sparkDockerized PySpark Example17 months
docker-stormDockerized streamparse example project17 months
dummy-webserverDummy webserver for testing networking17 months
web-graterScrapy scraper for finding broken hrefs/images17 months
accliPython 3 CLI app for self hosted Active Collab17 months
advent-of-code-2020Solutions to Advent of Code 202017 months
bookmarksAll my web bookmarks7 weeks
incantationX11 text expander written in Go17 months
raspberrypi-scriptsCollection of scripts for raspberrypi17 months
slack-mention-readerRead slack mentions, store locally17 months
python-flake-hello-worldA simple python hello world project with nix flake intergration17 months
cC playground for following tutorials and experiments17 months
goGo playground for following tutorials and experiments17 months
pantsPlayground to experiment with pants build tool17 months
bash-scripting-presentationMaterial for bash scripting presentation at DevOps meetup17 months Setting up Django on VPS Presentation code/slides17 months
docker-presentationSlides and Examples for my Docker presentation at YEGSEC17 months python daemons presentation code/slides17 months
python-script-refactorContent for refactoring talk given at edmontonpy/yegsec meetup17 months
scrapy-presentationYEGSEC scrapy presentation code/slides17 months
zsh-presentationParsely internal zsh presentation.17 months