diff options
56 files changed, 4581 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b2fa15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Setup
+This is my '~/.vim' folder along with my vimrc folder.
+If you want to use this yourself you can use the following commands:
+ln -s .vimrc .vim/vimrc
+This will clone the repo and create a symlink to the vimrc file
diff --git a/UltiSnips/htmljinja.snippets b/UltiSnips/htmljinja.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..806afe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UltiSnips/htmljinja.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# http://jinja.pocoo.org/
+# jinja2 is a full featured template engine for Python. It has full
+# unicode support, an optional integrated sandboxed execution
+# environment, widely used and BSD licensed.
+# possible extends:
+#extends html
+snippet block "block" b
+{% block ${1:name} %}
+ $2
+{% endblock %}
+snippet {{ "variable" b
+{{ $1 }}
+snippet {# "comment" b
+{# $1 #}
+snippet # "comment" b
+{# $1 #}
+snippet extends "extends" b
+{% extends "${1:template}" %}
+snippet include "include" b
+{% include "${1:template}" %}
+snippet import "import" b
+{% import "${1:template}" %}
+snippet from "from/import/as" b
+{% from "${1:template}" import ${2:name}${3: as ${4:$2}} %}
+snippet for "for" b
+{% for ${1:item} in ${2:sequence} %}
+ $3
+{% endfor %}
+snippet fore "for/else" b
+{% for ${1:item} in ${2:sequence} %}
+ $3
+{% else %}
+ $4
+{% endfor %}
+snippet if "if" b
+{% if ${1:expr} %}
+ $2
+{% endif %}
+snippet ife "if/else" b
+{% if ${1:expr} %}
+ $2
+{% else %}
+ $3
+{% endif %}
+snippet ifee "if/elif/else" b
+{% if ${1:expr} %}
+ $2
+{% elif %}
+ $3
+{% else %}
+ $4
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/UltiSnips/python.snippets b/UltiSnips/python.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65be5b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UltiSnips/python.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+snippet "" "Comments but same line" b
+""" $1 """
+snippet de "Make a very basic function" b
+def ${1:function}($2):
+ ${3:pass}
diff --git a/bundle/Vundle.vim/CONTRIBUTING.md b/bundle/Vundle.vim/CONTRIBUTING.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2162ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundle/Vundle.vim/CONTRIBUTING.md
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Pull Requests
+1. Please squash your commits to minimize the log pollution. This is more of a convenience for the maintainer who pulls. If you are unfamiliar, see [here](http://ariejan.net/2011/07/05/git-squash-your-latests-commits-into-one/).
+2. Clearly describe what you aim to fix or add to Vundle.
+3. Try to minimize code changes and use existing style/functions.
+## Check For Answers
+Before submitting an issue, be sure to check the following places for answers.
+1. Vundle docs at [`:h vundle`](https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/blob/master/doc/vundle.txt).
+2. The [FAQ](https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/search).
+3. [Search](https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/search) the repository for related issues.
+## Try To Eliminate Your Vimrc
+In order to make sure it isn't just `.vimrc` replace your own config file with the [minimal vimrc](https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/blob/master/test/minirc.vim). Clear out bundles and then try to reproduce.
+If the problem stops, likely there is an issue in your user configuration. You can incrementally add back your user changes to the minimal file testing the bug each time. This will allow you to slowly bisect the issue. You may want to test one plugin at a time.
+If you can still reproduce the problem, try to find the smallest `.vimrc` config file that creates the problem to include later.
+## Guidelines
+To better respond to issues please follow these general guidelines when explaining the problem.
+1. Clearly describe what the error is, if relevant attach output/screenshots.
+2. Describe how developers can reproduce the bug, the steps should be from starting Vim.
+3. Include your OS, version and architecture. For example, Windows 7 64, Kubuntu 13.04 32, etc...
+4. If relevant to reproducing the bug, include the smallest subset of your `.vimrc` that causes the issue. Put this in code tags.
+5. At the end of your issue, please put the output of `vim --version` in code tags.
+## Example Post
+I am using Vim on Kubuntu 13.04 64 bit and I get the following error... (add further explanation here)
+To reproduce the bug, use the vimrc file below and run `:BundleInstall`... (continue with steps)
+set nocompatible
+syntax on
+filetype off
+set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/
+call vundle#rc()
+Bundle 'gmarik/Vundle.vim'
+Bundle 'relevant/plugin'
+filetype plugin indent on
+.... more user configs here...
+Vim Version:
+VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Aug 15 2013 10:58:39)
+Included patches: 1-5
+Modified by pkg-vim-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org
+Compiled by buildd@
+Huge version with GTK2 GUI. Features included (+) or not (-):
++arabic +file_in_path +mouse_sgr +tag_binary
++autocmd +find_in_path -mouse_sysmouse +tag_old_static
++balloon_eval +float +mouse_urxvt -tag_any_white
++browse +folding +mouse_xterm +tcl
+++builtin_terms -footer +multi_byte +terminfo
++byte_offset +fork() +multi_lang +termresponse
++cindent +gettext -mzscheme +textobjects
++clientserver -hangul_input +netbeans_intg +title
++clipboard +iconv +path_extra +toolbar
++cmdline_compl +insert_expand +perl +user_commands
++cmdline_hist +jumplist +persistent_undo +vertsplit
++cmdline_info +keymap +postscript +virtualedit
++comments +langmap +printer +visual
++conceal +libcall +profile +visualextra
++cryptv +linebreak +python +viminfo
++cscope +lispindent -python3 +vreplace
++cursorbind +listcmds +quickfix +wildignore
++cursorshape +localmap +reltime +wildmenu
++dialog_con_gui +lua +rightleft +windows
++diff +menu +ruby +writebackup
++digraphs +mksession +scrollbind +X11
++dnd +modify_fname +signs -xfontset
+-ebcdic +mouse +smartindent +xim
++emacs_tags +mouseshape -sniff +xsmp_interact
++eval +mouse_dec +startuptime +xterm_clipboard
++ex_extra +mouse_gpm +statusline -xterm_save
++extra_search -mouse_jsbterm -sun_workshop
++farsi +mouse_netterm +syntax
+ system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"
+ user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
+ 2nd user vimrc file: "~/.vim/vimrc"
+ user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"
+ system gvimrc file: "$VIM/gvimrc"
+ user gvimrc file: "$HOME/.gvimrc"
+2nd user gvimrc file: "~/.vim/gvimrc"
+ system menu file: "$VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim"
+ fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/share/vim"
+Compilation: gcc -c -I. -Iproto -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DFEAT_GUI_GTK -pthread -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/gio-unix-2.0/ -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng12 -I/usr/include/harfbuzz -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -I/usr/include/tcl8.5 -D_REENTRANT=1 -D_THREAD_SAFE=1 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1
+Linking: gcc -L. -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -rdynamic -Wl,-export-dynamic -Wl,-E -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed -o vim -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lgdk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lcairo -lpango-1.0 -lfreetype -lfontconfig -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -lSM -lICE -lXpm -lXt -lX11 -lXdmcp -lSM -lICE -lm -ltinfo -lnsl -lselinux -lacl -lattr -lgpm -ldl -L/usr/lib -llua5.1 -Wl,-E -fstack-protector -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib/perl/5.14/CORE -lperl -ldl -lm -lpthread -lcrypt -L/usr/lib/python2.7/config-x86_64-linux-gnu -lpython2.7 -lpthread -ldl -lutil -lm -Xlinker -export-dynamic -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -ltcl8.5 -ldl -lpthread -lieee -lm -lruby-1.9.1 -lpthread -lrt -ldl -lcrypt -lm -L/usr/lib
diff --git a/bundle/Vundle.vim/LICENSE-MIT.txt b/bundle/Vundle.vim/LICENSE-MIT.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..003904d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundle/Vundle.vim/LICENSE-MIT.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (C) 2010 http://github.com/gmarik
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/bundle/Vundle.vim/README.md b/bundle/Vundle.vim/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..337e0b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundle/Vundle.vim/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+## [Help Maintain Vundle](https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/issues/383)
+## About
+[Vundle] is short for _Vim bundle_ and is a [Vim] plugin manager.
+[Vundle] allows you to...
+* keep track of and [configure] your plugins right in the `.vimrc`
+* [install] configured plugins (a.k.a. scripts/bundle)
+* [update] configured plugins
+* [search] by name all available [Vim scripts]
+* [clean] unused plugins up
+* run the above actions in a *single keypress* with [interactive mode]
+[Vundle] automatically...
+* manages the [runtime path] of your installed scripts
+* regenerates [help tags] after installing and updating
+[Vundle] is undergoing an [interface change], please stay up to date to get latest changes.
+[![Gitter-chat](https://badges.gitter.im/gmarik/Vundle.vim.svg)](https://gitter.im/gmarik/Vundle.vim) for discussion and support.
+## Quick Start
+1. Introduction:
+ Installation requires [Git] and triggers [`git clone`] for each configured repository to `~/.vim/bundle/` by default.
+ Curl is required for search.
+ If you are using Windows, go directly to [Windows setup]. If you run into any issues, please consult the [FAQ].
+ See [Tips] for some advanced configurations.
+ Using non-POSIX shells, such as the popular Fish shell, requires additional setup. Please check the [FAQ].
+2. Set up [Vundle]:
+ `$ git clone https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim`
+3. Configure Plugins:
+ Put this at the top of your `.vimrc` to use Vundle. Remove plugins you don't need, they are for illustration purposes.
+ ```vim
+ set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
+ filetype off " required
+ " set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
+ set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
+ call vundle#begin()
+ " alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins
+ "call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here')
+ " let Vundle manage Vundle, required
+ Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim'
+ " The following are examples of different formats supported.
+ " Keep Plugin commands between vundle#begin/end.
+ " plugin on GitHub repo
+ Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
+ " plugin from http://vim-scripts.org/vim/scripts.html
+ Plugin 'L9'
+ " Git plugin not hosted on GitHub
+ Plugin 'git://git.wincent.com/command-t.git'
+ " git repos on your local machine (i.e. when working on your own plugin)
+ Plugin 'file:///home/gmarik/path/to/plugin'
+ " The sparkup vim script is in a subdirectory of this repo called vim.
+ " Pass the path to set the runtimepath properly.
+ Plugin 'rstacruz/sparkup', {'rtp': 'vim/'}
+ " Avoid a name conflict with L9
+ Plugin 'user/L9', {'name': 'newL9'}
+ " All of your Plugins must be added before the following line
+ call vundle#end() " required
+ filetype plugin indent on " required
+ " To ignore plugin indent changes, instead use:
+ "filetype plugin on
+ "
+ " Brief help
+ " :PluginList - lists configured plugins
+ " :PluginInstall - installs plugins; append `!` to update or just :PluginUpdate
+ " :PluginSearch foo - searches for foo; append `!` to refresh local cache
+ " :PluginClean - confirms removal of unused plugins; append `!` to auto-approve removal
+ "
+ " see :h vundle for more details or wiki for FAQ
+ " Put your non-Plugin stuff after this line
+ ```
+4. Install Plugins:
+ Launch `vim` and run `:PluginInstall`
+ To install from command line: `vim +PluginInstall +qall`
+## Docs
+See the [`:h vundle`](https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/blob/master/doc/vundle.txt) Vimdoc for more details.
+## Changelog
+See the [changelog](https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/blob/master/changelog.md).
+## People Using Vundle
+see [Examples](https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/wiki/Examples)
+## Contributors
+see [Vundle contributors](https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/graphs/contributors)
+*Thank you!*
+## Inspiration & Ideas
+* [pathogen.vim](http://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen/)
+* [Bundler](https://github.com/bundler/bundler)
+* [Scott Bronson](http://github.com/bronson)
+## Also
+* Vundle was developed and tested with [Vim] 7.3 on OS X, Linux and Windows
+* Vundle tries to be as [KISS](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle) as possible
+## TODO:
+[Vundle] is a work in progress, so any ideas and patches are appreciated.
+* ✓ activate newly added bundles on `.vimrc` reload or after `:PluginInstall`
+* ✓ use preview window for search results
+* ✓ Vim documentation
+* ✓ put Vundle in `bundles/` too (will fix Vundle help)
+* ✓ tests
+* ✓ improve error handling
+* allow specifying revision/version?
+* handle dependencies
+* show description in search results
+* search by description as well
+* make it rock!
+[Windows setup]:https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/wiki/Vundle-for-Windows
+[`git clone`]:http://gitref.org/creating/#clone
+[Vim scripts]:http://vim-scripts.org/vim/scripts.html
+[help tags]:http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/helphelp.html#:helptags
+[runtime path]:http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#%27runtimepath%27
+[interactive mode]:https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/blob/v0.10.2/doc/vundle.txt#L319-L360
+[interface change]:https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/blob/v0.10.2/doc/vundle.txt#L372-L396
diff --git a/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle.vim b/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e458618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+" Vundle is a shortcut for Vim Bundle and Is a simple plugin manager for Vim
+" Author: gmarik
+" HomePage: http://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim
+" Readme: http://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/blob/master/README.md
+" Version: 0.10.2
+" Plugin Commands
+com! -nargs=+ -bar Plugin
+\ call vundle#config#bundle(<args>)
+com! -nargs=* -bang -complete=custom,vundle#scripts#complete PluginInstall
+\ call vundle#installer#new('!' == '<bang>', <f-args>)
+com! -nargs=? -bang -complete=custom,vundle#scripts#complete PluginSearch
+\ call vundle#scripts#all('!' == '<bang>', <q-args>)
+com! -nargs=0 -bang PluginList
+\ call vundle#installer#list('!' == '<bang>')
+com! -nargs=? -bang PluginClean
+\ call vundle#installer#clean('!' == '<bang>')
+com! -nargs=0 PluginDocs
+\ call vundle#installer#helptags(g:vundle#bundles)
+" Aliases
+com! -nargs=* -complete=custom,vundle#scripts#complete PluginUpdate PluginInstall! <args>
+" Vundle Aliases
+com! -nargs=? -bang -complete=custom,vundle#scripts#complete VundleInstall PluginInstall<bang> <args>
+com! -nargs=? -bang -complete=custom,vundle#scripts#complete VundleSearch PluginSearch<bang> <args>
+com! -nargs=? -bang VundleClean PluginClean<bang>
+com! -nargs=0 VundleDocs PluginDocs
+com! VundleUpdate PluginInstall!
+com! -nargs=* -complete=custom,vundle#scripts#complete VundleUpdate PluginInstall! <args>
+" Deprecated Commands
+com! -nargs=+ Bundle call vundle#config#bundle(<args>)
+com! -nargs=? -bang -complete=custom,vundle#scripts#complete BundleInstall PluginInstall<bang> <args>
+com! -nargs=? -bang -complete=custom,vundle#scripts#complete BundleSearch PluginSearch<bang> <args>
+com! -nargs=0 -bang BundleList PluginList<bang>
+com! -nargs=? -bang BundleClean PluginClean<bang>
+com! -nargs=0 BundleDocs PluginDocs
+com! BundleUpdate PluginInstall!
+" Set up the signs used in the installer window. (See :help signs)
+if (has('signs'))
+ sign define Vu_error text=! texthl=Error
+ sign define Vu_active text=> texthl=Comment
+ sign define Vu_todate text=. texthl=Comment
+ sign define Vu_new text=+ texthl=Comment
+ sign define Vu_updated text=* texthl=Comment
+ sign define Vu_deleted text=- texthl=Comment
+ sign define Vu_helptags text=* texthl=Comment
+ sign define Vu_pinned text== texthl=Comment
+" Set up Vundle. This function has to be called from the users vimrc file.
+" This will force Vim to source this file as a side effect which wil define
+" the :Plugin command. After calling this function the user can use the
+" :Plugin command in the vimrc. It is not possible to do this automatically
+" because when loading the vimrc file no plugins where loaded yet.
+func! vundle#rc(...) abort
+ if a:0 > 0
+ let g:vundle#bundle_dir = expand(a:1, 1)
+ endif
+ call vundle#config#init()
+" Alternative to vundle#rc, offers speed up by modifying rtp only when end()
+" called later.
+func! vundle#begin(...) abort
+ let g:vundle#lazy_load = 1
+ call call('vundle#rc', a:000)
+" Finishes putting plugins on the rtp.
+func! vundle#end(...) abort
+ unlet g:vundle#lazy_load
+ call vundle#config#activate_bundles()
+" Initialize some global variables used by Vundle.
+let vundle#bundle_dir = expand('$HOME/.vim/bundle', 1)
+let vundle#bundles = []
+let vundle#lazy_load = 0
+let vundle#log = []
+let vundle#updated_bundles = []
+" vim: set expandtab sts=2 ts=2 sw=2 tw=78 norl:
diff --git a/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle/config.vim b/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle/config.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e02b11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle/config.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Add a plugin to the runtimepath.
+" arg -- a string specifying the plugin
+" ... -- a dictionary of options for the plugin
+" return -- the return value from vundle#config#init_bundle()
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#config#bundle(arg, ...)
+ let bundle = vundle#config#init_bundle(a:arg, a:000)
+ if !s:check_bundle_name(bundle)
+ return
+ endif
+ if exists('g:vundle#lazy_load') && g:vundle#lazy_load
+ call add(g:vundle#bundles, bundle)
+ else
+ call s:rtp_rm_a()
+ call add(g:vundle#bundles, bundle)
+ call s:rtp_add_a()
+ call s:rtp_add_defaults()
+ endif
+ return bundle
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" When lazy bundle load is used (begin/end functions), add all configured
+" bundles to runtimepath and reorder appropriately.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#config#activate_bundles()
+ call s:rtp_add_a()
+ call s:rtp_add_defaults()
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Initialize Vundle.
+" Start a new bundles list and make sure the runtimepath does not contain
+" directories from a previous call. In theory, this should only be called
+" once.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#config#init()
+ if !exists('g:vundle#bundles') | let g:vundle#bundles = [] | endif
+ call s:rtp_rm_a()
+ let g:vundle#bundles = []
+ let s:bundle_names = {}
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Add a list of bundles to the runtimepath and source them.
+" bundles -- a list of bundle objects
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#config#require(bundles) abort
+ for b in a:bundles
+ call s:rtp_add(b.rtpath)
+ call s:rtp_add(g:vundle#bundle_dir)
+ " TODO: it has to be relative rtpath, not bundle.name
+ exec 'runtime! '.b.name.'/plugin/*.vim'
+ exec 'runtime! '.b.name.'/after/*.vim'
+ call s:rtp_rm(g:vundle#bundle_dir)
+ endfor
+ call s:rtp_add_defaults()
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Create a bundle object from a bundle specification.
+" name -- the bundle specification as a string
+" opts -- the options dictionary from then bundle definition
+" return -- an initialized bundle object
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#config#init_bundle(name, opts)
+ if a:name != substitute(a:name, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '')
+ echo "Spurious leading and/or trailing whitespace found in plugin spec '" . a:name . "'"
+ endif
+ let opts = extend(s:parse_options(a:opts), s:parse_name(substitute(a:name,"['".'"]\+','','g')), 'keep')
+ let b = extend(opts, copy(s:bundle))
+ let b.rtpath = s:rtpath(opts)
+ return b
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Check if the current bundle name has already been used in this running
+" instance and show an error to that effect.
+" bundle -- a bundle object whose name is to be checked
+" return -- 0 if the bundle's name has been seen before, 1 otherwise
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+funct! s:check_bundle_name(bundle)
+ if has_key(s:bundle_names, a:bundle.name)
+ echoerr 'Vundle error: Name collision for Plugin ' . a:bundle.name_spec .
+ \ '. Plugin ' . s:bundle_names[a:bundle.name] .
+ \ ' previously used the name "' . a:bundle.name . '"' .
+ \ '. Skipping Plugin ' . a:bundle.name_spec . '.'
+ return 0
+ elseif a:bundle.name !~ '\v^[A-Za-z0-9_-]%(\.?[A-Za-z0-9_-])*$'
+ echoerr 'Invalid plugin name: ' . a:bundle.name
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let s:bundle_names[a:bundle.name] = a:bundle.name_spec
+ return 1
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Parse the options which can be supplied with the bundle specification.
+" Corresponding documentation: vundle-plugins-configure
+" opts -- a dictionary with the user supplied options for the bundle
+" return -- a dictionary with the user supplied options for the bundle, this
+" will be merged with a s:bundle object into one dictionary.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:parse_options(opts)
+ " TODO: improve this
+ if len(a:opts) != 1 | return {} | endif
+ if type(a:opts[0]) == type({})
+ return a:opts[0]
+ else
+ return {'rev': a:opts[0]}
+ endif
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Parse the plugin specification. Corresponding documentation:
+" vundle-plugins-uris
+" arg -- the string supplied to identify the plugin
+" return -- a dictionary with the folder name (key 'name') and the uri (key
+" 'uri') for cloning the plugin and the original argument (key
+" 'name_spec')
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:parse_name(arg)
+ let arg = a:arg
+ let git_proto = exists('g:vundle_default_git_proto') ? g:vundle_default_git_proto : 'https'
+ if arg =~? '^\s*\(gh\|github\):\S\+'
+ \ || arg =~? '^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*/[^/]\+$'
+ let uri = git_proto.'://github.com/'.split(arg, ':')[-1]
+ if uri !~? '\.git$'
+ let uri .= '.git'
+ endif
+ let name = substitute(split(uri,'\/')[-1], '\.git\s*$','','i')
+ elseif arg =~? '^\s*\(git@\|git://\)\S\+'
+ \ || arg =~? '\(file\|https\?\)://'
+ \ || arg =~? '\.git\s*$'
+ let uri = arg
+ let name = split( substitute(uri,'/\?\.git\s*$','','i') ,'\/')[-1]
+ else
+ let name = arg
+ let uri = git_proto.'://github.com/vim-scripts/'.name.'.git'
+ endif
+ return {'name': name, 'uri': uri, 'name_spec': arg }
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Modify the runtimepath, after all bundles have been added, so that the
+" directories that were in the default runtimepath appear first in the list
+" (with their 'after' directories last).
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:rtp_add_defaults()
+ let current = &rtp
+ set rtp&vim
+ let default = &rtp
+ let &rtp = current
+ let default_rtp_items = split(default, ',')
+ if !empty(default_rtp_items)
+ let first_item = fnameescape(default_rtp_items[0])
+ exec 'set rtp-=' . first_item
+ exec 'set rtp^=' . first_item
+ endif
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Remove all paths for the plugins which are managed by Vundle from the
+" runtimepath.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:rtp_rm_a()
+ let paths = map(copy(g:vundle#bundles), 'v:val.rtpath')
+ let prepends = join(paths, ',')
+ let appends = join(paths, '/after,').'/after'
+ exec 'set rtp-='.fnameescape(prepends)
+ exec 'set rtp-='.fnameescape(appends)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Add all paths for the plugins which are managed by Vundle to the
+" runtimepath.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:rtp_add_a()
+ let paths = map(copy(g:vundle#bundles), 'v:val.rtpath')
+ let prepends = join(paths, ',')
+ let appends = join(paths, '/after,').'/after'
+ exec 'set rtp^='.fnameescape(prepends)
+ exec 'set rtp+='.fnameescape(appends)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Remove a directory and the corresponding 'after' directory from runtimepath.
+" dir -- the directory name to be removed as a string. The corresponding
+" 'after' directory will also be removed.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:rtp_rm(dir) abort
+ exec 'set rtp-='.fnameescape(expand(a:dir, 1))
+ exec 'set rtp-='.fnameescape(expand(a:dir.'/after', 1))
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Add a directory and the corresponding 'after' directory to runtimepath.
+" dir -- the directory name to be added as a string. The corresponding
+" 'after' directory will also be added.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:rtp_add(dir) abort
+ exec 'set rtp^='.fnameescape(expand(a:dir, 1))
+ exec 'set rtp+='.fnameescape(expand(a:dir.'/after', 1))
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Expand and simplify a path.
+" path -- the path to expand as a string
+" return -- the expanded and simplified path
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:expand_path(path) abort
+ return simplify(expand(a:path, 1))
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Find the actual path inside a bundle directory to be added to the
+" runtimepath. It might be provided by the user with the 'rtp' option.
+" Corresponding documentation: vundle-plugins-configure
+" opts -- a bundle dict
+" return -- expanded path to the corresponding plugin directory
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:rtpath(opts)
+ return has_key(a:opts, 'rtp') ? s:expand_path(a:opts.path().'/'.a:opts.rtp) : a:opts.path()
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" a bundle 'object'
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+let s:bundle = {}
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Return the absolute path to the directory inside the bundle directory
+" (prefix) where thr bundle will be cloned.
+" return -- the target location to clone this bundle to
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:bundle.path()
+ return s:expand_path(g:vundle#bundle_dir.'/') . self.name
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Determine if the bundle has the pinned attribute set in the config
+" return -- 1 if the bundle is pinned, 0 otherwise
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:bundle.is_pinned()
+ return get(self, 'pinned')
+" vim: set expandtab sts=2 ts=2 sw=2 tw=78 norl:
diff --git a/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle/installer.vim b/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle/installer.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..472271a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle/installer.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Try to clone all new bundles given (or all bundles in g:vundle#bundles by
+" default) to g:vundle#bundle_dir. If a:bang is 1 it will also update all
+" plugins (git pull).
+" bang -- 1 or 0
+" ... -- any number of bundle specifications (separate arguments)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#installer#new(bang, ...) abort
+ " No specific plugins are specified. Operate on all plugins.
+ if a:0 == 0
+ let bundles = g:vundle#bundles
+ " Specific plugins are specified for update. Update them.
+ elseif (a:bang)
+ let bundles = filter(copy(g:vundle#bundles), 'index(a:000, v:val.name) > -1')
+ " Specific plugins are specified for installation. Install them.
+ else
+ let bundles = map(copy(a:000), 'vundle#config#bundle(v:val, {})')
+ endif
+ if empty(bundles)
+ echoerr 'No bundles were selected for operation'
+ return
+ endif
+ let names = vundle#scripts#bundle_names(map(copy(bundles), 'v:val.name_spec'))
+ call vundle#scripts#view('Installer',['" Installing plugins to '.expand(g:vundle#bundle_dir, 1)], names + ['Helptags'])
+ " This calls 'add' as a normal mode command. This is a buffer local mapping
+ " defined in vundle#scripts#view(). The mapping will call a buffer local
+ " command InstallPlugin which in turn will call vundle#installer#run() with
+ " vundle#installer#install().
+ call s:process(a:bang, (a:bang ? 'add!' : 'add'))
+ call vundle#config#require(bundles)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Iterate over all lines in a Vundle window and execute the given command for
+" every line. Used by the installation and cleaning functions.
+" bang -- not used (FIXME)
+" cmd -- the (normal mode) command to execute for every line as a string
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:process(bang, cmd)
+ let msg = ''
+ redraw
+ sleep 1m
+ let lines = (getline('.','$')[0:-2])
+ for line in lines
+ redraw
+ exec ':norm '.a:cmd
+ if 'error' == s:last_status
+ let msg = 'With errors; press l to view log'
+ endif
+ if 'updated' == s:last_status && empty(msg)
+ let msg = 'Plugins updated; press u to view changelog'
+ endif
+ " goto next one
+ exec ':+1'
+ setl nomodified
+ endfor
+ redraw
+ echo 'Done! '.msg
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Call another function in the different Vundle windows.
+" func_name -- the function to call
+" name -- the bundle name to call func_name for (string)
+" ... -- the argument to be used when calling func_name (only the first
+" optional argument will be used)
+" return -- the status returned by the call to func_name
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#installer#run(func_name, name, ...) abort
+ let n = a:name
+ echo 'Processing '.n
+ call s:sign('active')
+ sleep 1m
+ let status = call(a:func_name, a:1)
+ call s:sign(status)
+ redraw
+ if 'new' == status
+ echo n.' installed'
+ elseif 'updated' == status
+ echo n.' updated'
+ elseif 'todate' == status
+ echo n.' already installed'
+ elseif 'deleted' == status
+ echo n.' deleted'
+ elseif 'helptags' == status
+ echo n.' regenerated'
+ elseif 'pinned' == status
+ echo n.' pinned'
+ elseif 'error' == status
+ echohl Error
+ echo 'Error processing '.n
+ echohl None
+ sleep 1
+ else
+ throw 'whoops, unknown status:'.status
+ endif
+ let s:last_status = status
+ return status
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Put a sign on the current line, indicating the status of the installation
+" step.
+" status -- string describing the status
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:sign(status)
+ if (!has('signs'))
+ return
+ endif
+ exe ":sign place ".line('.')." line=".line('.')." name=Vu_". a:status ." buffer=" . bufnr("%")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Install a plugin, then add it to the runtimepath and source it.
+" bang -- 1 or 0, passed directly to vundle#installer#install()
+" name -- the name of a bundle (string)
+" return -- the return value from vundle#installer#install()
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#installer#install_and_require(bang, name) abort
+ let result = vundle#installer#install(a:bang, a:name)
+ let b = vundle#config#bundle(a:name, {})
+ call vundle#installer#helptags([b])
+ call vundle#config#require([b])
+ return result
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Install or update a bundle given by its name.
+" bang -- 1 or 0, passed directly to s:sync()
+" name -- the name of a bundle (string)
+" return -- the return value from s:sync()
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#installer#install(bang, name) abort
+ if !isdirectory(g:vundle#bundle_dir) | call mkdir(g:vundle#bundle_dir, 'p') | endif
+ let n = substitute(a:name,"['".'"]\+','','g')
+ let matched = filter(copy(g:vundle#bundles), 'v:val.name_spec == n')
+ if len(matched) > 0
+ let b = matched[0]
+ else
+ let b = vundle#config#init_bundle(a:name, {})
+ endif
+ return s:sync(a:bang, b)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Call :helptags for all bundles in g:vundle#bundles.
+" return -- 'error' if an error occurred, else return 'helptags'
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#installer#docs() abort
+ let error_count = vundle#installer#helptags(g:vundle#bundles)
+ if error_count > 0
+ return 'error'
+ endif
+ return 'helptags'
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Call :helptags for a list of bundles.
+" bundles -- a list of bundle dictionaries for which :helptags should be
+" called.
+" return -- the number of directories where :helptags failed
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#installer#helptags(bundles) abort
+ let bundle_dirs = map(copy(a:bundles),'v:val.rtpath')
+ let help_dirs = filter(bundle_dirs, 's:has_doc(v:val)')
+ call s:log('')
+ call s:log('Helptags:')
+ let statuses = map(copy(help_dirs), 's:helptags(v:val)')
+ let errors = filter(statuses, 'v:val == 0')
+ call s:log('Helptags: '.len(help_dirs).' plugins processed')
+ return len(errors)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" List all installed plugins.
+" Corresponding documentation: vundle-plugins-list
+" bang -- not used
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#installer#list(bang) abort
+ let bundles = vundle#scripts#bundle_names(map(copy(g:vundle#bundles), 'v:val.name_spec'))
+ call vundle#scripts#view('list', ['" My Plugins'], bundles)
+ redraw
+ echo len(g:vundle#bundles).' plugins configured'
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" List and remove all directories in the bundle directory which are not
+" activated (added to the bundle list).
+" bang -- 0 if the user should be asked to confirm every deletion, 1 if they
+" should be removed unconditionally
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#installer#clean(bang) abort
+ let bundle_dirs = map(copy(g:vundle#bundles), 'v:val.path()')
+ let all_dirs = (v:version > 702 || (v:version == 702 && has("patch51")))
+ \ ? split(globpath(g:vundle#bundle_dir, '*', 1), "\n")
+ \ : split(globpath(g:vundle#bundle_dir, '*'), "\n")
+ let x_dirs = filter(all_dirs, '0 > index(bundle_dirs, v:val)')
+ if empty(x_dirs)
+ let headers = ['" All clean!']
+ let names = []
+ else
+ let headers = ['" Removing Plugins:']
+ let names = vundle#scripts#bundle_names(map(copy(x_dirs), 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":t")'))
+ end
+ call vundle#scripts#view('clean', headers, names)
+ redraw
+ if (a:bang || empty(names))
+ call s:process(a:bang, 'D')
+ else
+ call inputsave()
+ let response = input('Continue? [Y/n]: ')
+ call inputrestore()
+ if (response =~? 'y' || response == '')
+ call s:process(a:bang, 'D')
+ endif
+ endif
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Delete to directory for a plugin.
+" bang -- not used
+" dir_name -- the bundle directory to be deleted (as a string)
+" return -- 'error' if an error occurred, 'deleted' if the plugin folder was
+" successfully deleted
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#installer#delete(bang, dir_name) abort
+ let cmd = ((has('win32') || has('win64')) && empty(matchstr(&shell, 'sh'))) ?
+ \ 'rmdir /S /Q' :
+ \ 'rm -rf'
+ let bundle = vundle#config#init_bundle(a:dir_name, {})
+ let cmd .= ' '.vundle#installer#shellesc(bundle.path())
+ let out = s:system(cmd)
+ call s:log('')
+ call s:log('Plugin '.a:dir_name)
+ call s:log(cmd, '$ ')
+ call s:log(out, '> ')
+ if 0 != v:shell_error
+ return 'error'
+ else
+ return 'deleted'
+ endif
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Check if a bundled plugin has any documentation.
+" rtp -- a path (string) where the plugin is installed
+" return -- 1 if some documentation was found, 0 otherwise
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:has_doc(rtp) abort
+ return isdirectory(a:rtp.'/doc')
+ \ && (!filereadable(a:rtp.'/doc/tags') || filewritable(a:rtp.'/doc/tags'))
+ \ && (v:version > 702 || (v:version == 702 && has("patch51")))
+ \ ? !(empty(glob(a:rtp.'/doc/*.txt', 1)) && empty(glob(a:rtp.'/doc/*.??x', 1)))
+ \ : !(empty(glob(a:rtp.'/doc/*.txt')) && empty(glob(a:rtp.'/doc/*.??x')))
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Update the helptags for a plugin.
+" rtp -- the path to the plugin's root directory (string)
+" return -- 1 if :helptags succeeded, 0 otherwise
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:helptags(rtp) abort
+ " it is important to keep trailing slash here
+ let doc_path = resolve(a:rtp . '/doc/')
+ call s:log(':helptags '.doc_path)
+ try
+ execute 'helptags ' . doc_path
+ catch
+ call s:log("> Error running :helptags ".doc_path)
+ return 0
+ endtry
+ return 1
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Get the URL for the remote called 'origin' on the repository that
+" corresponds to a given bundle.
+" bundle -- a bundle object to check the repository for
+" return -- the URL for the origin remote (string)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:get_current_origin_url(bundle) abort
+ let cmd = 'cd '.vundle#installer#shellesc(a:bundle.path()).' && git config --get remote.origin.url'
+ let cmd = vundle#installer#shellesc_cd(cmd)
+ let out = s:strip(s:system(cmd))
+ return out
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Get a short sha of the HEAD of the repository for a given bundle
+" bundle -- a bundle object
+" return -- A 15 character log sha for the current HEAD
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:get_current_sha(bundle)
+ let cmd = 'cd '.vundle#installer#shellesc(a:bundle.path()).' && git rev-parse HEAD'
+ let cmd = vundle#installer#shellesc_cd(cmd)
+ let out = s:system(cmd)[0:15]
+ return out
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Create the appropriate sync command to run according to the current state of
+" the local repository (clone, pull, reset, etc).
+" In the case of a pull (update), also return the current sha, so that we can
+" later check that there has been an upgrade.
+" bang -- 0 if only new plugins should be installed, 1 if existing plugins
+" should be updated
+" bundle -- a bundle object to create the sync command for
+" return -- A list containing the command to run and the sha for the current
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:make_sync_command(bang, bundle) abort
+ let git_dir = expand(a:bundle.path().'/.git/', 1)
+ if isdirectory(git_dir) || filereadable(expand(a:bundle.path().'/.git', 1))
+ let current_origin_url = s:get_current_origin_url(a:bundle)
+ if current_origin_url != a:bundle.uri
+ call s:log('Plugin URI change detected for Plugin ' . a:bundle.name)
+ call s:log('> Plugin ' . a:bundle.name . ' old URI: ' . current_origin_url)
+ call s:log('> Plugin ' . a:bundle.name . ' new URI: ' . a:bundle.uri)
+ " Directory names match but the origin remotes are not the same
+ let cmd_parts = [
+ \ 'cd '.vundle#installer#shellesc(a:bundle.path()) ,
+ \ 'git remote set-url origin ' . vundle#installer#shellesc(a:bundle.uri),
+ \ 'git fetch',
+ \ 'git reset --hard origin/HEAD',
+ \ 'git submodule update --init --recursive',
+ \ ]
+ let cmd = join(cmd_parts, ' && ')
+ let cmd = vundle#installer#shellesc_cd(cmd)
+ let initial_sha = ''
+ return [cmd, initial_sha]
+ endif
+ if !(a:bang)
+ " The repo exists, and no !, so leave as it is.
+ return ['', '']
+ endif
+ let cmd_parts = [
+ \ 'cd '.vundle#installer#shellesc(a:bundle.path()),
+ \ 'git pull',
+ \ 'git submodule update --init --recursive',
+ \ ]
+ let cmd = join(cmd_parts, ' && ')
+ let cmd = vundle#installer#shellesc_cd(cmd)
+ let initial_sha = s:get_current_sha(a:bundle)
+ else
+ let cmd = 'git clone --recursive '.vundle#installer#shellesc(a:bundle.uri).' '.vundle#installer#shellesc(a:bundle.path())
+ let initial_sha = ''
+ endif
+ return [cmd, initial_sha]
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Install or update a given bundle object with git.
+" bang -- 0 if only new plugins should be installed, 1 if existing plugins
+" should be updated
+" bundle -- a bundle object (dictionary)
+" return -- a string indicating the status of the bundle installation:
+" - todate : Nothing was updated or the repository was up to date
+" - new : The plugin was newly installed
+" - updated : Some changes where pulled via git
+" - error : An error occurred in the shell command
+" - pinned : The bundle is marked as pinned
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:sync(bang, bundle) abort
+ " Do not sync if this bundle is pinned
+ if a:bundle.is_pinned()
+ return 'pinned'
+ endif
+ let [ cmd, initial_sha ] = s:make_sync_command(a:bang, a:bundle)
+ if empty(cmd)
+ return 'todate'
+ endif
+ let out = s:system(cmd)
+ call s:log('')
+ call s:log('Plugin '.a:bundle.name_spec)
+ call s:log(cmd, '$ ')
+ call s:log(out, '> ')
+ if 0 != v:shell_error
+ return 'error'
+ end
+ if empty(initial_sha)
+ return 'new'
+ endif
+ let updated_sha = s:get_current_sha(a:bundle)
+ if initial_sha == updated_sha
+ return 'todate'
+ endif
+ call add(g:vundle#updated_bundles, [initial_sha, updated_sha, a:bundle])
+ return 'updated'
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Escape special characters in a string to be able to use it as a shell
+" command with system().
+" cmd -- the string holding the shell command
+" return -- a string with the relevant characters escaped
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#installer#shellesc(cmd) abort
+ if ((has('win32') || has('win64')) && empty(matchstr(&shell, 'sh')))
+ return '"' . substitute(a:cmd, '"', '\\"', 'g') . '"'
+ endif
+ return shellescape(a:cmd)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Fix a cd shell command to be used on Windows.
+" cmd -- the command to be fixed (string)
+" return -- the fixed command (string)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#installer#shellesc_cd(cmd) abort
+ if ((has('win32') || has('win64')) && empty(matchstr(&shell, 'sh')))
+ let cmd = substitute(a:cmd, '^cd ','cd /d ','') " add /d switch to change drives
+ return cmd
+ else
+ return a:cmd
+ endif
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Make a system call. This can be used to change the way system calls
+" are made during developing, without searching the whole code base for
+" actual system() calls.
+" cmd -- the command passed to system() (string)
+" return -- the return value from system()
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:system(cmd) abort
+ return system(a:cmd)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Add a log message to Vundle's internal logging variable.
+" str -- the log message (string)
+" prefix -- optional prefix for multi-line entries (string)
+" return -- a:str
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:log(str, ...) abort
+ let prefix = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : ''
+ let fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
+ let lines = split(a:str, '\n', 1)
+ let time = strftime(fmt)
+ for line in lines
+ call add(g:vundle#log, '['. time .'] '. prefix . line)
+ endfor
+ return a:str
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string
+" str -- The string to rid of trailing and leading spaces
+" return -- A string stripped of side spaces
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:strip(str)
+ return substitute(a:str, '\%^\_s*\(.\{-}\)\_s*\%$', '\1', '')
+" vim: set expandtab sts=2 ts=2 sw=2 tw=78 norl:
diff --git a/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle/scripts.vim b/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle/scripts.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d56476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle/scripts.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Search the database from vim-script.org for a matching plugin. If no
+" argument is given, list all plugins. This function is used by the :Plugins
+" and :PluginSearch commands.
+" bang -- if 1 refresh the script name cache, if 0 don't
+" ... -- a plugin name to search for
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#scripts#all(bang, ...)
+ let b:match = ''
+ let info = ['"Keymap: i - Install plugin; c - Cleanup; s - Search; R - Reload list']
+ let matches = s:load_scripts(a:bang)
+ if !empty(a:1)
+ let matches = filter(matches, 'v:val =~? "'.escape(a:1,'"').'"')
+ let info += ['"Search results for: '.a:1]
+ " TODO: highlight matches
+ let b:match = a:1
+ endif
+ call vundle#scripts#view('search',info, vundle#scripts#bundle_names(reverse(matches)))
+ redraw
+ echo len(matches).' plugins found'
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Repeat the search for bundles.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#scripts#reload() abort
+ silent exec ':PluginSearch! '.(exists('b:match') ? b:match : '')
+ redraw
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Complete names for bundles in the command line.
+" a, c, d -- see :h command-completion-custom
+" return -- all valid plugin names from vim-scripts.org as completion
+" candidates, or all installed plugin names when running an 'Update
+" variant'. see also :h command-completion-custom
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#scripts#complete(a,c,d)
+ if match(a:c, '\v^%(Plugin|Vundle)%(Install!|Update)') == 0
+ " Only installed plugins if updating
+ return join(map(copy(g:vundle#bundles), 'v:val.name'), "\n")
+ else
+ " Or all known plugins otherwise
+ return join(s:load_scripts(0),"\n")
+ endif
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" View the logfile after an update or installation.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:view_log()
+ if !exists('s:log_file')
+ let s:log_file = tempname()
+ endif
+ if bufloaded(s:log_file)
+ execute 'silent bdelete' s:log_file
+ endif
+ call writefile(g:vundle#log, s:log_file)
+ execute 'silent pedit ' . s:log_file
+ wincmd P | wincmd H
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Parse the output from git log after an update to create a change log for the
+" user.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:create_changelog() abort
+ let changelog = ['Updated Plugins:']
+ for bundle_data in g:vundle#updated_bundles
+ let initial_sha = bundle_data[0]
+ let updated_sha = bundle_data[1]
+ let bundle = bundle_data[2]
+ let cmd = 'cd '.vundle#installer#shellesc(bundle.path()).
+ \ ' && git log --pretty=format:"%s %an, %ar" --graph '.
+ \ initial_sha.'..'.updated_sha
+ let cmd = vundle#installer#shellesc_cd(cmd)
+ let updates = system(cmd)
+ call add(changelog, '')
+ call add(changelog, 'Updated Plugin: '.bundle.name)
+ if bundle.uri =~ "https://github.com"
+ call add(changelog, 'Compare at: '.bundle.uri[0:-5].'/compare/'.initial_sha.'...'.updated_sha)
+ endif
+ for update in split(updates, '\n')
+ let update = substitute(update, '\s\+$', '', '')
+ call add(changelog, ' '.update)
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ return changelog
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" View the change log after an update or installation.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:view_changelog()
+ if !exists('s:changelog_file')
+ let s:changelog_file = tempname()
+ endif
+ if bufloaded(s:changelog_file)
+ execute 'silent bdelete' s:changelog_file
+ endif
+ call writefile(s:create_changelog(), s:changelog_file)
+ execute 'silent pedit' s:changelog_file
+ wincmd P | wincmd H
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Create a list of 'Plugin ...' lines from a list of bundle names.
+" names -- a list of names (strings) of plugins
+" return -- a list of 'Plugin ...' lines suitable to be written to a buffer
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#scripts#bundle_names(names)
+ return map(copy(a:names), ' printf("Plugin ' ."'%s'".'", v:val) ')
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Open a buffer to display information to the user. Several special commands
+" are defined in the new buffer.
+" title -- a title for the new buffer
+" headers -- a list of header lines to be displayed at the top of the buffer
+" results -- the main information to be displayed in the buffer (list of
+" strings)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! vundle#scripts#view(title, headers, results)
+ if exists('s:view') && bufloaded(s:view)
+ exec s:view.'bd!'
+ endif
+ exec 'silent pedit [Vundle] '.a:title
+ wincmd P | wincmd H
+ let s:view = bufnr('%')
+ "
+ " make buffer modifiable
+ " to append without errors
+ set modifiable
+ call append(0, a:headers + a:results)
+ setl buftype=nofile
+ setl noswapfile
+ setl cursorline
+ setl nonu ro noma
+ if (exists('&relativenumber')) | setl norelativenumber | endif
+ setl ft=vundle
+ setl syntax=vim
+ syn keyword vimCommand Plugin
+ syn keyword vimCommand Bundle
+ syn keyword vimCommand Helptags
+ com! -buffer -bang -nargs=1 DeletePlugin
+ \ call vundle#installer#run('vundle#installer#delete', split(<q-args>,',')[0], ['!' == '<bang>', <args>])
+ com! -buffer -bang -nargs=? InstallAndRequirePlugin
+ \ call vundle#installer#run('vundle#installer#install_and_require', split(<q-args>,',')[0], ['!' == '<bang>', <q-args>])
+ com! -buffer -bang -nargs=? InstallPlugin
+ \ call vundle#installer#run('vundle#installer#install', split(<q-args>,',')[0], ['!' == '<bang>', <q-args>])
+ com! -buffer -bang -nargs=0 InstallHelptags
+ \ call vundle#installer#run('vundle#installer#docs', 'helptags', [])
+ com! -buffer -nargs=0 VundleLog call s:view_log()
+ com! -buffer -nargs=0 VundleChangelog call s:view_changelog()
+ nnoremap <buffer> q :silent bd!<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> D :exec 'Delete'.getline('.')<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> add :exec 'Install'.getline('.')<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> add! :exec 'Install'.substitute(getline('.'), '^Plugin ', 'Plugin! ', '')<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> i :exec 'InstallAndRequire'.getline('.')<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> I :exec 'InstallAndRequire'.substitute(getline('.'), '^Plugin ', 'Plugin! ', '')<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> l :VundleLog<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> u :VundleChangelog<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> h :h vundle<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> ? :norm h<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> c :PluginClean<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> C :PluginClean!<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> s :PluginSearch
+ nnoremap <buffer> R :call vundle#scripts#reload()<CR>
+ " goto first line after headers
+ exec ':'.(len(a:headers) + 1)
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Load the plugin database from vim-scripts.org .
+" to -- the filename (string) to save the database to
+" return -- 0 on success, 1 if an error occurred
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:fetch_scripts(to)
+ let scripts_dir = fnamemodify(expand(a:to, 1), ":h")
+ if !isdirectory(scripts_dir)
+ call mkdir(scripts_dir, "p")
+ endif
+ let l:vim_scripts_json = 'http://vim-scripts.org/api/scripts.json'
+ if executable("curl")
+ let cmd = 'curl --fail -s -o '.vundle#installer#shellesc(a:to).' '.l:vim_scripts_json
+ elseif executable("wget")
+ let temp = vundle#installer#shellesc(tempname())
+ let cmd = 'wget -q -O '.temp.' '.l:vim_scripts_json. ' && mv -f '.temp.' '.vundle#installer#shellesc(a:to)
+ if (has('win32') || has('win64'))
+ let cmd = substitute(cmd, 'mv -f ', 'move /Y ', '') " change force flag
+ let cmd = vundle#installer#shellesc(cmd)
+ end
+ else
+ echoerr 'Error curl or wget is not available!'
+ return 1
+ endif
+ call system(cmd)
+ if (0 != v:shell_error)
+ echoerr 'Error fetching scripts!'
+ return v:shell_error
+ endif
+ return 0
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Load the plugin database and return a list of all plugins.
+" bang -- if 1 download the redatabase, else only download if it is not
+" readable on disk (i.e. does not exist)
+" return -- a list of strings, these are the names (valid bundle
+" specifications) of all plugins from vim-scripts.org
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+func! s:load_scripts(bang)
+ let f = expand(g:vundle#bundle_dir.'/.vundle/script-names.vim-scripts.org.json', 1)
+ if a:bang || !filereadable(f)
+ if 0 != s:fetch_scripts(f)
+ return []
+ end
+ endif
+ return eval(readfile(f, 'b')[0])
+" vim: set expandtab sts=2 ts=2 sw=2 tw=78 norl:
diff --git a/bundle/Vundle.vim/changelog.md b/bundle/Vundle.vim/changelog.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b620840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundle/Vundle.vim/changelog.md
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Change Log
+F = Feature, B = Bug Fix, D = Doc Change
+### Version 0.10.2
+- B: #430 Put user script directories before system directories in rtp
+- B: #455 Rename functions that start with `g:` + lowercase letter (Vim patch 7.4.264)
+### Version 0.10.1
+- B: #451 Escape spaces when handling rtp directories
+### Version 0.10
+- F: #415 Support plugin pinning (for non-git repos & preventing updates)
+- F: #440 Detect plugin name collisions
+- F: #418 Deferred rtp manipulation (speeds up start)
+- B: #418 Leave default rtp directories (i.e. ~/.vim) where they should be
+- B: #429 Fix newline character in log
+- B: #440 Detect changed remotes & update repos
+- D: #435 Image update in README.md
+- D: #419 Add function documentation
+- D: #436 Rename vundle to Vundle.vim, add modelines, quickstart update
diff --git a/bundle/Vundle.vim/doc/vundle.txt b/bundle/Vundle.vim/doc/vundle.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a2670a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundle/Vundle.vim/doc/vundle.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+*vundle.txt* Vundle, a plug-in manager for Vim. *vundle*
+1. About Vundle |vundle-about|
+2. Quick Start |vundle-quickstart|
+3. Plugins |vundle-plugins|
+ 3.1. Configuring Plugins |vundle-plugins-configure|
+ 3.2. Supported URIs |vundle-plugins-uris|
+ 3.3. Installing Plugins |vundle-plugins-install|
+ 3.4. Updating Plugins |vundle-plugins-update|
+ 3.5. Searching Plugins |vundle-plugins-search|
+ 3.6. Listing Plugins |vundle-plugins-list|
+ 3.7. Cleaning Up |vundle-plugins-cleanup|
+4. Interactive Mode |vundle-interactive|
+5. Key Mappings |vundle-keymappings|
+6. Options |vundle-options|
+7. Plugin Interface Change |vundle-interface-change|
+ *vundle-about*
+Vundle is short for Vim bundle and is a Vim plugin manager.
+Vundle allows you to...
+ - keep track of and configure your scripts right in the `.vimrc`
+ - install configured scripts (a.k.a. bundle)
+ - update configured scripts
+ - search by name all available Vim scripts
+ - clean unused scripts up
+ - run the above actions in a single keypress with interactive mode
+Vundle automatically...
+ - manages the runtime path of your installed scripts
+ - regenerates help tags after installing and updating
+Vundle's search uses http://vim-scripts.org to provide a list of all
+available Vim scripts.
+Vundle is undergoing an interface change, see |vundle-interface-change| for
+more information.
+ *vundle-quickstart*
+1. Introduction:
+ Installation requires `Git` and triggers git clone for each configured
+ repository to `~/.vim/bundle/` by default. Curl is required for search.
+ *vundle-windows*
+ If you are using Windows, see instructions on the Wiki
+ https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/wiki/Vundle-for-Windows.
+ *vundle-faq*
+ If you run into any issues, please consult the FAQ at
+ https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/wiki
+2. Setup Vundle:
+ git clone https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
+3. Configure bundles:
+ Put this at the top of your `.vimrc` to use Vundle. Remove bundles you
+ don't need, they are for illustration purposes.
+ set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
+ filetype off " required
+ " set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
+ set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
+ call vundle#begin()
+ " alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins
+ "call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here')
+ " let Vundle manage Vundle, required
+ Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim'
+ " The following are examples of different formats supported.
+ " Keep Plugin commands between vundle#begin/end.
+ " plugin on GitHub repo
+ Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
+ " plugin from http://vim-scripts.org/vim/scripts.html
+ Plugin 'L9'
+ " Git plugin not hosted on GitHub
+ Plugin 'git://git.wincent.com/command-t.git'
+ " git repos on your local machine (i.e. when working on your own plugin)
+ Plugin 'file:///home/gmarik/path/to/plugin'
+ " The sparkup vim script is in a subdirectory of this repo called vim.
+ " Pass the path to set the runtimepath properly.
+ Plugin 'rstacruz/sparkup', {'rtp': 'vim/'}
+ " Avoid a name conflict with L9
+ Plugin 'user/L9', {'name': 'newL9'}
+ " All of your Plugins must be added before the following line
+ call vundle#end() " required
+ filetype plugin indent on " required
+ " To ignore plugin indent changes, instead use:
+ "filetype plugin on
+ "
+ " Brief help
+ " :PluginList - list configured plugins
+ " :PluginInstall(!) - install (update) plugins
+ " :PluginSearch(!) foo - search (or refresh cache first) for foo
+ " :PluginClean(!) - confirm (or auto-approve) removal of unused plugins
+ "
+ " see :h vundle for more details or wiki for FAQ
+ " Put your non-Plugin stuff after this line
+4. Install configured bundles:
+ Launch vim and run
+ :PluginInstall
+ To install from command line:
+ vim +PluginInstall +qall
+ *vundle-plugins*
+ *vundle-plugins-configure* *:Plugin*
+Vundle tracks what plugins you want configured by the `Plugin` commands in your
+`.vimrc`. Each `Plugin` command tells Vundle to activate the script on startup
+adding it to your |runtimepath|. Commenting out or removing the line will
+disable the `Plugin`.
+Each `Plugin` command takes a URI pointing to the script. No comments should
+follow on the same line as the command. Example:
+ Plugin 'git_URI'
+The `Plugin` command can optionally take a second argument after the URI. It
+has to be a dictionary, separated from the URI by a comma. Each key-value pair
+in the dictionary is a configuration option.
+The following per-script configuration options are available.
+The 'rtp' option
+Specifies a directory inside the repository (relative path from the root of
+the repository) where the vim plugin resides. It determines the path that will
+be added to the |runtimepath|.
+For example:
+ Plugin 'git_URI', {'rtp': 'some/subdir/'}
+This can be used with git repositories that put the vim plugin inside a
+The 'name' option
+The name of the directory that will hold the local clone of the configured
+For example:
+ Plugin 'git_URI', {'name': 'newPluginName'}
+This can be used to prevent name collisions between plugins that Vundle would
+otherwise try to clone into the same directory. It also provides an additional
+level of customisation.
+The 'pinned' option
+A flag that, when set to a value of 1, tells Vundle not to perform any git
+operations on the plugin, while still adding the existing plugin under the
+`bundles` directories to the |runtimepath|.
+For example:
+ Plugin 'mylocalplugin', {'pinned': 1}
+This allows the users to include, with Vundle, plugins tracked with version
+control systems other than git, but the user is responsible for cloning and
+keeping up to date. It also allows the users to stay in the current version of
+a plugin that might have previously been updated by Vundle.
+Please note that the URI will be treated the same as for any other plugins, so
+only the last part of it will be added to the |runtimepath|. The user is
+advised to use this flag only with single word URIs to avoid confusion.
+ *vundle-plugins-uris*
+`Vundle` integrates very well with both GitHub and vim-scripts.org
+(http://vim-scripts.org/vim/scripts.html) allowing short URIs. It also allows
+the use of any URI `git` recognizes. In all of the following cases (except
+local) the 'https' protocol is used, see Vundle's options to override this.
+More information on `git`'s protocols can be found at:
+GitHub is used when a user/repo is passed to `Plugin`.
+ Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim' => https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim
+Vim Scripts
+Any single word without a slash '/' is assumed to be from Vim Scripts.
+ Plugin 'ctrlp.vim' => https://github.com/vim-scripts/ctrlp.vim
+Other Git URIs
+No modification is performed on valid URIs that point outside the above
+ Plugin 'git://git.wincent.com/command-t.git'
+Local Plugins
+The git protocol supports local installation using the 'file://' protocol.
+This is handy when developing plugins locally. Follow the protocol with an
+absolute path to the script directory.
+ Plugin 'file:///path/from/root/to/plugin'
+ *vundle-plugins-install* *:PluginInstall*
+ :PluginInstall
+Will install all plugins configured in your `.vimrc`. Newly installed
+plugins will be automatically enabled. Some plugins may require extra steps
+such as compilation or external programs, refer to their documentation.
+PluginInstall allows installation of plugins by name:
+ :PluginInstall unite.vim
+Installs and activates unite.vim.
+PluginInstall also allows installation of several plugins separated by space.
+ :PluginInstall tpope/vim-surround tpope/vim-fugitive
+Installs both tpope/vim-surround and tpope/vim-fugitive from GitHub.
+You can use Tab to auto-complete known script names.
+Note that the installation just described isn't permanent. To
+finish, you must put `Plugin 'unite.vim'` at the appropriate place in your
+`.vimrc` to tell Vundle to load the plugin at startup.
+After installing plugins press 'l' (lowercase 'L') to see the log of commands
+if any errors occurred.
+ *vundle-plugins-update* *:PluginUpdate* *:PluginInstall!*
+ :PluginInstall! " NOTE: bang(!)
+or >
+ :PluginUpdate
+Installs or updates the configured plugins. Press 'u' after updates complete
+to see the change log of all updated bundles. Press 'l' (lowercase 'L') to
+see the log of commands if any errors occurred.
+To update specific plugins, write their names separated by space:
+ :PluginInstall! vim-surround vim-fugitive
+or >
+ :PluginUpdate vim-surround vim-fugitive
+ *vundle-plugins-search* *:PluginSearch*
+ :PluginSearch
+Search requires that `curl` be available on the system. The command searches
+Vim Scripts (http://vim-scripts.org/vim/scripts.html) for matching
+plugins. Results display in a new split window. For example:
+ PluginSearch foo
+ "Search results for: foo
+ Plugin 'MarkdownFootnotes'
+ Plugin 'VimFootnotes'
+ Plugin 'foo.vim'
+ *:PluginSearch!*
+Alternatively, you can refresh the script list before searching by adding a
+bang to the command.
+ :PluginSearch! foo
+If the command is run without argument:
+ :PluginSearch!
+it will display all known plugins in the new split.
+ *vundle-plugins-list* *:PluginList*
+ :PluginList
+Displays a list of installed bundles.
+ *vundle-plugins-cleanup* *:PluginClean*
+ :PluginClean
+Requests confirmation for the removal of all plugins no longered configured
+in your `.vimrc` but present in your bundle installation directory
+(default: `.vim/bundle/`).
+ *:PluginClean!*
+ :PluginClean!
+Automatically confirm removal of unused bundles.
+ *vundle-interactive*
+Vundle provides a simple interactive mode to help you explore new plugins
+easily. Interactive mode is available after any command that lists `Plugins`
+such as PluginSearch, PluginList or Plugins. For instance:
+ :PluginSearch! unite
+Searches for plugins matching 'unite' and yields a split window with:
+ "Keymap: i - Install bundle; c - Cleanup; s - Search; R - Reload list
+ "Search results for: unite
+ Plugin 'unite-scriptenames'
+ Plugin 'unite.vim'
+ Plugin 'unite-yarm'
+ Plugin 'unite-gem'
+ Plugin 'unite-locate'
+ Plugin 'unite-font'
+ Plugin 'unite-colorscheme'
+To install a bundle, move your cursor to the Plugin of interest and then
+select a command. To install 'unite.vim' put your cursor on the line and
+then push `i`. For a more complete list see |vundle-keymappings|. After
+unite.vim is installed the `:Unite file` command should be available.
+Note: Interactive installation doesn't update your `.vimrc`.
+ *vundle-keymappings*
+----|-------------------------- >
+ i | run :PluginInstall with name taken from line cursor is positioned on
+ I | same as i, but runs :PluginInstall! to update bundle
+ D | delete selected bundle (be careful not to remove local modifications)
+ c | run :PluginClean
+ s | run :PluginSearch
+ R | fetch fresh script list from server
+ *vundle-options*
+ let g:vundle_default_git_proto = 'git'
+ This option makes Vundle use `git` instead of `https` when building
+ absolute URIs. For example:
+ Plugin 'sjl/gundo.vim' -> git@github.com:sjl/gundo.git
+ *vundle-interface-change* *:Bundle* *:BundleInstall!*
+ *:BundleUpdate* *:BundleSearch* *:BundleList* *:BundleClean!*
+ *:VundleInstall!* *:VundleUpdate* *:VundleSearch*
+ *:VundleList* *:VundleClean!*
+ In order to bring in new changes, Vundle is adopting a new interface.
+ Going forward we will support primarily the Plugin namespace, additionally
+ for convenience we will also alias some commands to the Vundle namespace.
+ The following table summarizes the interface changes.
+ Deprecated Names | New Names
+ -----------------------------
+ Bundle | Plugin
+ BundleInstall(!) | PluginInstall(!), VundleInstall(!)
+ BundleUpdate | PluginUpdate, VundleUpdate
+ BundleSearch(!) | PluginSearch(!), VundleSearch(!)
+ BundleClean | PluginClean(!), VundleClean(!)
+ BundleList | PluginList
+ Note: The Bundle commands will be deprecated. You may continue using them,
+ but they may not get all future updates. For instance, we have enabled
+ comments on Plugin lines but not Bundle, since it requires a change in
+ command declaration.
+" vim: set expandtab sts=2 ts=2 sw=2 tw=78 ft=help norl:
diff --git a/bundle/Vundle.vim/test/files/test.erl b/bundle/Vundle.vim/test/files/test.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1672953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundle/Vundle.vim/test/files/test.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+init(_) ->
+ {ok, {
+ {one_for_one, 5, 1},
+ [
+ {listener,
+ {aaa, start_link, []},
+ permanent, 100, worker,
+ [aaa]
+ },
+ {server,
+ {bbb, start_link, []},
+ permanent, 100, worker,
+ [bbb]
+ }
+ ]
+ }}.
diff --git a/bundle/Vundle.vim/test/minirc.vim b/bundle/Vundle.vim/test/minirc.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b48d13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundle/Vundle.vim/test/minirc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+set nocompatible
+syntax on
+filetype off
+set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/
+call vundle#begin()
+Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim'
+call vundle#end()
+filetype plugin indent on
diff --git a/bundle/Vundle.vim/test/vimrc b/bundle/Vundle.vim/test/vimrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8455a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundle/Vundle.vim/test/vimrc
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+" vim -u test/vimrc
+set nocompatible
+set nowrap
+let bundle_dir = '/tmp/vundle-test/bundles/'
+" let src = 'http://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git'
+" Vundle Options
+" let g:vundle_default_git_proto = 'git'
+silent execute '!mkdir -p '.bundle_dir
+silent execute '!ln -f -s ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim '.bundle_dir
+filetype off
+syntax on
+runtime macros/matchit.vim
+" This test should be executed in "test" directory
+exec 'set rtp^='.bundle_dir.'Vundle.vim/'
+call vundle#rc(bundle_dir)
+Plugin 'molokai' " vim-scripts name
+" github username with dashes
+Bundle 'vim-scripts/ragtag.vim'
+" original repo
+Bundle 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
+" with extension
+Bundle 'nelstrom/vim-mac-classic-theme.git'
+" invalid uri
+"Bundle 'nonexistinguser/yupppierepo.git'
+" full uri
+Bundle 'https://github.com/vim-scripts/vim-game-of-life'
+" full uri
+Bundle 'git@github.com:gmarik/ingretu.git'
+" short uri
+Bundle 'gh:gmarik/snipmate.vim.git'
+Bundle 'github:mattn/gist-vim.git'
+" local uri stuff
+Bundle '~/Dropbox/.gitrepos/utilz.vim.git'
+" Bundle 'file://Dropbox/.gitrepos/utilz.vim.git'
+" with options
+Bundle 'rstacruz/sparkup.git', {'rtp': 'vim/'}
+Bundle 'matchit.zip', {'name': 'matchit'}
+" Camel case
+Bundle 'vim-scripts/RubySinatra'
+" syntax issue #203
+Bundle 'jimenezrick/vimerl'
+" Static bundle: Same name as a valid vim-scripts bundle
+Bundle 'latte', {'pinned' : 1}
+if !isdirectory(expand(bundle_dir) . '/latte')
+ call mkdir(expand(bundle_dir) . '/latte', 'p')
+filetype plugin indent on " Automatically detect file types.
+set wildignore+=doc " should not break helptags
+set wildignore+=.git " should not break clone
+set wildignore+=.git/* " should not break clone
+set wildignore+=*/.git/*
+" TODO: helptags fails with this
+" set wildignore+=doc/* " should not break clone
+" set wildignore+=*/doc/*
+au VimEnter * BundleInstall
+" e test/files/erlang.erl
+" vim: set expandtab sts=2 ts=2 sw=2 tw=78:
diff --git a/bundle/ctrlp.vim b/bundle/ctrlp.vim
new file mode 160000
+Subproject b5d3fe66a58a13d2ff8b6391f4387608496a030
diff --git a/bundle/emmet-vim b/bundle/emmet-vim
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 57a5263d1d5beb3a35bf5ea27821bdd056d08c0
diff --git a/bundle/jedi-vim b/bundle/jedi-vim
new file mode 160000
+Subproject d3484afe20cf1a3c9fb20ba44d6e06a6feff8ee
diff --git a/bundle/matchit b/bundle/matchit
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 060d9d8aa381d6a650b649d38c992b59db3ed1a
diff --git a/bundle/nerdcommenter b/bundle/nerdcommenter
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 5cc672a4f2adb734ac671499476034f0cd1d3d7
diff --git a/bundle/nerdtree b/bundle/nerdtree
new file mode 160000
+Subproject bcf3de4fdffae45fc7c85b6b84a01b37177924a
diff --git a/bundle/pep8 b/bundle/pep8
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 8a185fe42a4d96dd45dae7bc1b95332a391d9e8
diff --git a/bundle/php.vim b/bundle/php.vim
new file mode 160000
+Subproject f48f0743842d0b80599998a50a3b56be56b8e36
diff --git a/bundle/phpcomplete.vim b/bundle/phpcomplete.vim
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 8775df13b80744a83ea33b407354e9d4cea05b7
diff --git a/bundle/pydoc.vim b/bundle/pydoc.vim
new file mode 160000
+Subproject b522912d32f81f421b7e713698869c10b588530
diff --git a/bundle/python-syntax b/bundle/python-syntax
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 10d2c07687b611b7c647ad09b8b86ed968819db
diff --git a/bundle/supertab b/bundle/supertab
new file mode 160000
+Subproject feb2a5f837f6ece9967863a4fb427fec33702aa
diff --git a/bundle/syntastic b/bundle/syntastic
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 7014a52acefa594d45c40b3eaefee70549bdcae
diff --git a/bundle/taboo.vim b/bundle/taboo.vim
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 4c5022d5682e91bc811e8e4cd1ca03521eb5827
diff --git a/bundle/tabular b/bundle/tabular
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 60f25648814f0695eeb6c1040d97adca93c4e0b
diff --git a/bundle/ultisnips b/bundle/ultisnips
new file mode 160000
+Subproject cf2c473a8ea003cb713b3b84138c1689f4a09be
diff --git a/bundle/unite-tag b/bundle/unite-tag
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 6b507bae22340448b189a905fea6579820ba8d9
diff --git a/bundle/unite.vim b/bundle/unite.vim
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 00564dd6d4446445e87f7885c2fc3454e9dc7d2
diff --git a/bundle/vdebug b/bundle/vdebug
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 13640276b95125f84f3f1518f07afb3c2542ac3
diff --git a/bundle/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight b/bundle/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 6cdb94e439c369721c74aa9cd304f4586867e6e
diff --git a/bundle/vim-easymotion b/bundle/vim-easymotion
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 0806257ca6432ac7beb75c4319dadf7f3ba9907
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+Subproject b319b694539017dcd789dc2c42f784a30d7b28b
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new file mode 160000
+Subproject 4895e860258cd24c975255ef459af4b95610755
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+Subproject 81e1f07a8482b34ea8c59f6800e7e8dec7bf56b
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new file mode 160000
+Subproject e37b9358980d312c1f4fbbcb4a36d1a9d4bdb41
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new file mode 160000
+Subproject 0decec122e9bb3e9328b01fa20a9650e79cc6ca
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+Subproject 94698cb2aeb000b1fef10d4e8d459b76f919de4
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+Subproject 2d05440ad23f97a7874ebd9b5de3a0e65d25d85
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+Subproject 1ec6af944e3bac5f8ccf0bfa18692a83828bde0
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new file mode 160000
+Subproject 06755a296f2248c91f020ccb4e0b3f211365037
diff --git a/colors/distinguished.vim b/colors/distinguished.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db3af12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/distinguished.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+" Author: Kim Silkebækken <kim.silkebaekken+vim@gmail.com>
+" Source repository: https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-distinguished
+" Initialization {{{
+ set background=dark
+ hi clear
+ if exists('syntax_on')
+ syntax reset
+ endif
+ let g:colors_name = 'distinguished'
+ if ! has('gui_running')
+ if &t_Co != 256
+ echoe 'The ' . g:colors_name . ' color scheme requires gvim or a 256-color terminal'
+ finish
+ endif
+ endif
+" }}}
+" Color dictionary parser {{{
+ function! s:ColorDictParser(color_dict)
+ for [group, group_colors] in items(a:color_dict)
+ exec 'hi ' . group
+ \ . ' ctermfg=' . (group_colors[0] == '' ? 'NONE' : group_colors[0])
+ \ . ' ctermbg=' . (group_colors[1] == '' ? 'NONE' : group_colors[1])
+ \ . ' cterm=' . (group_colors[2] == '' ? 'NONE' : group_colors[2])
+ \
+ \ . ' guifg=' . (group_colors[3] == '' ? 'NONE' : '#' . group_colors[3])
+ \ . ' guibg=' . (group_colors[4] == '' ? 'NONE' : '#' . group_colors[4])
+ \ . ' gui=' . (group_colors[5] == '' ? 'NONE' : group_colors[5])
+ endfor
+ endfunction
+" }}}
+" | Highlight group | CTFG | CTBG | CTAttributes | || | GUIFG | GUIBG | GUIAttributes |
+" |--------------------------------|-------|-------|-----------------| || |---------|----------|-----------------|
+call s:ColorDictParser({
+ \ 'Normal' : [ 231, 16, '', 'ffffff', '000000', '']
+ \ , 'Visual' : [ 240, 253, '', '585858', 'dadada', '']
+ \
+ \ , 'Cursor' : [ '', '', '', 'ffffff', 'dd4010', '']
+ \ , 'lCursor' : [ '', '', '', 'ffffff', '89b6e2', '']
+ \
+ \ , 'CursorLine' : [ '', 236, '', '', '3a3a3a', '']
+ \ , 'CursorLineNr' : [ 231, 240, '', 'ffffff', '585858', '']
+ \ , 'CursorColumn' : [ 231, 237, '', 'ffffff', '3a3a3a', '']
+ \
+ \ , 'Folded' : [ 249, 234, '', 'b2b2b2', '1c1c1c', '']
+ \ , 'FoldColumn' : [ 243, 234, '', '767676', '1c1c1c', '']
+ \ , 'SignColumn' : [ 231, 233, 'bold', 'ffffff', '121212', 'bold']
+ \ , 'ColorColumn' : [ '', 233, '', '', '262626', '']
+ \
+ \ , 'StatusLine' : [ 231, 236, 'bold', 'ffffff', '303030', 'bold']
+ \ , 'StatusLineNC' : [ 244, 232, '', '808080', '080808', '']
+ \
+ \ , 'LineNr' : [ 243, 235, '', '767676', '262626', '']
+ \ , 'VertSplit' : [ 240, '', '', '585858', '1c1c1c', '']
+ \
+ \ , 'WildMenu' : [ 234, 231, '', '1c1c1c', 'ffffff', '']
+ \ , 'Directory' : [ 143, '', 'bold', 'afaf5f', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'Underlined' : [ 130, '', '', 'af5f00', '', '']
+ \
+ \ , 'Question' : [ 74, '', 'bold', '5fafd7', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'MoreMsg' : [ 214, '', 'bold', 'ffaf00', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'WarningMsg' : [ 202, '', 'bold', 'ff5f00', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'ErrorMsg' : [ 196, '', 'bold', 'ff0000', '', 'bold']
+ \
+ \ , 'Comment' : [ 243, 233, '', '767676', '121212', '']
+ \ , 'vimCommentTitleLeader' : [ 250, 233, '', 'bcbcbc', '121212', '']
+ \ , 'vimCommentTitle' : [ 250, 233, '', 'bcbcbc', '121212', '']
+ \ , 'vimCommentString' : [ 245, 233, '', '8a8a8a', '121212', '']
+ \
+ \ , 'TabLine' : [ 231, 238, '', 'ffffff', '444444', '']
+ \ , 'TabLineSel' : [ 255, '', 'bold', 'eeeeee', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'TabLineFill' : [ 240, 238, '', '585858', '444444', '']
+ \ , 'TabLineNumber' : [ 160, 238, 'bold', 'd70000', '444444', 'bold']
+ \ , 'TabLineClose' : [ 245, 238, 'bold', '8a8a8a', '444444', 'bold']
+ \
+ \ , 'SpellCap' : [ 231, 31, 'bold', 'ffffff', '0087af', 'bold']
+ \
+ \ , 'SpecialKey' : [ 239, '', '', '4e4e4e', '', '']
+ \ , 'NonText' : [ 88, '', '', '870000', '', '']
+ \ , 'MatchParen' : [ 231, 25, 'bold', 'ffffff', '005faf', 'bold']
+ \
+ \ , 'Constant' : [ 137, '', 'bold', 'af875f', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'Special' : [ 150, '', '', 'afd787', '', '']
+ \ , 'Identifier' : [ 66, '', 'bold', '5f8787', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'Statement' : [ 186, '', 'bold', 'd7d787', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'PreProc' : [ 247, '', '', '9e9e9e', '', '']
+ \ , 'Type' : [ 67, '', 'bold', '5f87af', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'String' : [ 143, '', '', 'afaf5f', '', '']
+ \ , 'Number' : [ 173, '', '', 'd7875f', '', '']
+ \ , 'Define' : [ 173, '', '', 'd7875f', '', '']
+ \ , 'Error' : [ 208, 124, '', 'ff8700', 'af0000', '']
+ \ , 'Function' : [ 179, '', '', 'd7af5f', '', '']
+ \ , 'Include' : [ 173, '', '', 'd7875f', '', '']
+ \ , 'PreCondit' : [ 173, '', '', 'd7875f', '', '']
+ \ , 'Keyword' : [ 173, '', '', 'd7875f', '', '']
+ \ , 'Search' : [ 231, 131, '', '000000', 'ffff5f', 'underline,bold']
+ \ , 'Title' : [ 231, '', '', 'ffffff', '', '']
+ \ , 'Delimiter' : [ 246, '', '', '949494', '', '']
+ \ , 'StorageClass' : [ 187, '', '', 'd7d7af', '', '']
+ \ , 'Operator' : [ 180, '', '', 'd7af87', '', '']
+ \
+ \ , 'TODO' : [ 228, 94, 'bold', 'ffff87', '875f00', 'bold']
+ \
+ \ , 'SyntasticWarning' : [ 220, 94, '', 'ffff87', '875f00', 'bold']
+ \ , 'SyntasticError' : [ 202, 52, '', 'ffff87', '875f00', 'bold']
+ \
+ \ , 'Pmenu' : [ 248, 240, '', 'a8a8a8', '585858', '']
+ \ , 'PmenuSel' : [ 253, 245, '', 'dadada', '8a8a8a', '']
+ \ , 'PmenuSbar' : [ 253, 248, '', 'dadada', 'a8a8a8', '']
+ \
+ \ , 'phpEOL' : [ 245, '', '', 'dadada', '', '']
+ \ , 'phpStringDelim' : [ 94, '', '', '875f00', '', '']
+ \ , 'phpDelimiter' : [ 160, '', '', 'd70000', '', '']
+ \ , 'phpFunctions' : [ 221, '', 'bold', 'ffd75f', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'phpBoolean' : [ 172, '', 'bold', 'd78700', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'phpOperator' : [ 215, '', '', 'ffaf5f', '', '']
+ \ , 'phpMemberSelector' : [ 138, '', 'bold', 'af8787', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'phpParent' : [ 227, '', '', 'ffff5f', '', '']
+ \
+ \ , 'PHPClassTag' : [ 253, '', '', 'dadada', '', '']
+ \ , 'PHPInterfaceTag' : [ 253, '', '', 'dadada', '', '']
+ \ , 'PHPFunctionTag' : [ 222, '', 'bold', 'ffd787', '', 'bold']
+ \
+ \ , 'pythonDocString' : [ 240, 233, '', '585858', '121212', '']
+ \ , 'pythonDocStringTitle' : [ 245, 233, '', 'dadada', '121212', '']
+ \ , 'pythonRun' : [ 65, '', '', '5f875f', '', '']
+ \ , 'pythonBuiltinObj' : [ 67, '', 'bold', '5f87af', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'pythonSelf' : [ 250, '', 'bold', 'bcbcbc', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'pythonFunction' : [ 179, '', 'bold', 'd7af5f', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'pythonClass' : [ 221, '', 'bold', 'ffd75f', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'pythonExClass' : [ 130, '', '', 'af5f00', '', '']
+ \ , 'pythonException' : [ 130, '', 'bold', 'af5f00', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'pythonOperator' : [ 186, '', '', 'd7d787', '', '']
+ \ , 'pythonPreCondit' : [ 152, '', 'bold', 'afd7d7', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'pythonDottedName' : [ 166, '', '', 'd75f00', '', '']
+ \ , 'pythonDecorator' : [ 124, '', 'bold', 'af0000', '', 'bold']
+ \
+ \ , 'PythonInterfaceTag' : [ 109, '', '', '87afaf', '', '']
+ \ , 'PythonClassTag' : [ 221, '', '', 'ffd75f', '', '']
+ \ , 'PythonFunctionTag' : [ 109, '', '', '87afaf', '', '']
+ \ , 'PythonVariableTag' : [ 253, '', '', 'dadada', '', '']
+ \ , 'PythonMemberTag' : [ 145, '', '', 'afafaf', '', '']
+ \
+ \ , 'CTagsImport' : [ 109, '', '', '87afaf', '', '']
+ \ , 'CTagsClass' : [ 221, '', '', 'ffd75f', '', '']
+ \ , 'CTagsFunction' : [ 109, '', '', '87afaf', '', '']
+ \ , 'CTagsGlobalVariable' : [ 253, '', '', 'dadada', '', '']
+ \ , 'CTagsMember' : [ 145, '', '', 'afafaf', '', '']
+ \
+ \ , 'xmlTag' : [ 149, '', 'bold', 'afd75f', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'xmlTagName' : [ 250, '', '', 'bcbcbc', '', '']
+ \ , 'xmlEndTag' : [ 209, '', 'bold', 'ff875f', '', 'bold']
+ \
+ \ , 'cssImportant' : [ 166, '', 'bold', 'd75f00', '', 'bold']
+ \
+ \ , 'DiffAdd' : [ 112, 22, '', '87d700', '005f00', '']
+ \ , 'DiffChange' : [ 220, 94, '', 'ffd700', '875f00', '']
+ \ , 'DiffDelete' : [ 160, '', '', 'd70000', '', '']
+ \ , 'DiffText' : [ 220, 94, 'reverse,bold', 'ffd700', '875f00', 'reverse,bold']
+ \
+ \ , 'diffLine' : [ 68, '', 'bold', '5f87d7', '', 'bold']
+ \ , 'diffFile' : [ 242, '', '', '6c6c6c', '', '']
+ \ , 'diffNewFile' : [ 242, '', '', '6c6c6c', '', '']
+\ })
+hi link htmlTag xmlTag
+hi link htmlTagName xmlTagName
+hi link htmlEndTag xmlEndTag
+hi link phpCommentTitle vimCommentTitle
+hi link phpDocTags vimCommentString
+hi link phpDocParam vimCommentTitle
+hi link diffAdded DiffAdd
+hi link diffChanged DiffChange
+hi link diffRemoved DiffDelete
diff --git a/colors/solarized.vim b/colors/solarized.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70f5223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/solarized.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1117 @@
+" Name: Solarized vim colorscheme
+" Author: Ethan Schoonover <es@ethanschoonover.com>
+" URL: http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
+" (see this url for latest release & screenshots)
+" License: OSI approved MIT license (see end of this file)
+" Created: In the middle of the night
+" Modified: 2011 May 05
+" Usage "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Solarized is a carefully designed selective contrast colorscheme with dual
+" light and dark modes that runs in both GUI, 256 and 16 color modes.
+" See the homepage above for screenshots and details.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" See the "solarized.txt" help file included with this colorscheme (in the
+" "doc" subdirectory) for information on options, usage, the Toggle Background
+" function and more. If you have already installed Solarized, this is available
+" from the Solarized menu and command line as ":help solarized"
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Two options for installation: manual or pathogen
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" 1. Download the solarized distribution (available on the homepage above)
+" and unarchive the file.
+" 2. Move `solarized.vim` to your `.vim/colors` directory.
+" 3. Move each of the files in each subdirectories to the corresponding .vim
+" subdirectory (e.g. autoload/togglebg.vim goes into your .vim/autoload
+" directory as .vim/autoload/togglebg.vim).
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" 1. Download and install Tim Pope's Pathogen from:
+" https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen
+" 2. Next, move or clone the `vim-colors-solarized` directory so that it is
+" a subdirectory of the `.vim/bundle` directory.
+" a. **clone with git:**
+" $ cd ~/.vim/bundle
+" $ git clone git://github.com/altercation/vim-colors-solarized.git
+" b. **or move manually into the pathogen bundle directory:**
+" In the parent directory of vim-colors-solarized:
+" $ mv vim-colors-solarized ~/.vim/bundle/
+" After either Option 1 or Option 2 above, put the following two lines in your
+" .vimrc:
+" syntax enable
+" set background=dark
+" colorscheme solarized
+" or, for the light background mode of Solarized:
+" syntax enable
+" set background=light
+" colorscheme solarized
+" I like to have a different background in GUI and terminal modes, so I can use
+" the following if-then. However, I find vim's background autodetection to be
+" pretty good and, at least with MacVim, I can leave this background value
+" assignment out entirely and get the same results.
+" if has('gui_running')
+" set background=light
+" else
+" set background=dark
+" endif
+" See the Solarized homepage at http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized for
+" screenshots which will help you select either the light or dark background.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Download palettes and files from: http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
+" L\*a\*b values are canonical (White D65, Reference D50), other values are
+" matched in sRGB space.
+" --------- ------- ---- ------- ----------- ---------- ----------- -----------
+" base03 #002b36 8/4 brblack 234 #1c1c1c 15 -12 -12 0 43 54 193 100 21
+" base02 #073642 0/4 black 235 #262626 20 -12 -12 7 54 66 192 90 26
+" base01 #586e75 10/7 brgreen 240 #4e4e4e 45 -07 -07 88 110 117 194 25 46
+" base00 #657b83 11/7 bryellow 241 #585858 50 -07 -07 101 123 131 195 23 51
+" base0 #839496 12/6 brblue 244 #808080 60 -06 -03 131 148 150 186 13 59
+" base1 #93a1a1 14/4 brcyan 245 #8a8a8a 65 -05 -02 147 161 161 180 9 63
+" base2 #eee8d5 7/7 white 254 #d7d7af 92 -00 10 238 232 213 44 11 93
+" base3 #fdf6e3 15/7 brwhite 230 #ffffd7 97 00 10 253 246 227 44 10 99
+" yellow #b58900 3/3 yellow 136 #af8700 60 10 65 181 137 0 45 100 71
+" orange #cb4b16 9/3 brred 166 #d75f00 50 50 55 203 75 22 18 89 80
+" red #dc322f 1/1 red 160 #d70000 50 65 45 220 50 47 1 79 86
+" magenta #d33682 5/5 magenta 125 #af005f 50 65 -05 211 54 130 331 74 83
+" violet #6c71c4 13/5 brmagenta 61 #5f5faf 50 15 -45 108 113 196 237 45 77
+" blue #268bd2 4/4 blue 33 #0087ff 55 -10 -45 38 139 210 205 82 82
+" cyan #2aa198 6/6 cyan 37 #00afaf 60 -35 -05 42 161 152 175 74 63
+" green #859900 2/2 green 64 #5f8700 60 -20 65 133 153 0 68 100 60
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Useful commands for testing colorschemes:
+" :source $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim
+" :help highlight-groups
+" :help cterm-colors
+" :help group-name
+" Useful links for developing colorschemes:
+" http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2937
+" http://vimcasts.org/episodes/creating-colorschemes-for-vim/
+" http://www.frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/"
+" }}}
+" Environment Specific Overrides "{{{
+" Allow or disallow certain features based on current terminal emulator or
+" environment.
+" Terminals that support italics
+let s:terms_italic=[
+ \"rxvt",
+ \"gnome-terminal"
+ \]
+" For reference only, terminals are known to be incomptible.
+" Terminals that are in neither list need to be tested.
+let s:terms_noitalic=[
+ \"iTerm.app",
+ \"Apple_Terminal"
+ \]
+if has("gui_running")
+ let s:terminal_italic=1 " TODO: could refactor to not require this at all
+ let s:terminal_italic=0 " terminals will be guilty until proven compatible
+ for term in s:terms_italic
+ if $TERM_PROGRAM =~ term
+ let s:terminal_italic=1
+ endif
+ endfor
+" }}}
+" Default option values"{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:options_list is used to autogenerate a list of all non-default options
+" using "call SolarizedOptions()" or with the "Generate .vimrc commands"
+" Solarized menu option. See the "Menus" section below for the function itself.
+let s:options_list=[
+ \'" this block of commands has been autogenerated by solarized.vim and',
+ \'" includes the current, non-default Solarized option values.',
+ \'" To use, place these commands in your .vimrc file (replacing any',
+ \'" existing colorscheme commands). See also ":help solarized"',
+ \'',
+ \'" ------------------------------------------------------------------',
+ \'" Solarized Colorscheme Config',
+ \'" ------------------------------------------------------------------',
+ \]
+let s:colorscheme_list=[
+ \'syntax enable',
+ \'set background='.&background,
+ \'colorscheme solarized',
+ \]
+let s:defaults_list=[
+ \'" ------------------------------------------------------------------',
+ \'',
+ \'" The following items are available options, but do not need to be',
+ \'" included in your .vimrc as they are currently set to their defaults.',
+ \''
+ \]
+let s:lazycat_list=[
+ \'" lazy method of appending this onto your .vimrc ":w! >> ~/.vimrc"',
+ \'" ------------------------------------------------------------------',
+ \]
+function! s:SetOption(name,default)
+ if type(a:default) == type(0)
+ let l:wrap=''
+ let l:ewrap=''
+ else
+ let l:wrap='"'
+ let l:ewrap='\"'
+ endif
+ if !exists("g:solarized_".a:name) || g:solarized_{a:name}==a:default
+ exe 'let g:solarized_'.a:name.'='.l:wrap.a:default.l:wrap.'"'
+ exe 'call add(s:defaults_list, "\" let g:solarized_'.a:name.'='.l:ewrap.g:solarized_{a:name}.l:ewrap.'")'
+ else
+ exe 'call add(s:options_list, "let g:solarized_'.a:name.'='.l:ewrap.g:solarized_{a:name}.l:ewrap.' \"default value is '.a:default.'")'
+ endif
+if ($TERM_PROGRAM ==? "apple_terminal" && &t_Co < 256)
+ let s:solarized_termtrans_default = 1
+ let s:solarized_termtrans_default = 0
+call s:SetOption("termtrans",s:solarized_termtrans_default)
+call s:SetOption("degrade",0)
+call s:SetOption("bold",1)
+call s:SetOption("underline",1)
+call s:SetOption("italic",1) " note that we need to override this later if the terminal doesn't support
+call s:SetOption("termcolors",16)
+call s:SetOption("contrast","normal")
+call s:SetOption("visibility","normal")
+call s:SetOption("diffmode","normal")
+call s:SetOption("hitrail",0)
+call s:SetOption("menu",1)
+" Colorscheme initialization "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+ syntax reset
+let colors_name = "solarized"
+" GUI & CSApprox hexadecimal palettes"{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Set both gui and terminal color values in separate conditional statements
+" Due to possibility that CSApprox is running (though I suppose we could just
+" leave the hex values out entirely in that case and include only cterm colors)
+" We also check to see if user has set solarized (force use of the
+" neutral gray monotone palette component)
+if (has("gui_running") && g:solarized_degrade == 0)
+ let s:vmode = "gui"
+ let s:base03 = "#002b36"
+ let s:base02 = "#073642"
+ let s:base01 = "#586e75"
+ let s:base00 = "#657b83"
+ let s:base0 = "#839496"
+ let s:base1 = "#93a1a1"
+ let s:base2 = "#eee8d5"
+ let s:base3 = "#fdf6e3"
+ let s:yellow = "#b58900"
+ let s:orange = "#cb4b16"
+ let s:red = "#dc322f"
+ let s:magenta = "#d33682"
+ let s:violet = "#6c71c4"
+ let s:blue = "#268bd2"
+ let s:cyan = "#2aa198"
+ "let s:green = "#859900" "original
+ let s:green = "#719e07" "experimental
+elseif (has("gui_running") && g:solarized_degrade == 1)
+ " These colors are identical to the 256 color mode. They may be viewed
+ " while in gui mode via "let g:solarized_degrade=1", though this is not
+ " recommened and is for testing only.
+ let s:vmode = "gui"
+ let s:base03 = "#1c1c1c"
+ let s:base02 = "#262626"
+ let s:base01 = "#4e4e4e"
+ let s:base00 = "#585858"
+ let s:base0 = "#808080"
+ let s:base1 = "#8a8a8a"
+ let s:base2 = "#d7d7af"
+ let s:base3 = "#ffffd7"
+ let s:yellow = "#af8700"
+ let s:orange = "#d75f00"
+ let s:red = "#af0000"
+ let s:magenta = "#af005f"
+ let s:violet = "#5f5faf"
+ let s:blue = "#0087ff"
+ let s:cyan = "#00afaf"
+ let s:green = "#5f8700"
+elseif g:solarized_termcolors != 256 && &t_Co >= 16
+ let s:vmode = "cterm"
+ let s:base03 = "8"
+ let s:base02 = "0"
+ let s:base01 = "10"
+ let s:base00 = "11"
+ let s:base0 = "12"
+ let s:base1 = "14"
+ let s:base2 = "7"
+ let s:base3 = "15"
+ let s:yellow = "3"
+ let s:orange = "9"
+ let s:red = "1"
+ let s:magenta = "5"
+ let s:violet = "13"
+ let s:blue = "4"
+ let s:cyan = "6"
+ let s:green = "2"
+elseif g:solarized_termcolors == 256
+ let s:vmode = "cterm"
+ let s:base03 = "234"
+ let s:base02 = "235"
+ let s:base01 = "239"
+ let s:base00 = "240"
+ let s:base0 = "244"
+ let s:base1 = "245"
+ let s:base2 = "187"
+ let s:base3 = "230"
+ let s:yellow = "136"
+ let s:orange = "166"
+ let s:red = "124"
+ let s:magenta = "125"
+ let s:violet = "61"
+ let s:blue = "33"
+ let s:cyan = "37"
+ let s:green = "64"
+ let s:vmode = "cterm"
+ let s:bright = "* term=bold cterm=bold"
+" let s:base03 = "0".s:bright
+" let s:base02 = "0"
+" let s:base01 = "2".s:bright
+" let s:base00 = "3".s:bright
+" let s:base0 = "4".s:bright
+" let s:base1 = "6".s:bright
+" let s:base2 = "7"
+" let s:base3 = "7".s:bright
+" let s:yellow = "3"
+" let s:orange = "1".s:bright
+" let s:red = "1"
+" let s:magenta = "5"
+" let s:violet = "5".s:bright
+" let s:blue = "4"
+" let s:cyan = "6"
+" let s:green = "2"
+ let s:base03 = "DarkGray" " 0*
+ let s:base02 = "Black" " 0
+ let s:base01 = "LightGreen" " 2*
+ let s:base00 = "LightYellow" " 3*
+ let s:base0 = "LightBlue" " 4*
+ let s:base1 = "LightCyan" " 6*
+ let s:base2 = "LightGray" " 7
+ let s:base3 = "White" " 7*
+ let s:yellow = "DarkYellow" " 3
+ let s:orange = "LightRed" " 1*
+ let s:red = "DarkRed" " 1
+ let s:magenta = "DarkMagenta" " 5
+ let s:violet = "LightMagenta" " 5*
+ let s:blue = "DarkBlue" " 4
+ let s:cyan = "DarkCyan" " 6
+ let s:green = "DarkGreen" " 2
+" Formatting options and null values for passthrough effect "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ let s:none = "NONE"
+ let s:none = "NONE"
+ let s:t_none = "NONE"
+ let s:n = "NONE"
+ let s:c = ",undercurl"
+ let s:r = ",reverse"
+ let s:s = ",standout"
+ let s:ou = ""
+ let s:ob = ""
+" Background value based on termtrans setting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+if (has("gui_running") || g:solarized_termtrans == 0)
+ let s:back = s:base03
+ let s:back = "NONE"
+" Alternate light scheme "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+if &background == "light"
+ let s:temp03 = s:base03
+ let s:temp02 = s:base02
+ let s:temp01 = s:base01
+ let s:temp00 = s:base00
+ let s:base03 = s:base3
+ let s:base02 = s:base2
+ let s:base01 = s:base1
+ let s:base00 = s:base0
+ let s:base0 = s:temp00
+ let s:base1 = s:temp01
+ let s:base2 = s:temp02
+ let s:base3 = s:temp03
+ if (s:back != "NONE")
+ let s:back = s:base03
+ endif
+" Optional contrast schemes "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+if g:solarized_contrast == "high"
+ let s:base01 = s:base00
+ let s:base00 = s:base0
+ let s:base0 = s:base1
+ let s:base1 = s:base2
+ let s:base2 = s:base3
+ let s:back = s:back
+if g:solarized_contrast == "low"
+ let s:back = s:base02
+ let s:ou = ",underline"
+" Overrides dependent on user specified values and environment "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+if (g:solarized_bold == 0 || &t_Co == 8 )
+ let s:b = ""
+ let s:bb = ",bold"
+ let s:b = ",bold"
+ let s:bb = ""
+if g:solarized_underline == 0
+ let s:u = ""
+ let s:u = ",underline"
+if g:solarized_italic == 0 || s:terminal_italic == 0
+ let s:i = ""
+ let s:i = ",italic"
+" Highlighting primitives"{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "let s:bg_none = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:none ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_back = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:back ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base03 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base03 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base02 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base02 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base01 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base01 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base00 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base00 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base0 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base0 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base1 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base1 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base2 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base2 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_base3 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base3 ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_green = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:green ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_yellow = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:yellow ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_orange = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:orange ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_red = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:red ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_magenta = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:magenta."'"
+exe "let s:bg_violet = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:violet ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_blue = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:blue ."'"
+exe "let s:bg_cyan = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:cyan ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_none = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:none ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_back = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:back ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base03 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base03 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base02 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base02 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base01 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base01 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base00 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base00 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base0 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base0 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base1 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base1 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base2 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base2 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_base3 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base3 ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_green = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:green ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_yellow = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:yellow ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_orange = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:orange ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_red = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:red ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_magenta = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:magenta."'"
+exe "let s:fg_violet = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:violet ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_blue = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:blue ."'"
+exe "let s:fg_cyan = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:cyan ."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_none = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE". " term=NONE". "'"
+exe "let s:fmt_bold = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:b. " term=NONE".s:b."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_bldi = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:b. " term=NONE".s:b."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_undr = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:u. " term=NONE".s:u."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_undb = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:u.s:b. " term=NONE".s:u.s:b."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_undi = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:u. " term=NONE".s:u."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_uopt = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:ou. " term=NONE".s:ou."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_curl = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:c. " term=NONE".s:c."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_ital = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:i. " term=NONE".s:i."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_stnd = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:s. " term=NONE".s:s."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_revr = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:r. " term=NONE".s:r."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_revb = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:r.s:b. " term=NONE".s:r.s:b."'"
+" revbb (reverse bold for bright colors) is only set to actual bold in low
+" color terminals (t_co=8, such as OS X Terminal.app) and should only be used
+" with colors 8-15.
+exe "let s:fmt_revbb = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:r.s:bb. " term=NONE".s:r.s:bb."'"
+exe "let s:fmt_revbbu = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:r.s:bb.s:u." term=NONE".s:r.s:bb.s:u."'"
+if has("gui_running")
+ exe "let s:sp_none = ' guisp=".s:none ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_back = ' guisp=".s:back ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base03 = ' guisp=".s:base03 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base02 = ' guisp=".s:base02 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base01 = ' guisp=".s:base01 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base00 = ' guisp=".s:base00 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base0 = ' guisp=".s:base0 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base1 = ' guisp=".s:base1 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base2 = ' guisp=".s:base2 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_base3 = ' guisp=".s:base3 ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_green = ' guisp=".s:green ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_yellow = ' guisp=".s:yellow ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_orange = ' guisp=".s:orange ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_red = ' guisp=".s:red ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_magenta = ' guisp=".s:magenta."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_violet = ' guisp=".s:violet ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_blue = ' guisp=".s:blue ."'"
+ exe "let s:sp_cyan = ' guisp=".s:cyan ."'"
+ let s:sp_none = ""
+ let s:sp_back = ""
+ let s:sp_base03 = ""
+ let s:sp_base02 = ""
+ let s:sp_base01 = ""
+ let s:sp_base00 = ""
+ let s:sp_base0 = ""
+ let s:sp_base1 = ""
+ let s:sp_base2 = ""
+ let s:sp_base3 = ""
+ let s:sp_green = ""
+ let s:sp_yellow = ""
+ let s:sp_orange = ""
+ let s:sp_red = ""
+ let s:sp_magenta = ""
+ let s:sp_violet = ""
+ let s:sp_blue = ""
+ let s:sp_cyan = ""
+" Basic highlighting"{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" note that link syntax to avoid duplicate configuration doesn't work with the
+" exe compiled formats
+exe "hi! Normal" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_back
+exe "hi! Comment" .s:fmt_ital .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none
+" *Comment any comment
+exe "hi! Constant" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none
+" *Constant any constant
+" String a string constant: "this is a string"
+" Character a character constant: 'c', '\n'
+" Number a number constant: 234, 0xff
+" Boolean a boolean constant: TRUE, false
+" Float a floating point constant: 2.3e10
+exe "hi! Identifier" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+" *Identifier any variable name
+" Function function name (also: methods for classes)
+exe "hi! Statement" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_green .s:bg_none
+" *Statement any statement
+" Conditional if, then, else, endif, switch, etc.
+" Repeat for, do, while, etc.
+" Label case, default, etc.
+" Operator "sizeof", "+", "*", etc.
+" Keyword any other keyword
+" Exception try, catch, throw
+exe "hi! PreProc" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_orange .s:bg_none
+" *PreProc generic Preprocessor
+" Include preprocessor #include
+" Define preprocessor #define
+" Macro same as Define
+" PreCondit preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.
+exe "hi! Type" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none
+" *Type int, long, char, etc.
+" StorageClass static, register, volatile, etc.
+" Structure struct, union, enum, etc.
+" Typedef A typedef
+exe "hi! Special" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+" *Special any special symbol
+" SpecialChar special character in a constant
+" Tag you can use CTRL-] on this
+" Delimiter character that needs attention
+" SpecialComment special things inside a comment
+" Debug debugging statements
+exe "hi! Underlined" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none
+" *Underlined text that stands out, HTML links
+exe "hi! Ignore" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_none .s:bg_none
+" *Ignore left blank, hidden |hl-Ignore|
+exe "hi! Error" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+" *Error any erroneous construct
+exe "hi! Todo" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none
+" *Todo anything that needs extra attention; mostly the
+" keywords TODO FIXME and XXX
+" Extended highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+if (g:solarized_visibility=="high")
+ exe "hi! SpecialKey" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+ exe "hi! NonText" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+elseif (g:solarized_visibility=="low")
+ exe "hi! SpecialKey" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base02 .s:bg_none
+ exe "hi! NonText" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base02 .s:bg_none
+ exe "hi! SpecialKey" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_base02
+ exe "hi! NonText" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! StatusLine" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base1 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! StatusLineNC" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! Visual" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_base03 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! Directory" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! ErrorMsg" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! IncSearch" .s:fmt_stnd .s:fg_orange .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! Search" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! MoreMsg" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! ModeMsg" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! LineNr" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_base02
+exe "hi! Question" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none
+if ( has("gui_running") || &t_Co > 8 )
+ exe "hi! VertSplit" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_base00
+ exe "hi! VertSplit" .s:fmt_revbb .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_base02
+exe "hi! Title" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_orange .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! VisualNOS" .s:fmt_stnd .s:fg_none .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! WarningMsg" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! WildMenu" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base2 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! Folded" .s:fmt_undb .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_base03
+exe "hi! FoldColumn" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02
+if (g:solarized_diffmode=="high")
+exe "hi! DiffAdd" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_green .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! DiffChange" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! DiffDelete" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! DiffText" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+elseif (g:solarized_diffmode=="low")
+exe "hi! DiffAdd" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:sp_green
+exe "hi! DiffChange" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:sp_yellow
+exe "hi! DiffDelete" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! DiffText" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:sp_blue
+else " normal
+ if has("gui_running")
+exe "hi! DiffAdd" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_green .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_green
+exe "hi! DiffChange" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_yellow
+exe "hi! DiffDelete" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_base02
+exe "hi! DiffText" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_blue .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_blue
+ else
+exe "hi! DiffAdd" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_green .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_green
+exe "hi! DiffChange" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_yellow
+exe "hi! DiffDelete" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_red .s:bg_base02
+exe "hi! DiffText" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_blue
+ endif
+exe "hi! SignColumn" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0
+exe "hi! Conceal" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! SpellBad" .s:fmt_curl .s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:sp_red
+exe "hi! SpellCap" .s:fmt_curl .s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:sp_violet
+exe "hi! SpellRare" .s:fmt_curl .s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:sp_cyan
+exe "hi! SpellLocal" .s:fmt_curl .s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:sp_yellow
+exe "hi! Pmenu" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! PmenuSel" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_base2 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! PmenuSbar" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base2 .s:bg_base0 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! PmenuThumb" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base03 .s:fmt_revbb
+exe "hi! TabLine" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_base0
+exe "hi! TabLineFill" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_base0
+exe "hi! TabLineSel" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_base2 .s:sp_base0 .s:fmt_revbbu
+exe "hi! CursorColumn" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_none .s:bg_base02
+exe "hi! CursorLine" .s:fmt_uopt .s:fg_none .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_base1
+exe "hi! ColorColumn" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_none .s:bg_base02
+exe "hi! Cursor" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base03 .s:bg_base0
+hi! link lCursor Cursor
+exe "hi! MatchParen" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_base01
+" vim syntax highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+"exe "hi! vimLineComment" . s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital
+"hi! link vimComment Comment
+"hi! link vimLineComment Comment
+hi! link vimVar Identifier
+hi! link vimFunc Function
+hi! link vimUserFunc Function
+hi! link helpSpecial Special
+hi! link vimSet Normal
+hi! link vimSetEqual Normal
+exe "hi! vimCommentString" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimCommand" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimCmdSep" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! helpExample" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base1 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! helpOption" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! helpNote" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none
+exe "hi! helpVim" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none
+exe "hi! helpHyperTextJump" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! helpHyperTextEntry".s:fmt_none .s:fg_green .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimIsCommand" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimSynMtchOpt" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimSynType" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimHiLink" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimHiGroup" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! vimGroup" .s:fmt_undb .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+" diff highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+hi! link diffAdded Statement
+hi! link diffLine Identifier
+" git & gitcommit highlighting "{{{
+"exe "hi! gitDateHeader"
+"exe "hi! gitIdentityHeader"
+"exe "hi! gitIdentityKeyword"
+"exe "hi! gitNotesHeader"
+"exe "hi! gitReflogHeader"
+"exe "hi! gitKeyword"
+"exe "hi! gitIdentity"
+"exe "hi! gitEmailDelimiter"
+"exe "hi! gitEmail"
+"exe "hi! gitDate"
+"exe "hi! gitMode"
+"exe "hi! gitHashAbbrev"
+"exe "hi! gitHash"
+"exe "hi! gitReflogMiddle"
+"exe "hi! gitReference"
+"exe "hi! gitStage"
+"exe "hi! gitType"
+"exe "hi! gitDiffAdded"
+"exe "hi! gitDiffRemoved"
+"exe "hi! gitcommitSummary"
+exe "hi! gitcommitComment" .s:fmt_ital .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none
+hi! link gitcommitUntracked gitcommitComment
+hi! link gitcommitDiscarded gitcommitComment
+hi! link gitcommitSelected gitcommitComment
+exe "hi! gitcommitUnmerged" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_green .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitOnBranch" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitBranch" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_magenta .s:bg_none
+hi! link gitcommitNoBranch gitcommitBranch
+exe "hi! gitcommitDiscardedType".s:fmt_none .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitSelectedType" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_green .s:bg_none
+"exe "hi! gitcommitUnmergedType"
+"exe "hi! gitcommitType"
+"exe "hi! gitcommitNoChanges"
+"exe "hi! gitcommitHeader"
+exe "hi! gitcommitHeader" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitUntrackedFile".s:fmt_bold .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitDiscardedFile".s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitSelectedFile" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_green .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitUnmergedFile" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! gitcommitFile" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none
+hi! link gitcommitDiscardedArrow gitcommitDiscardedFile
+hi! link gitcommitSelectedArrow gitcommitSelectedFile
+hi! link gitcommitUnmergedArrow gitcommitUnmergedFile
+"exe "hi! gitcommitArrow"
+"exe "hi! gitcommitOverflow"
+"exe "hi! gitcommitBlank"
+" }}}
+" html highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "hi! htmlTag" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! htmlEndTag" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! htmlTagN" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base1 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! htmlTagName" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! htmlSpecialTagName".s:fmt_ital .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! htmlArg" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! javaScript" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none
+" perl highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "hi! perlHereDoc" . s:fg_base1 .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! perlVarPlain" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! perlStatementFileDesc". s:fg_cyan.s:bg_back.s:fmt_none
+" tex highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "hi! texStatement" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! texMathZoneX" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! texMathMatcher" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! texMathMatcher" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! texRefLabel" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none
+" ruby highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "hi! rubyDefine" . s:fg_base1 .s:bg_back .s:fmt_bold
+"hi! link rubyArrayDelimiter Special " [ , , ]
+"rubyCurlyBlock { , , }
+"hi! link rubyClass Keyword
+"hi! link rubyModule Keyword
+"hi! link rubyKeyword Keyword
+"hi! link rubyOperator Operator
+"hi! link rubyIdentifier Identifier
+"hi! link rubyInstanceVariable Identifier
+"hi! link rubyGlobalVariable Identifier
+"hi! link rubyClassVariable Identifier
+"hi! link rubyConstant Type
+" haskell syntax highlighting"{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" For use with syntax/haskell.vim : Haskell Syntax File
+" http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3034
+" See also Steffen Siering's github repository:
+" http://github.com/urso/dotrc/blob/master/vim/syntax/haskell.vim
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Treat True and False specially, see the plugin referenced above
+let hs_highlight_boolean=1
+" highlight delims, see the plugin referenced above
+let hs_highlight_delimiters=1
+exe "hi! cPreCondit". s:fg_orange.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! VarId" . s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! ConId" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsImport" . s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsString" . s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsStructure" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hs_hlFunctionName" . s:fg_blue .s:bg_none
+exe "hi! hsStatement" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsImportLabel" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hs_OpFunctionName" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hs_DeclareFunction" . s:fg_orange .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsVarSym" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsType" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsTypedef" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsModuleName" . s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr
+exe "hi! hsModuleStartLabel" . s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+hi! link hsImportParams Delimiter
+hi! link hsDelimTypeExport Delimiter
+hi! link hsModuleStartLabel hsStructure
+hi! link hsModuleWhereLabel hsModuleStartLabel
+" following is for the haskell-conceal plugin
+" the first two items don't have an impact, but better safe
+exe "hi! hsNiceOperator" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! hsniceoperator" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+" pandoc markdown syntax highlighting "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+"PandocHiLink pandocNormalBlock
+exe "hi! pandocTitleBlock" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocTitleBlockTitle" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocTitleComment" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocComment" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital
+exe "hi! pandocVerbatimBlock" .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+hi! link pandocVerbatimBlockDeep pandocVerbatimBlock
+hi! link pandocCodeBlock pandocVerbatimBlock
+hi! link pandocCodeBlockDelim pandocVerbatimBlock
+exe "hi! pandocBlockQuote" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader1" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader2" .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader3" .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader4" .s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader5" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader6" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocListMarker" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocListReference" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr
+" Definitions
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+let s:fg_pdef = s:fg_violet
+exe "hi! pandocDefinitionBlock" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocDefinitionTerm" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_stnd
+exe "hi! pandocDefinitionIndctr" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasisDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasisNestedDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNestedDefinition" .s:fg_pdef.s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisDefinition" .s:fg_pdef.s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrikeoutDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr
+exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInlineDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocSuperscriptDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocSubscriptDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+" Tables
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+let s:fg_ptable = s:fg_blue
+exe "hi! pandocTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocTableStructure" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+hi! link pandocTableStructureTop pandocTableStructre
+hi! link pandocTableStructureEnd pandocTableStructre
+exe "hi! pandocTableZebraLight" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_base03.s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocTableZebraDark" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_base02.s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasisTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasisNestedTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNestedTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrikeoutTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr
+exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInlineTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocSuperscriptTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocSubscriptTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+" Headings
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+let s:fg_phead = s:fg_orange
+exe "hi! pandocHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocHeadingMarker" .s:fg_yellow.s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasisHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasisNestedHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNestedHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisHeading".s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrikeoutHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_revr
+exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInlineHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocSuperscriptHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocSubscriptHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold
+" Links
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "hi! pandocLinkDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocLinkLabel" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr
+exe "hi! pandocLinkText" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undb
+exe "hi! pandocLinkURL" .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr
+exe "hi! pandocLinkTitle" .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undi
+exe "hi! pandocLinkTitleDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undi .s:sp_base00
+exe "hi! pandocLinkDefinition" .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr .s:sp_base00
+exe "hi! pandocLinkDefinitionID" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocImageCaption" .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undb
+exe "hi! pandocFootnoteLink" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr
+exe "hi! pandocFootnoteDefLink" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocFootnoteInline" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undb
+exe "hi! pandocFootnote" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocCitationDelim" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocCitation" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocCitationID" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr
+exe "hi! pandocCitationRef" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+" Main Styles
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "hi! pandocStyleDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasis" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital
+exe "hi! pandocEmphasisNested" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasis" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNested" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasis" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi
+exe "hi! pandocStrikeout" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr
+exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInline" .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocSuperscript" .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocSubscript" .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocRule" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocRuleLine" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocEscapePair" .s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+exe "hi! pandocCitationRef" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocNonBreakingSpace" . s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr
+hi! link pandocEscapedCharacter pandocEscapePair
+hi! link pandocLineBreak pandocEscapePair
+" Embedded Code
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exe "hi! pandocMetadataDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocMetadata" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocMetadataKey" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none
+exe "hi! pandocMetadata" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold
+hi! link pandocMetadataTitle pandocMetadata
+" Utility autocommand "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" In cases where Solarized is initialized inside a terminal vim session and
+" then transferred to a gui session via the command `:gui`, the gui vim process
+" does not re-read the colorscheme (or .vimrc for that matter) so any `has_gui`
+" related code that sets gui specific values isn't executed.
+" Currently, Solarized sets only the cterm or gui values for the colorscheme
+" depending on gui or terminal mode. It's possible that, if the following
+" autocommand method is deemed excessively poor form, that approach will be
+" used again and the autocommand below will be dropped.
+" However it seems relatively benign in this case to include the autocommand
+" here. It fires only in cases where vim is transferring from terminal to gui
+" mode (detected with the script scope s:vmode variable). It also allows for
+" other potential terminal customizations that might make gui mode suboptimal.
+autocmd GUIEnter * if (s:vmode != "gui") | exe "colorscheme " . g:colors_name | endif
+" Highlight Trailing Space {{{
+" Experimental: Different highlight when on cursorline
+function! s:SolarizedHiTrail()
+ if g:solarized_hitrail==0
+ hi! clear solarizedTrailingSpace
+ else
+ syn match solarizedTrailingSpace "\s*$"
+ exe "hi! solarizedTrailingSpace " .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:sp_red
+ endif
+augroup SolarizedHiTrail
+ autocmd!
+ if g:solarized_hitrail==1
+ autocmd! Syntax * call s:SolarizedHiTrail()
+ autocmd! ColorScheme * if g:colors_name == "solarized" | call s:SolarizedHiTrail() | else | augroup! s:SolarizedHiTrail | endif
+ endif
+augroup END
+" }}}
+" Menus "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Turn off Solarized menu by including the following assignment in your .vimrc:
+" let g:solarized_menu=0
+function! s:SolarizedOptions()
+ new "new buffer
+ setf vim "vim filetype
+ let failed = append(0, s:defaults_list)
+ let failed = append(0, s:colorscheme_list)
+ let failed = append(0, s:options_list)
+ let failed = append(0, s:lazycat_list)
+ 0 "jump back to the top
+if !exists(":SolarizedOptions")
+ command SolarizedOptions :call s:SolarizedOptions()
+function! SolarizedMenu()
+ if exists("g:loaded_solarized_menu")
+ try
+ silent! aunmenu Solarized
+ endtry
+ endif
+ let g:loaded_solarized_menu = 1
+ if g:colors_name == "solarized" && g:solarized_menu != 0
+ amenu &Solarized.&Contrast.&Low\ Contrast :let g:solarized_contrast="low" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Contrast.&Normal\ Contrast :let g:solarized_contrast="normal" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Contrast.&High\ Contrast :let g:solarized_contrast="high" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ an &Solarized.&Contrast.-sep- <Nop>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Contrast.&Help:\ Contrast :help 'solarized_contrast'<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Visibility.&Low\ Visibility :let g:solarized_visibility="low" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Visibility.&Normal\ Visibility :let g:solarized_visibility="normal" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Visibility.&High\ Visibility :let g:solarized_visibility="high" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ an &Solarized.&Visibility.-sep- <Nop>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Visibility.&Help:\ Visibility :help 'solarized_visibility'<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Background.&Toggle\ Background :ToggleBG<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Background.&Dark\ Background :set background=dark \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Background.&Light\ Background :set background=light \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ an &Solarized.&Background.-sep- <Nop>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Background.&Help:\ ToggleBG :help togglebg<CR>
+ if g:solarized_bold==0 | let l:boldswitch="On" | else | let l:boldswitch="Off" | endif
+ exe "amenu &Solarized.&Styling.&Turn\\ Bold\\ ".l:boldswitch." :let g:solarized_bold=(abs(g:solarized_bold-1)) \\| colorscheme solarized<CR>"
+ if g:solarized_italic==0 | let l:italicswitch="On" | else | let l:italicswitch="Off" | endif
+ exe "amenu &Solarized.&Styling.&Turn\\ Italic\\ ".l:italicswitch." :let g:solarized_italic=(abs(g:solarized_italic-1)) \\| colorscheme solarized<CR>"
+ if g:solarized_underline==0 | let l:underlineswitch="On" | else | let l:underlineswitch="Off" | endif
+ exe "amenu &Solarized.&Styling.&Turn\\ Underline\\ ".l:underlineswitch." :let g:solarized_underline=(abs(g:solarized_underline-1)) \\| colorscheme solarized<CR>"
+ amenu &Solarized.&Diff\ Mode.&Low\ Diff\ Mode :let g:solarized_diffmode="low" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Diff\ Mode.&Normal\ Diff\ Mode :let g:solarized_diffmode="normal" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Diff\ Mode.&High\ Diff\ Mode :let g:solarized_diffmode="high" \| colorscheme solarized<CR>
+ if g:solarized_hitrail==0 | let l:hitrailswitch="On" | else | let l:hitrailswitch="Off" | endif
+ exe "amenu &Solarized.&Experimental.&Turn\\ Highlight\\ Trailing\\ Spaces\\ ".l:hitrailswitch." :let g:solarized_hitrail=(abs(g:solarized_hitrail-1)) \\| colorscheme solarized<CR>"
+ an &Solarized.&Experimental.-sep- <Nop>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Experimental.&Help:\ HiTrail :help 'solarized_hitrail'<CR>
+ an &Solarized.-sep1- <Nop>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Autogenerate\ options :SolarizedOptions<CR>
+ an &Solarized.-sep2- <Nop>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Help.&Solarized\ Help :help solarized<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Help.&Toggle\ Background\ Help :help togglebg<CR>
+ amenu &Solarized.&Help.&Removing\ This\ Menu :help solarized-menu<CR>
+ an 9999.77 &Help.&Solarized\ Colorscheme :help solarized<CR>
+ an 9999.78 &Help.&Toggle\ Background :help togglebg<CR>
+ an 9999.79 &Help.-sep3- <Nop>
+ endif
+autocmd ColorScheme * if g:colors_name != "solarized" | silent! aunmenu Solarized | else | call SolarizedMenu() | endif
+" License "{{{
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Copyright (c) 2011 Ethan Schoonover
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+" in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+" to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+" copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+" vim:foldmethod=marker:foldlevel=0
diff --git a/colors/zenburn.vim b/colors/zenburn.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..923e2eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/zenburn.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+" Vim color file
+" Maintainer: Jani Nurminen <slinky@iki.fi>
+" Last Change: $Id: zenburn.vim,v 2.21 2011/04/26 12:13:41 slinky Exp slinky $
+" URL: http://slinky.imukuppi.org/zenburnpage/
+" License: GNU GPL <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
+" Nothing too fancy, just some alien fruit salad to keep you in the zone.
+" This syntax file was designed to be used with dark environments and
+" low light situations. Of course, if it works during a daybright office, go
+" ahead :)
+" Owes heavily to other Vim color files! With special mentions
+" to "BlackDust", "Camo" and "Desert".
+" To install, copy to ~/.vim/colors directory.
+" Alternatively, you can use Vimball installation:
+" vim zenburn.vba
+" :so %
+" :q
+" For details, see :help vimball
+" After installation, use it with :colorscheme zenburn.
+" See also :help syntax
+" Credits:
+" - Jani Nurminen - original Zenburn, maintainer
+" - Steve Hall & Cream posse - higher-contrast Visual selection
+" - Kurt Maier - 256 color console coloring, low and high contrast toggle,
+" bug fixing
+" - Charlie - spotted too bright StatusLine in non-high contrast mode
+" - Pablo Castellazzi - CursorLine fix for 256 color mode
+" - Tim Smith - force dark background
+" - John Gabriele - spotted bad Ignore-group handling
+" - Zac Thompson - spotted invisible NonText in low contrast mode
+" - Christophe-Marie Duquesne - suggested making a Vimball,
+" suggested support for ctags_highlighting.vim
+" - Andrew Wagner - noted the CursorColumn bug (guifg was unintentionally set),
+" unify CursorColumn colour
+" - Martin Langasek - clarify the license, whitespace fixes
+" - Marcin Szamotulski - support autocomplete for Zenburn configuration
+" parameters
+" - Clayton Parker (claytron) - Convinced by Kurt Maier to use Zenburn. Point
+" out issues with LineNr, fix directory styles, and their usage in MacVim.
+" - Paweł Piekarski - Spotted bad FoldColumn and TabLine. Made better
+" FoldColumn colors, fixed TabLine colors.
+" You can use the default (don't set any parameters), or you can
+" set some parameters to tweak the Zenburn colours.
+" To use them, put them into your .vimrc file before loading the color scheme,
+" example:
+" let g:zenburn_high_Contrast=1
+" colors zenburn
+" You can also do ":let g:zenburn" then hit Ctrl-d or Tab to scroll through the
+" list of configurable parameters.
+" * You can now set a darker background for bright environments. To activate, use:
+" contrast Zenburn, use:
+" let g:zenburn_high_Contrast = 1
+" * For example, Vim help files uses the Ignore-group for the pipes in tags
+" like "|somelink.txt|". By default, the pipes are not visible, as they
+" map to Ignore group. If you wish to enable coloring of the Ignore group,
+" set the following parameter to 1. Warning, it might make some syntax files
+" look strange.
+" let g:zenburn_color_also_Ignore = 1
+" * To get more contrast to the Visual selection, use
+" let g:zenburn_alternate_Visual = 1
+" Note: this is enabled only if the old-style Visual
+" if used, see g:zenburn_old_Visual
+" * To use alternate colouring for Error message, use
+" let g:zenburn_alternate_Error = 1
+" * The new default for Include is a duller orange. To use the original
+" colouring for Include, use
+" let g:zenburn_alternate_Include = 1
+" * Work-around to a Vim bug, it seems to misinterpret ctermfg and 234 and 237
+" as light values, and sets background to light for some people. If you have
+" this problem, use:
+" let g:zenburn_force_dark_Background = 1
+" * By default the CursorColumn is of a lighter colour. I find it more readable
+" that way, but some people may want to align it with the darker CursorLine
+" color, for visual uniformity. To do so, use:
+" let g:zenburn_unified_CursorColumn = 1
+" Note: you can ignore this unless you use
+" ":set cursorline cursorcolumn", since otherwise the effect won't be
+" seen.
+" * New (dark) Visual coloring has been introduced.
+" The dark Visual is more aligned with the rest of the colour scheme,
+" especially if you use line numbers. If you wish to use the
+" old Visual coloring, use
+" let g:zenburn_old_Visual = 1
+" Default is to use the new Visual.
+" * EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE: Zenburn will automatically detect if you
+" have ctags_highlighting.vim (by Al Budden,
+" http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2646) enabled, and
+" will set sensible highlight links. Nothing will happen if you do
+" not have ctags_highlighting.vim. If you do not want this feature, you can
+" override the check with:
+" let g:zenburn_disable_ctags_highlighting_support = 1
+" NOTE:
+" * To turn the parameter(s) back to defaults, use UNLET or set them to 0:
+" unlet g:zenburn_alternate_Include
+" or
+" let g:zenburn_alternate_Include = 0
+" That's it, enjoy!
+" - Visual alternate color is broken? Try GVim >= 7.0.66 if you have trouble
+" - IME colouring (CursorIM)
+" Set defaults, but keep any parameters already set by the user
+if ! exists("g:zenburn_high_Contrast")
+ let g:zenburn_high_Contrast = 0
+if ! exists("g:zenburn_color_also_Ignore")
+ let g:zenburn_color_also_Ignore = 0
+if ! exists("g:zenburn_alternate_Error")
+ let g:zenburn_alternate_Error = 0
+if ! exists("g:zenburn_force_dark_Background")
+ let g:zenburn_force_dark_Background = 0
+if ! exists("g:zenburn_alternate_Visual")
+ let g:zenburn_alternate_Visual = 0
+if ! exists("g:zenburn_alternate_Include")
+ let g:zenburn_alternate_Include = 0
+if ! exists("g:zenburn_unified_CursorColumn")
+ let g:zenburn_unified_CursorColumn = 0
+if ! exists("g:zenburn_old_Visual")
+ let g:zenburn_old_Visual = 0
+if ! exists("g:zenburn_disable_ctags_highlighting_support")
+ " enabled by default
+ let g:zenburn_disable_ctags_highlighting_support = 0
+" -----------------------------------------------
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+ syntax reset
+let g:colors_name="zenburn"
+" check for ctags-highlighting
+if exists("g:loaded_ctags_highlighting") && g:loaded_ctags_highlighting && ! g:zenburn_disable_ctags_highlighting_support
+ " internal
+ let _zenburn_ctags = 1
+hi Boolean guifg=#dca3a3
+hi Character guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
+hi Comment guifg=#7f9f7f gui=italic
+hi Conditional guifg=#f0dfaf gui=bold
+hi Constant guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
+hi Cursor guifg=#000d18 guibg=#8faf9f gui=bold
+hi Debug guifg=#bca3a3 gui=bold
+hi Define guifg=#ffcfaf gui=bold
+hi Delimiter guifg=#8f8f8f
+hi DiffAdd guifg=#709080 guibg=#313c36 gui=bold
+hi DiffChange guibg=#333333
+hi DiffDelete guifg=#333333 guibg=#464646
+hi DiffText guifg=#ecbcbc guibg=#41363c gui=bold
+hi Directory guifg=#9fafaf gui=bold
+hi ErrorMsg guifg=#80d4aa guibg=#2f2f2f gui=bold
+hi Exception guifg=#c3bf9f gui=bold
+hi Float guifg=#c0bed1
+hi FoldColumn guifg=#93b3a3 guibg=#3f4040
+hi Folded guifg=#93b3a3 guibg=#3f4040
+hi Function guifg=#efef8f
+hi Identifier guifg=#efdcbc
+hi IncSearch guibg=#f8f893 guifg=#385f38
+hi Keyword guifg=#f0dfaf gui=bold
+hi Label guifg=#dfcfaf gui=underline
+hi Macro guifg=#ffcfaf gui=bold
+hi ModeMsg guifg=#ffcfaf gui=none
+hi MoreMsg guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
+hi Number guifg=#8cd0d3
+hi Operator guifg=#f0efd0
+hi PreCondit guifg=#dfaf8f gui=bold
+hi PreProc guifg=#ffcfaf gui=bold
+hi Question guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
+hi Repeat guifg=#ffd7a7 gui=bold
+hi Search guifg=#ffffe0 guibg=#284f28
+hi SpecialChar guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
+hi SpecialComment guifg=#82a282 gui=bold
+hi Special guifg=#cfbfaf
+hi SpecialKey guifg=#9ece9e
+hi Statement guifg=#e3ceab gui=none
+hi StatusLine guifg=#313633 guibg=#ccdc90
+hi StatusLineNC guifg=#2e3330 guibg=#88b090
+hi StorageClass guifg=#c3bf9f gui=bold
+hi String guifg=#cc9393
+hi Structure guifg=#efefaf gui=bold
+hi Tag guifg=#e89393 gui=bold
+hi Title guifg=#efefef gui=bold
+hi Todo guifg=#dfdfdf guibg=bg gui=bold
+hi Typedef guifg=#dfe4cf gui=bold
+hi Type guifg=#dfdfbf gui=bold
+hi Underlined guifg=#dcdccc gui=underline
+hi VertSplit guifg=#2e3330 guibg=#688060
+hi VisualNOS guifg=#333333 guibg=#f18c96 gui=bold,underline
+hi WarningMsg guifg=#ffffff guibg=#333333 gui=bold
+hi WildMenu guibg=#2c302d guifg=#cbecd0 gui=underline
+hi SpellBad guisp=#bc6c4c guifg=#dc8c6c
+hi SpellCap guisp=#6c6c9c guifg=#8c8cbc
+hi SpellRare guisp=#bc6c9c guifg=#bc8cbc
+hi SpellLocal guisp=#7cac7c guifg=#9ccc9c
+" Entering Kurt zone
+if &t_Co > 255
+ hi Boolean ctermfg=181
+ hi Character ctermfg=181 cterm=bold
+ hi Comment ctermfg=108
+ hi Conditional ctermfg=223 cterm=bold
+ hi Constant ctermfg=181 cterm=bold
+ hi Cursor ctermfg=233 ctermbg=109 cterm=bold
+ hi Debug ctermfg=181 cterm=bold
+ hi Define ctermfg=223 cterm=bold
+ hi Delimiter ctermfg=245
+ hi DiffAdd ctermfg=66 ctermbg=237 cterm=bold
+ hi DiffChange ctermbg=236
+ hi DiffDelete ctermfg=236 ctermbg=238
+ hi DiffText ctermfg=217 ctermbg=237 cterm=bold
+ hi Directory ctermfg=109 cterm=bold
+ hi ErrorMsg ctermfg=115 ctermbg=236 cterm=bold
+ hi Exception ctermfg=249 cterm=bold
+ hi Float ctermfg=251
+ hi Function ctermfg=228
+ hi Identifier ctermfg=223
+ hi IncSearch ctermbg=228 ctermfg=238
+ hi Keyword ctermfg=223 cterm=bold
+ hi Label ctermfg=187 cterm=underline
+ hi LineNr ctermfg=248 ctermbg=233
+ hi Macro ctermfg=223 cterm=bold
+ hi ModeMsg ctermfg=223 cterm=none
+ hi MoreMsg ctermfg=15 cterm=bold
+ hi Number ctermfg=116
+ hi Operator ctermfg=230
+ hi PreCondit ctermfg=180 cterm=bold
+ hi PreProc ctermfg=223 cterm=bold
+ hi Question ctermfg=15 cterm=bold
+ hi Repeat ctermfg=223 cterm=bold
+ hi Search ctermfg=230 ctermbg=236
+ hi SpecialChar ctermfg=181 cterm=bold
+ hi SpecialComment ctermfg=108 cterm=bold
+ hi Special ctermfg=181
+ hi SpecialKey ctermfg=151
+ hi Statement ctermfg=187 ctermbg=234 cterm=none
+ hi StatusLine ctermfg=236 ctermbg=186
+ hi StatusLineNC ctermfg=235 ctermbg=108
+ hi StorageClass ctermfg=249 cterm=bold
+ hi String ctermfg=174
+ hi Structure ctermfg=229 cterm=bold
+ hi Tag ctermfg=181 cterm=bold
+ hi Title ctermfg=7 ctermbg=234 cterm=bold
+ hi Todo ctermfg=108 ctermbg=234 cterm=bold
+ hi Typedef ctermfg=253 cterm=bold
+ hi Type ctermfg=187 cterm=bold
+ hi Underlined ctermfg=188 ctermbg=234 cterm=bold
+ hi VertSplit ctermfg=236 ctermbg=65
+ hi VisualNOS ctermfg=236 ctermbg=210 cterm=bold
+ hi WarningMsg ctermfg=15 ctermbg=236 cterm=bold
+ hi WildMenu ctermbg=236 ctermfg=194 cterm=bold
+ " spellchecking, always "bright" background
+ hi SpellLocal ctermfg=14 ctermbg=237
+ hi SpellBad ctermfg=9 ctermbg=237
+ hi SpellCap ctermfg=12 ctermbg=237
+ hi SpellRare ctermfg=13 ctermbg=237
+ " pmenu
+ hi PMenu ctermfg=248 ctermbg=0
+ hi PMenuSel ctermfg=223 ctermbg=235
+ if exists("g:zenburn_high_Contrast") && g:zenburn_high_Contrast
+ hi Normal ctermfg=188 ctermbg=234
+ hi NonText ctermfg=238
+ if exists("g:zenburn_color_also_Ignore") && g:zenburn_color_also_Ignore
+ hi Ignore ctermfg=238
+ endif
+ " hc mode, darker CursorLine, default 236
+ hi CursorLine ctermbg=233 cterm=none
+ if exists("g:zenburn_unified_CursorColumn") && g:zenburn_unified_CursorColumn
+ hi CursorColumn ctermbg=233 cterm=none
+ else
+ hi CursorColumn ctermbg=235 cterm=none
+ endif
+ else
+ hi Normal ctermfg=188 ctermbg=237
+ hi Cursor ctermbg=109
+ hi diffadd ctermbg=237
+ hi diffdelete ctermbg=238
+ hi difftext ctermbg=237
+ hi errormsg ctermbg=237
+ hi incsearch ctermbg=228
+ hi linenr ctermbg=235
+ hi search ctermbg=238
+ hi statement ctermbg=237
+ hi statusline ctermbg=144
+ hi statuslinenc ctermbg=108
+ hi title ctermbg=237
+ hi todo ctermbg=237
+ hi underlined ctermbg=237
+ hi vertsplit ctermbg=65
+ hi visualnos ctermbg=210
+ hi warningmsg ctermbg=236
+ hi wildmenu ctermbg=236
+ hi NonText ctermfg=240
+ if exists("g:zenburn_color_also_Ignore") && g:zenburn_color_also_Ignore
+ hi Ignore ctermfg=240
+ endif
+ " normal mode, lighter CursorLine
+ hi CursorLine ctermbg=238 cterm=none
+ if exists("g:zenburn_unified_CursorColumn") && g:zenburn_unified_CursorColumn
+ hi CursorColumn ctermbg=238 cterm=none
+ else
+ hi CursorColumn ctermbg=239 cterm=none
+ endif
+ endif
+ if exists("g:zenburn_alternate_Error") && g:zenburn_alternate_Error
+ " use more jumpy Error
+ hi Error ctermfg=210 ctermbg=52 gui=bold
+ else
+ " default is something more zenburn-compatible
+ hi Error ctermfg=228 ctermbg=95 gui=bold
+ endif
+if exists("g:zenburn_force_dark_Background") && g:zenburn_force_dark_Background
+ " Force dark background, because of a bug in VIM: VIM sets background
+ " automatically during "hi Normal ctermfg=X"; it misinterprets the high
+ " value (234 or 237 above) as a light color, and wrongly sets background to
+ " light. See ":help highlight" for details.
+ set background=dark
+if exists("g:zenburn_high_Contrast") && g:zenburn_high_Contrast
+ " use new darker background
+ hi Normal guifg=#dcdccc guibg=#1f1f1f
+ hi CursorLine guibg=#121212 gui=bold
+ if exists("g:zenburn_unified_CursorColumn") && g:zenburn_unified_CursorColumn
+ hi CursorColumn guibg=#121212 gui=bold
+ else
+ hi CursorColumn guibg=#2b2b2b
+ endif
+ hi Pmenu guibg=#242424 guifg=#ccccbc
+ hi PMenuSel guibg=#353a37 guifg=#ccdc90 gui=bold
+ hi PmenuSbar guibg=#2e3330 guifg=#000000
+ hi PMenuThumb guibg=#a0afa0 guifg=#040404
+ hi MatchParen guifg=#f0f0c0 guibg=#383838 gui=bold
+ hi SignColumn guifg=#9fafaf guibg=#181818 gui=bold
+ hi TabLineFill guifg=#cfcfaf guibg=#181818 gui=bold
+ hi TabLineSel guifg=#efefef guibg=#1c1c1b gui=bold
+ hi TabLine guifg=#b6bf98 guibg=#181818 gui=bold
+ hi NonText guifg=#404040 gui=bold
+ hi LineNr guifg=#9fafaf guibg=#161616
+ " Original, lighter background
+ hi Normal guifg=#dcdccc guibg=#3f3f3f
+ hi CursorLine guibg=#434443
+ if exists("g:zenburn_unified_CursorColumn") && g:zenburn_unified_CursorColumn
+ hi CursorColumn guibg=#434343
+ else
+ hi CursorColumn guibg=#4f4f4f
+ endif
+ hi Pmenu guibg=#2c2e2e guifg=#9f9f9f
+ hi PMenuSel guibg=#242424 guifg=#d0d0a0 gui=bold
+ hi PmenuSbar guibg=#2e3330 guifg=#000000
+ hi PMenuThumb guibg=#a0afa0 guifg=#040404
+ hi MatchParen guifg=#b2b2a0 guibg=#2e2e2e gui=bold
+ hi SignColumn guifg=#9fafaf guibg=#343434 gui=bold
+ hi TabLineFill guifg=#cfcfaf guibg=#353535 gui=bold
+ hi TabLineSel guifg=#efefef guibg=#3a3a39 gui=bold
+ hi TabLine guifg=#b6bf98 guibg=#353535 gui=bold
+ hi NonText guifg=#5b605e gui=bold
+ hi LineNr guifg=#9fafaf guibg=#262626
+if exists("g:zenburn_old_Visual") && g:zenburn_old_Visual
+ if exists("g:zenburn_alternate_Visual") && g:zenburn_alternate_Visual
+ " Visual with more contrast, thanks to Steve Hall & Cream posse
+ " gui=none fixes weird highlight problem in at least GVim 7.0.66, thanks to Kurt Maier
+ hi Visual guifg=#000000 guibg=#71d3b4 gui=none
+ hi VisualNOS guifg=#000000 guibg=#71d3b4 gui=none
+ else
+ " use default visual
+ hi Visual guifg=#233323 guibg=#71d3b4 gui=none
+ hi VisualNOS guifg=#233323 guibg=#71d3b4 gui=none
+ endif
+ " new Visual style
+ if exists("g:zenburn_high_Contrast") && g:zenburn_high_Contrast
+ " high contrast
+ "hi Visual guibg=#304a3d
+ "hi VisualNos guibg=#304a3d
+ "TODO no nice greenish in console, 65 is closest. use full black instead,
+ "although i like the green..!
+ hi Visual guibg=#0f0f0f
+ hi VisualNos guibg=#0f0f0f
+ if &t_Co > 255
+ hi Visual ctermbg=0
+ endif
+ else
+ " low contrast
+ hi Visual guibg=#2f2f2f
+ hi VisualNOS guibg=#2f2f2f
+ if &t_Co > 255
+ hi Visual ctermbg=235
+ hi VisualNOS ctermbg=235
+ endif
+ endif
+if exists("g:zenburn_alternate_Error") && g:zenburn_alternate_Error
+ " use more jumpy Error
+ hi Error guifg=#e37170 guibg=#664040 gui=bold
+ " default is something more zenburn-compatible
+ hi Error guifg=#e37170 guibg=#3d3535 gui=none
+if exists("g:zenburn_alternate_Include") && g:zenburn_alternate_Include
+ " original setting
+ hi Include guifg=#ffcfaf gui=bold
+ " new, less contrasted one
+ hi Include guifg=#dfaf8f gui=bold
+if exists("g:zenburn_color_also_Ignore") && g:zenburn_color_also_Ignore
+ " color the Ignore groups
+ " note: if you get strange coloring for your files, turn this off (unlet)
+ hi Ignore guifg=#545a4f
+" new tabline and fold column
+if exists("g:zenburn_high_Contrast") && g:zenburn_high_Contrast
+ hi FoldColumn guibg=#161616
+ hi Folded guibg=#161616
+ hi TabLine guifg=#88b090 guibg=#313633 gui=none
+ hi TabLineSel guifg=#ccd990 guibg=#222222
+ hi TabLineFill guifg=#88b090 guibg=#313633 gui=none
+ hi SpecialKey guibg=#242424
+ if &t_Co > 255
+ hi FoldColumn ctermbg=233 ctermfg=109
+ hi Folded ctermbg=233 ctermfg=109
+ hi TabLine ctermbg=236 ctermfg=108 cterm=none
+ hi TabLineSel ctermbg=235 ctermfg=186 cterm=bold
+ hi TabLineFill ctermbg=236 ctermfg=236
+ endif
+ hi FoldColumn guibg=#333333
+ hi Folded guibg=#333333
+ hi TabLine guifg=#d0d0b8 guibg=#222222 gui=none
+ hi TabLineSel guifg=#f0f0b0 guibg=#333333 gui=bold
+ hi TabLineFill guifg=#dccdcc guibg=#101010 gui=none
+ hi SpecialKey guibg=#444444
+ if &t_Co > 255
+ hi FoldColumn ctermbg=236 ctermfg=109
+ hi Folded ctermbg=236 ctermfg=109
+ hi TabLine ctermbg=235 ctermfg=187 cterm=none
+ hi TabLineSel ctermbg=236 ctermfg=229 cterm=bold
+ hi TabLineFill ctermbg=233 ctermfg=233
+ endif
+" EXPERIMENTAL ctags_highlighting support
+" link/set sensible defaults here;
+" For now I mostly link to subset of Zenburn colors, the linkage is based
+" on appearance, not semantics. In later versions I might define more new colours.
+" HELP NEEDED to make this work properly.
+if exists("_zenburn_ctags") && _zenburn_ctags
+ " Highlighter seems to think a lot of things are global variables even
+ " though they're not. Example: python method-local variable is
+ " coloured as a global variable. They should not be global, since
+ " they're not visible outside the method.
+ " If this is some very bright colour group then things look bad.
+ hi link CTagsGlobalVariable Identifier
+ hi CTagsClass guifg=#acd0b3
+ if &t_Co > 255
+ hi CTagsClass ctermfg=115
+ endif
+ hi link CTagsImport Statement
+ hi link CTagsMember Function
+ hi link CTagsGlobalConstant Constant
+ " These do not yet have support, I can't get them to appear
+ hi link EnumerationValue Float
+ hi link EnumerationName Identifier
+ hi link DefinedName WarningMsg
+ hi link LocalVariable WarningMsg
+ hi link Structure WarningMsg
+ hi link Union WarningMsg
+" TODO check for more obscure syntax groups that they're ok
diff --git a/indent/yaml.vim b/indent/yaml.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b1ded3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indent/yaml.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+" Vim indent file
+" Language: Yaml
+" Author: Ian Young
+" Get it bundled for pathogen: https://github.com/avakhov/vim-yaml
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+ finish
+"runtime! indent/ruby.vim
+"unlet! b:did_indent
+let b:did_indent = 1
+setlocal autoindent sw=2 et
+setlocal indentexpr=GetYamlIndent()
+setlocal indentkeys=o,O,*<Return>,!^F
+function! GetYamlIndent()
+ let lnum = v:lnum - 1
+ if lnum == 0
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let line = substitute(getline(lnum),'\s\+$','','')
+ let indent = indent(lnum)
+ let increase = indent + &sw
+ if line =~ ':$'
+ return increase
+ else
+ return indent
+ endif
+" vim:set sw=2:
diff --git a/install-bundles.sh b/install-bundles.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4ed3d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install-bundles.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This script is simply for automating the downloading of the vim plugins
+echo "Installing Plugins"
+vim -i NONE -c VundleInstall -c quitall > /dev/null 2>&1
+echo "Done Installling Plugins"
diff --git a/syntax/htmljinja.vim b/syntax/htmljinja.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f9cba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/htmljinja.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Jinja HTML template
+" Maintainer: Armin Ronacher <armin.ronacher@active-4.com>
+" Last Change: 2007 Apr 8
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+if !exists("main_syntax")
+ let main_syntax = 'html'
+if version < 600
+ so <sfile>:p:h/jinja.vim
+ so <sfile>:p:h/html.vim
+ runtime! syntax/jinja.vim
+ runtime! syntax/html.vim
+ unlet b:current_syntax
+let b:current_syntax = "htmljinja"
diff --git a/syntax/jinja.vim b/syntax/jinja.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7704e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/jinja.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Jinja template
+" Maintainer: Armin Ronacher <armin.ronacher@active-4.com>
+" Last Change: 2008 May 9
+" Version: 1.1
+" Known Bugs:
+" because of odd limitations dicts and the modulo operator
+" appear wrong in the template.
+" Changes:
+" 2008 May 9: Added support for Jinja2 changes (new keyword rules)
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syntax case match
+" Jinja template built-in tags and parameters (without filter, macro, is and raw, they
+" have special threatment)
+syn keyword jinjaStatement containedin=jinjaVarBlock,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaNested contained and if else in not or recursive as import
+syn keyword jinjaStatement containedin=jinjaVarBlock,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaNested contained is filter skipwhite nextgroup=jinjaFilter
+syn keyword jinjaStatement containedin=jinjaTagBlock contained macro skipwhite nextgroup=jinjaFunction
+syn keyword jinjaStatement containedin=jinjaTagBlock contained block skipwhite nextgroup=jinjaBlockName
+" Variable Names
+syn match jinjaVariable containedin=jinjaVarBlock,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaNested contained skipwhite /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/
+syn keyword jinjaSpecial containedin=jinjaVarBlock,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaNested contained false true none loop super caller varargs kwargs
+" Filters
+syn match jinjaOperator "|" containedin=jinjaVarBlock,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaNested contained nextgroup=jinjaFilter
+syn match jinjaFilter contained skipwhite /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/
+syn match jinjaFunction contained skipwhite /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/
+syn match jinjaBlockName contained skipwhite /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/
+" Jinja template constants
+syn region jinjaString containedin=jinjaVarBlock,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaNested contained start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/
+syn region jinjaString containedin=jinjaVarBlock,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaNested contained start=/'/ skip=/\\'/ end=/'/
+syn match jinjaNumber containedin=jinjaVarBlock,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaNested contained /[0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]\+\)\?/
+" Operators
+syn match jinjaOperator containedin=jinjaVarBlock,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaNested contained /[+\-*\/<>=!,:]/
+syn match jinjaPunctuation containedin=jinjaVarBlock,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaNested contained /[()\[\]]/
+syn match jinjaOperator containedin=jinjaVarBlock,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaNested contained /\./ nextgroup=jinjaAttribute
+syn match jinjaAttribute contained /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/
+" Jinja template tag and variable blocks
+syn region jinjaNested matchgroup=jinjaOperator start="(" end=")" transparent display containedin=jinjaVarBlock,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaNested contained
+syn region jinjaNested matchgroup=jinjaOperator start="\[" end="\]" transparent display containedin=jinjaVarBlock,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaNested contained
+syn region jinjaNested matchgroup=jinjaOperator start="{" end="}" transparent display containedin=jinjaVarBlock,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaNested contained
+syn region jinjaTagBlock matchgroup=jinjaTagDelim start=/{%-\?/ end=/-\?%}/ skipwhite containedin=ALLBUT,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaVarBlock,jinjaRaw,jinjaString,jinjaNested,jinjaComment
+syn region jinjaVarBlock matchgroup=jinjaVarDelim start=/{{-\?/ end=/-\?}}/ containedin=ALLBUT,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaVarBlock,jinjaRaw,jinjaString,jinjaNested,jinjaComment
+" Jinja template 'raw' tag
+syn region jinjaRaw matchgroup=jinjaRawDelim start="{%\s*raw\s*%}" end="{%\s*endraw\s*%}" containedin=ALLBUT,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaVarBlock,jinjaString,jinjaComment
+" Jinja comments
+syn region jinjaComment matchgroup=jinjaCommentDelim start="{#" end="#}" containedin=ALLBUT,jinjaTagBlock,jinjaVarBlock,jinjaString
+" Block start keywords. A bit tricker. We only highlight at the start of a
+" tag block and only if the name is not followed by a comma or equals sign
+" which usually means that we have to deal with an assignment.
+syn match jinjaStatement containedin=jinjaTagBlock contained skipwhite /\({%-\?\s*\)\@<=\<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\>\(\s*[,=]\)\@!/
+" and context modifiers
+syn match jinjaStatement containedin=jinjaTagBlock contained /\<with\(out\)\?\s\+context\>/ skipwhite
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_jinja_syn_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_jinja_syn_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink jinjaPunctuation jinjaOperator
+ HiLink jinjaAttribute jinjaVariable
+ HiLink jinjaFunction jinjaFilter
+ HiLink jinjaTagDelim jinjaTagBlock
+ HiLink jinjaVarDelim jinjaVarBlock
+ HiLink jinjaCommentDelim jinjaComment
+ HiLink jinjaRawDelim jinja
+ HiLink jinjaSpecial Special
+ HiLink jinjaOperator Normal
+ HiLink jinjaRaw Normal
+ HiLink jinjaTagBlock PreProc
+ HiLink jinjaVarBlock PreProc
+ HiLink jinjaStatement Statement
+ HiLink jinjaFilter Function
+ HiLink jinjaBlockName Function
+ HiLink jinjaVariable Identifier
+ HiLink jinjaString Constant
+ HiLink jinjaNumber Constant
+ HiLink jinjaComment Comment
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "jinja"
diff --git a/vim-files/backups/.gitignore b/vim-files/backups/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6b7ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim-files/backups/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/vim-files/swaps/.gitignore b/vim-files/swaps/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6b7ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim-files/swaps/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/vimrc b/vimrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b3dedf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vimrc
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+" Vundle Settings
+set nocompatible " be iMproved
+filetype off " required!
+set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
+call vundle#begin()
+"General vim Plugins
+Plugin 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides'
+Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
+Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'
+Plugin 'jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs'
+Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
+Plugin 'tpope/vim-unimpaired'
+Plugin 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'
+Plugin 'scrooloose/syntastic'
+Plugin 'joonty/vdebug'
+Plugin 'kien/ctrlp.vim'
+Plugin 'Lokaltog/vim-easymotion'
+Plugin 'Shougo/unite.vim'
+Plugin 'SirVer/ultisnips'
+Plugin 'honza/vim-snippets'
+Plugin 'ervandew/supertab'
+Plugin 'tsukkee/unite-tag'
+Plugin 'gcmt/taboo.vim'
+Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround'
+Plugin 'mattn/emmet-vim'
+Plugin 'tmhedberg/matchit'
+Plugin 'shawncplus/phpcomplete.vim'
+Plugin 'StanAngeloff/php.vim'
+Plugin 'octol/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight'
+Plugin 'stephpy/vim-yaml'
+Plugin 'hdima/python-syntax'
+Plugin 'vim-scripts/pep8'
+Plugin 'fs111/pydoc.vim'
+Plugin 'davidhalter/jedi-vim'
+Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular'
+Plugin 'plasticboy/vim-markdown'
+call vundle#end()
+filetype plugin indent on " required!
+" Autocomplete
+set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
+" Theme Colors
+" Solarized cterm colors
+" 0 = almost dark blue // 1 = red
+" 2 = green // 3 = yellow
+" 4 = light blue // 5 = pink
+" 6 = cyan // 7 = beige
+" 8 = dark blue // 9 = orange
+" 10 = dark grey // 11 = grey
+" 12 = light grey // 13 = purple
+" 14 = grey // 15 = white
+" 16 = black
+" Module Fixes
+" vdebug window height plugin/python/vdebug/ui/vimui.py to 50 line 62
+" Vim Settings
+let mapleader="\\"
+syntax on
+"let g:solarized_termcolors=16
+let g:solarized_termtrans=1
+set background=dark
+colorscheme solarized
+set expandtab "Expand tabs into spaces
+set tabstop=4 "Number of spaces that <Tab> counts for
+set shiftwidth=4 "Number of space for each (auto)indent
+set textwidth=0 "Maximium width of text that is being inserted. 0 disables it
+set history=200 "Set history of : commands
+set autoindent "Copy the indentation from the previous line
+set number "Show line numbers
+set splitright "Vertical splits go to the right
+set splitbelow "Horizontal splits go beneath
+set incsearch "Show search results as they are being typed
+set nowrap "Turn off TextWrapping
+set completeopt=longest,menuone "Autocomplete options
+set wildmode=longest,list "Completion mode for wildchar
+set backspace=indent,eol,start "Backspace over everything in insert mode
+set laststatus=2 "Show the status bar always
+set clipboard=unnamed "Set clipboard to use system clipboard on mac
+set wildignore=*/app/cache,*/vendor,*/env,*.pyc "Ignore useless files
+:command! W w "Save functions for accidental uppercases
+:command! Q q
+:command! Wq wq
+"Highlighting in vim leaves your cursor wherever you ended at
+:vmap y ygv<ESC>
+"Stops flashing from command above and helps save on processing
+set lazyredraw
+"Vim diff commands
+nnoremap <leader>du :diffupdate<CR>
+nnoremap <leader>dd :diffget<CR>
+nnoremap <leader>df :diffput<CR>
+nnoremap - [c
+nnoremap = ]c
+"File ident on xml files
+au FileType xml setlocal equalprg=xmllint\ --format\ --recover\ -\ 2>/dev/null
+"Formating a json file
+com! Formatjson %!python -m json.tool
+" Search for word under cursor
+nmap * yiw/<C-r>0
+"Command for figuring out highlight group
+map ,hi :echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<' . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") . "> lo<" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . ">" . " FG:" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"fg#")<CR>
+"Twig Syntax
+au BufRead,BufNewFile *.twig set filetype=htmljinja
+au BufRead,BufNewFile *.html set filetype=htmljinja
+"Make sure yml are set as yaml
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.yml set filetype=yaml
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sls set filetype=yaml
+" Set drupal files as php
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.inc set filetype=php
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.module set filetype=php
+" Get out of visual mode faset
+imap jj <ESC>
+" Faster saving
+noremap <Leader>w :update<CR>
+" Faster quiting
+noremap <Leader>q :quit<CR>
+" Visually select pasted text
+nnoremap gp `[v`]
+" Python indent
+autocmd FileType python set tabstop=4|set shiftwidth=4
+autocmd FileType htmljinja set tabstop=2|set shiftwidth=2
+autocmd FileType sh set tabstop=2|set shiftwidth=2
+autocmd FileType css set tabstop=2|set shiftwidth=2
+" Stubs open
+:command! ST tabnew ~/.stubs/index.markdown
+" Clean MS Quotes
+:command! QUOTES :%s/”\|“/"/g
+" Yank withouth newlinw
+nmap yY ^y$
+" Backup Directories
+set backupdir-=.
+set backupdir+=.
+set backupdir-=~/
+set backupdir^=~/.vim/vim-files/backups/
+set backup
+set directory=~/.vim/vim-files/swaps/
+" Window Navigation Remaps
+nnoremap <C-J> <C-W><C-J>
+nnoremap <C-K> <C-W><C-K>
+nnoremap <C-L> <C-W><C-L>
+nnoremap <C-H> <C-W><C-H>
+nnoremap <C-]> <C-w><C-]>
+" Color/Theming Options
+" Highlight for searching (Light Background)
+"hi Search guibg=Green guifg=Black
+"hi Search cterm=NONE ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Green
+" Highlight for searching (Dark Background)
+"hi Search guibg=White guifg=Red
+"hi Search cterm=NONE ctermfg=Red ctermbg=White
+" Vim diff Colors
+highlight DiffAdd cterm=NONE ctermfg=0 ctermbg=2
+highlight DiffDelete cterm=NONE ctermfg=0 ctermbg=1
+highlight DiffChange cterm=NONE ctermfg=0 ctermbg=6
+highlight DiffText cterm=NONE ctermfg=0 ctermbg=6
+" Highligh current cursorline
+hi CursorLineNR cterm=bold ctermfg=226
+" Status line options
+set statusline=
+set statusline+=%1*\ %02c\ "Colnr
+set statusline+=%3*\ %<%F\ "File+path
+set statusline+=%2*\«
+set statusline+=%2*\ %=\ %l/%L\ (%02p%%)\ "Rownumber/total (%)
+" Status line colors per mode
+hi User1 ctermfg=226 ctermbg=8 cterm=bold
+hi User3 ctermfg=4 ctermbg=0
+hi User2 ctermfg=6 ctermbg=0
+" Nerdtree Plugin
+let NERDTreeShowLineNumbers=1
+nnoremap <leader>n :NERDTreeTabsToggle<CR>
+let NERDTreeDirArrows=0
+let NERDTreeMapOpenSplit = 's'
+let NERDTreeMapOpenVSplit = 'v'
+let NERDTreeWinSize = 40
+let NERDTreeIgnore = ['\.pyc$']
+" Emmet Plugin
+let g:use_emmet_complete_tag = 1
+" Indent Lines Plugin
+let g:indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup = 1
+let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0
+let g:indent_guides_exclude_filetypes =['help', 'nerdtree']
+let g:indent_guides_start_level = 2
+let g:indent_guides_guide_size = 1
+" Indent Lines light background
+"autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesOdd ctermbg=7
+"autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesEven ctermbg=7
+" Indent Line dark background
+autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesOdd ctermbg=0
+autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesEven ctermbg=0
+" Easymotion Plugin
+hi link EasyMotionTarget ErrorMsg
+hi link EasyMotionTarget2First ErrorMsg
+hi link EasyMotionTarget2Second ErrorMsg
+hi link EasyMotionShade Comment
+hi EasyMotionTarget ctermbg=none ctermfg=1 cterm=bold
+"let g:EasyMotion_do_shade = 0
+nnoremap \ <NOP>
+map <Leader> <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)
+map <Leader>r <Plug>(easymotion-repeat)
+nmap s <Plug>(easymotion-repeat)
+let g:EasyMotion_startofline = 0 " keep cursor colum when JK motion
+map / <Plug>(easymotion-sn)
+omap / <Plug>(easymotion-tn)
+map n <Plug>(easymotion-next)
+map N <Plug>(easymotion-prev)
+" Vdebug Plugin
+let g:vdebug_options = {
+\ "watch_window_style" : 'compact',
+\ "port" : 9000,
+\ "path_maps" : {"/vagrant": "/Users/codyhiar/Sites"},
+"Delete all breakpoints
+:command! BR BreakpointRemove *
+" Unite Plugin
+let g:unite_enable_start_insert = 1
+let g:unite_split_rule = "botright"
+let g:unite_force_overwrite_statusline = 0
+let g:unite_winheight = 10
+let g:unite_source_history_yank_enable = 1
+let g:unite_source_rec_max_cache_files=5000
+" Check to see if the plugin is loaded before callinging
+if exists('g:loaded_unite')
+ call unite#custom_source('file_rec,file_rec/async,file_mru,file,buffer,grep',
+ \ 'ignore_pattern', join([
+ \ '\.git/',
+ \ ], '\|'))
+ call unite#filters#matcher_default#use(['matcher_fuzzy'])
+ call unite#filters#sorter_default#use(['sorter_rank'])
+nnoremap <space>s :<C-u>Unite -buffer-name=buffer buffer -winheight=40<cr>
+nnoremap <space>y :<C-u>Unite -buffer-name=yank history/yank -winheight=40<cr>
+" Custom mappings for the unite buffer
+autocmd FileType unite call s:unite_settings()
+function! s:unite_settings()
+ " Enable navigation with control-j and control-k in insert mode
+ let b:SuperTabDisabled=1
+ imap <buffer> <C-j> <Plug>(unite_select_next_line)
+ imap <buffer> <C-k> <Plug>(unite_select_previous_line)
+ imap <silent><buffer><expr> <C-x> unite#do_action('split')
+ imap <silent><buffer><expr> <C-v> unite#do_action('vsplit')
+ imap <silent><buffer><expr> <C-t> unite#do_action('tabopen')
+" CtrlP Plugin
+let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 'a'
+let g:ctrlp_by_filename = 1
+let g:ctrlp_status_func = {
+ \ 'main': 'CtrlP_main_status',
+ \ 'prog': 'CtrlP_progress_status',
+ \ }
+" Arguments: focus, byfname, s:regexp, prv, item, nxt, marked
+" a:1 a:2 a:3 a:4 a:5 a:6 a:7
+fu! CtrlP_main_status(...)
+ let regex = a:3 ? '%#CtrlP_Violet#regex %*' : ''
+ let prv = '%#CtrlP_Purple# '.a:4.' %*'
+ let item = '%#CtrlP_IPurple# '.a:5.' %*'
+ let nxt = '%#CtrlP_Purple# '.a:6.' %*'
+ let byfname = '%#CtrlP_Violet# '.a:2.' %*'
+ let dir = '%#CtrlP_Purple# '.fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':~').' %*'
+ retu prv . item . nxt . '%#CtrlP_Violet#%=%*%<' . byfname . regex . dir
+fu! CtrlP_progress_status(...)
+ let len = '%#Function# '.a:1.' %*'
+ let dir = ' %=%<%#LineNr# '.getcwd().' %*'
+ retu len.dir
+hi CtrlP_Purple ctermfg=7 ctermbg=4
+hi CtrlP_IPurple ctermfg=4 ctermbg=7
+hi CtrlP_Violet ctermfg=4 ctermbg=8
+" SuperTab Plugin
+let g:SuperTabMappingForward = '<tab>'
+let g:SuperTabMappingBackward = '<s-tab>'
+let g:SuperTabLongestHighlight = 0
+let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<c-x><c-o>"
+"au FileType python set omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete
+" Ultisnips
+let g:UltiSnipsEditSplit="vertical"
+let g:UltiSnipsListSnippets="<c-x>"
+let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<c-k>"
+let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="<c-k>"
+let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger="<c-l>"
+:command! SNIPS tabnew ~/.vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets
+" Unite Tag
+autocmd BufEnter *
+\ if empty(&buftype)
+\| nnoremap <buffer> <C-]> :<C-u>UniteWithCursorWord -immediately tag<CR>
+\| endif
+let g:unite_source_tag_max_name_length = 80
+let g:unite_source_tag_max_fname_length = 80
+" Fugtive
+nnoremap <leader>gs :Gstatus<CR>
+nnoremap <leader>gc :Gcommit<CR>
+nnoremap <leader>gl :Glog<CR>
+" Python-Syntax
+let python_highlight_all = 1
+" PEP8 Plugin
+let g:pep8_map='<F9>'
+" Jedi
+let g:jedi#popup_on_dot = 0
+let g:jedi#usages_command = 0
+let g:jedi#rename_command = 0
+" Syntastic
+let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1
+let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list = 1
+let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1
+let g:syntastic_check_on_wq = 1
+" Markdown
+let g:vim_markdown_folding_disabled=1