path: root/flake.nix
diff options
authorCody Hiar <cody@hiar.ca>2022-06-08 21:12:27 -0600
committerCody Hiar <cody@hiar.ca>2022-06-08 21:12:27 -0600
commit1dfb0beddb27cd5420214f875f484621ac86bdb6 (patch)
treeba770882dfa58dd60aabbf9ec975ecb22c4b90b7 /flake.nix
parentbd3fe5b914b521279fcfb08aa8c5e58037cbe4f8 (diff)
Cleaning up
Diffstat (limited to 'flake.nix')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index 04799d0..00d34bc 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -3,118 +3,120 @@
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
- vim-angry-reviewer = {
- url = "github:anufrievroman/vim-angry-reviewer";
- flake = false;
- };
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ... }@inputs:
- let
- system = "x86_64-linux";
- pkgs = import nixpkgs {
- inherit system;
- overlays = [
- (self: super: {
- vale = super.callPackage ./nix/vale.nix { };
- flake8-isort = super.python3Packages.callPackage ./nix/flake8-isort.nix { };
- mypython = super.python3Packages.callPackage ./nix/mypython.nix { };
- })
- ];
- };
- in rec {
- # For nix < 2.7
- # For nix >= 2.7 they should grab automatically from:
- # apps.${system}.default
- # packages.${system}.default
- defaultApp.${system} = apps.${system}.default;
- defaultPackage.${system} = packages.${system}.default;
- apps.${system} = rec {
- nvim = {
- type = "app";
- program = "${packages.${system}.default}/bin/nvim";
+ let
+ system = "x86_64-linux";
+ pkgs = import nixpkgs {
+ inherit system;
+ # This is where I import any custom packages that I want to install. By
+ # placing them in the overlay the become available in 'pkgs' further
+ # below.
+ overlays = [
+ (self: super: {
+ # Kept having issues with ones in stable and unstable so built custom revision
+ vale = super.callPackage ./nix/vale.nix { };
+ # Wasn't packaged
+ flake8-isort =
+ super.python3Packages.callPackage ./nix/flake8-isort.nix { };
+ # Python with linting and such
+ mypython = super.python3Packages.callPackage ./nix/mypython.nix { };
+ # Wasn't packaged
+ vim-angry-reviewer = super.callPackage ./nix/vim-angry-reviewer.nix { };
+ })
+ ];
- default = nvim;
- };
- # Read the init.lua from the repo.
- initfile = pkgs.lib.readFile ./init.lua;
- packages.${system} = with pkgs; let
- # Vim angry reviewer wasn't packaged when I build this. Easy enough to
- # package myself.
- vim-angry-reviewer = vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
- pname = "vim-angry-reviewer";
- version = "HEAD";
- src = inputs.vim-angry-reviewer;
+ in rec {
+ # For nix < 2.7
+ # For nix >= 2.7 they should grab automatically from:
+ # apps.${system}.default
+ # packages.${system}.default
+ defaultApp.${system} = apps.${system}.default;
+ defaultPackage.${system} = packages.${system}.default;
+ apps.${system} = rec {
+ nvim = {
+ type = "app";
+ program = "${packages.${system}.default}/bin/nvim";
+ };
+ default = nvim;
- # My custom neovim with my init file and all the plugins I use.
- myneovim = (neovim.override {
- configure = {
- customRC = ''
- lua << EOF
- ${initfile}
- '';
- packages.myPlugins = with vimPlugins; {
- start = [
- # Colorscheme
- nord-nvim
+ packages.${system} = with pkgs;
+ let
+ # My custom neovim with my init file and all the plugins I use.
+ myneovim = (neovim.override {
+ configure = {
+ # customRC expects vimscript but I've already converted to lua
+ customRC = ''
+ lua << EOF
+ ${pkgs.lib.readFile ./init.lua}
+ '';
+ packages.myPlugins = with vimPlugins; {
+ start = [
+ # Colorscheme
+ nord-nvim
- # Syntax coloring
- nvim-ts-rainbow
- (nvim-treesitter.withPlugins (plugins: tree-sitter.allGrammars))
+ # Syntax coloring
+ nvim-ts-rainbow
+ (nvim-treesitter.withPlugins
+ (plugins: tree-sitter.allGrammars))
- # Autocompletes
- nvim-lspconfig
- nvim-cmp
- cmp-nvim-lsp
+ # Autocompletes
+ nvim-lspconfig
+ nvim-cmp
+ cmp-nvim-lsp
- # File navigation
- lf-vim
- vim-floaterm
+ # File navigation
+ lf-vim
+ vim-floaterm
- # The rest
- vim-commentary
- vim-surround
- vim-repeat
- fzf-vim
- vim-argwrap
- vim-fugitive
- indent-blankline-nvim
- camelcasemotion
- hop-nvim
- ale
- goyo-vim
- vim-oscyank
- ack-vim
- vim-angry-reviewer
- ];
+ # The rest
+ vim-commentary
+ vim-surround
+ vim-repeat
+ fzf-vim
+ vim-argwrap
+ vim-fugitive
+ indent-blankline-nvim
+ camelcasemotion
+ hop-nvim
+ ale
+ goyo-vim
+ vim-oscyank
+ ack-vim
+ vim-angry-reviewer
+ ];
+ };
+ };
+ });
+ in rec {
+ default = neovimCH;
+ # symlinkJoin might not be the best solution here but it worked so I
+ # just use it for now.
+ neovimCH = symlinkJoin {
+ name = "neovim";
+ paths = [ myneovim ];
+ buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
+ postBuild = with pkgs; ''
+ rm $out/bin/nvim
+ lib.makeBinPath [
+ gcc
+ nodejs
+ mypython
+ pyright
+ vale
+ tree-sitter
+ nodePackages.bash-language-server
+ shellcheck
+ hadolint
+ ]
+ }
+ makeWrapper ${myneovim}/bin/nvim $out/bin/nvim --prefix PATH : $BINPATH
+ '';
- });
- in
- rec {
- default = neovimCH;
- neovimCH = symlinkJoin {
- name = "neovim";
- paths = [ myneovim ];
- buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
- postBuild = with pkgs; ''
- rm $out/bin/nvim
- BINPATH=${lib.makeBinPath [
- gcc
- nodejs
- mypython
- pyright
- vale
- tree-sitter
- nodePackages.bash-language-server
- shellcheck
- hadolint
- ]}
- makeWrapper ${myneovim}/bin/nvim $out/bin/nvim --prefix PATH : $BINPATH
- '';
- };
- };