path: root/Adafruit_Python_GPIO/Adafruit_GPIO/
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authorCody Hiar <>2018-05-12 21:42:50 -0600
committerCody Hiar <>2018-05-12 21:42:50 -0600
commit83fd91dd6af67b1656a09127971153fa699b7372 (patch)
tree46b919ab27c2782e186bcdeb728cace9824c32fe /Adafruit_Python_GPIO/Adafruit_GPIO/
parent83bb8e8a54c66ae42461819506990207df7549c1 (diff)
LCD Screen Working, Adding adafruit dependancies
Diffstat (limited to 'Adafruit_Python_GPIO/Adafruit_GPIO/')
1 files changed, 816 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Adafruit_Python_GPIO/Adafruit_GPIO/ b/Adafruit_Python_GPIO/Adafruit_GPIO/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1874272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Adafruit_Python_GPIO/Adafruit_GPIO/
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 Adafruit Industries
+# Author: Tony DiCola
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import atexit
+import logging
+import math
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import ftdi1 as ftdi
+import Adafruit_GPIO.GPIO as GPIO
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+FT232H_VID = 0x0403 # Default FTDI FT232H vendor ID
+FT232H_PID = 0x6014 # Default FTDI FT232H product ID
+def _check_running_as_root():
+ # NOTE: Checking for root with user ID 0 isn't very portable, perhaps
+ # there's a better alternative?
+ if os.geteuid() != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('Expected to be run by root user! Try running with sudo.')
+def disable_FTDI_driver():
+ """Disable the FTDI drivers for the current platform. This is necessary
+ because they will conflict with libftdi and accessing the FT232H. Note you
+ can enable the FTDI drivers again by calling enable_FTDI_driver.
+ """
+ logger.debug('Disabling FTDI driver.')
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ logger.debug('Detected Mac OSX')
+ # Mac OS commands to disable FTDI driver.
+ _check_running_as_root()
+'kextunload -b', shell=True)
+'kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext', shell=True)
+ elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
+ logger.debug('Detected Linux')
+ # Linux commands to disable FTDI driver.
+ _check_running_as_root()
+'modprobe -r -q ftdi_sio', shell=True)
+'modprobe -r -q usbserial', shell=True)
+ # Note there is no need to disable FTDI drivers on Windows!
+def enable_FTDI_driver():
+ """Re-enable the FTDI drivers for the current platform."""
+ logger.debug('Enabling FTDI driver.')
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ logger.debug('Detected Mac OSX')
+ # Mac OS commands to enable FTDI driver.
+ _check_running_as_root()
+ subprocess.check_call('kextload -b', shell=True)
+ subprocess.check_call('kextload /System/Library/Extensions/FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext', shell=True)
+ elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
+ logger.debug('Detected Linux')
+ # Linux commands to enable FTDI driver.
+ _check_running_as_root()
+ subprocess.check_call('modprobe -q ftdi_sio', shell=True)
+ subprocess.check_call('modprobe -q usbserial', shell=True)
+def use_FT232H():
+ """Disable any built in FTDI drivers which will conflict and cause problems
+ with libftdi (which is used to communicate with the FT232H). Will register
+ an exit function so the drivers are re-enabled on program exit.
+ """
+ disable_FTDI_driver()
+ atexit.register(enable_FTDI_driver)
+def enumerate_device_serials(vid=FT232H_VID, pid=FT232H_PID):
+ """Return a list of all FT232H device serial numbers connected to the
+ machine. You can use these serial numbers to open a specific FT232H device
+ by passing it to the FT232H initializer's serial parameter.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Create a libftdi context.
+ ctx = None
+ ctx =
+ # Enumerate FTDI devices.
+ device_list = None
+ count, device_list = ftdi.usb_find_all(ctx, vid, pid)
+ if count < 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('ftdi_usb_find_all returned error {0}: {1}'.format(count, ftdi.get_error_string(self._ctx)))
+ # Walk through list of devices and assemble list of serial numbers.
+ devices = []
+ while device_list is not None:
+ # Get USB device strings and add serial to list of devices.
+ ret, manufacturer, description, serial = ftdi.usb_get_strings(ctx,, 256, 256, 256)
+ if serial is not None:
+ devices.append(serial)
+ device_list =
+ return devices
+ finally:
+ # Make sure to clean up list and context when done.
+ if device_list is not None:
+ ftdi.list_free(device_list)
+ if ctx is not None:
+class FT232H(GPIO.BaseGPIO):
+ # Make GPIO constants that match main GPIO class for compatibility.
+ def __init__(self, vid=FT232H_VID, pid=FT232H_PID, serial=None):
+ """Create a FT232H object. Will search for the first available FT232H
+ device with the specified USB vendor ID and product ID (defaults to
+ FT232H default VID & PID). Can also specify an optional serial number
+ string to open an explicit FT232H device given its serial number. See
+ the FT232H.enumerate_device_serials() function to see how to list all
+ connected device serial numbers.
+ """
+ # Initialize FTDI device connection.
+ self._ctx =
+ if self._ctx == 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('ftdi_new failed! Is libftdi1 installed?')
+ # Register handler to close and cleanup FTDI context on program exit.
+ atexit.register(self.close)
+ if serial is None:
+ # Open USB connection for specified VID and PID if no serial is specified.
+ self._check(ftdi.usb_open, vid, pid)
+ else:
+ # Open USB connection for VID, PID, serial.
+ self._check(ftdi.usb_open_string, 's:{0}:{1}:{2}'.format(vid, pid, serial))
+ # Reset device.
+ self._check(ftdi.usb_reset)
+ # Disable flow control. Commented out because it is unclear if this is necessary.
+ #self._check(ftdi.setflowctrl, ftdi.SIO_DISABLE_FLOW_CTRL)
+ # Change read & write buffers to maximum size, 65535 bytes.
+ self._check(ftdi.read_data_set_chunksize, 65535)
+ self._check(ftdi.write_data_set_chunksize, 65535)
+ # Clear pending read data & write buffers.
+ self._check(ftdi.usb_purge_buffers)
+ # Enable MPSSE and syncronize communication with device.
+ self._mpsse_enable()
+ self._mpsse_sync()
+ # Initialize all GPIO as inputs.
+ self._write('\x80\x00\x00\x82\x00\x00')
+ self._direction = 0x0000
+ self._level = 0x0000
+ def close(self):
+ """Close the FTDI device. Will be automatically called when the program ends."""
+ if self._ctx is not None:
+ self._ctx = None
+ def _write(self, string):
+ """Helper function to call write_data on the provided FTDI device and
+ verify it succeeds.
+ """
+ # Get modem status. Useful to enable for debugging.
+ #ret, status = ftdi.poll_modem_status(self._ctx)
+ #if ret == 0:
+ # logger.debug('Modem status {0:02X}'.format(status))
+ #else:
+ # logger.debug('Modem status error {0}'.format(ret))
+ length = len(string)
+ ret = ftdi.write_data(self._ctx, string, length)
+ # Log the string that was written in a python hex string format using a very
+ # ugly one-liner list comprehension for brevity.
+ #logger.debug('Wrote {0}'.format(''.join(['\\x{0:02X}'.format(ord(x)) for x in string])))
+ if ret < 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('ftdi_write_data failed with error {0}: {1}'.format(ret, ftdi.get_error_string(self._ctx)))
+ if ret != length:
+ raise RuntimeError('ftdi_write_data expected to write {0} bytes but actually wrote {1}!'.format(length, ret))
+ def _check(self, command, *args):
+ """Helper function to call the provided command on the FTDI device and
+ verify the response matches the expected value.
+ """
+ ret = command(self._ctx, *args)
+ logger.debug('Called ftdi_{0} and got response {1}.'.format(command.__name__, ret))
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('ftdi_{0} failed with error {1}: {2}'.format(command.__name__, ret, ftdi.get_error_string(self._ctx)))
+ def _poll_read(self, expected, timeout_s=5.0):
+ """Helper function to continuously poll reads on the FTDI device until an
+ expected number of bytes are returned. Will throw a timeout error if no
+ data is received within the specified number of timeout seconds. Returns
+ the read data as a string if successful, otherwise raises an execption.
+ """
+ start = time.time()
+ # Start with an empty response buffer.
+ response = bytearray(expected)
+ index = 0
+ # Loop calling read until the response buffer is full or a timeout occurs.
+ while time.time() - start <= timeout_s:
+ ret, data = ftdi.read_data(self._ctx, expected - index)
+ # Fail if there was an error reading data.
+ if ret < 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('ftdi_read_data failed with error code {0}.'.format(ret))
+ # Add returned data to the buffer.
+ response[index:index+ret] = data[:ret]
+ index += ret
+ # Buffer is full, return the result data.
+ if index >= expected:
+ return str(response)
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ raise RuntimeError('Timeout while polling ftdi_read_data for {0} bytes!'.format(expected))
+ def _mpsse_enable(self):
+ """Enable MPSSE mode on the FTDI device."""
+ # Reset MPSSE by sending mask = 0 and mode = 0
+ self._check(ftdi.set_bitmode, 0, 0)
+ # Enable MPSSE by sending mask = 0 and mode = 2
+ self._check(ftdi.set_bitmode, 0, 2)
+ def _mpsse_sync(self, max_retries=10):
+ """Synchronize buffers with MPSSE by sending bad opcode and reading expected
+ error response. Should be called once after enabling MPSSE."""
+ # Send a bad/unknown command (0xAB), then read buffer until bad command
+ # response is found.
+ self._write('\xAB')
+ # Keep reading until bad command response (0xFA 0xAB) is returned.
+ # Fail if too many read attempts are made to prevent sticking in a loop.
+ tries = 0
+ sync = False
+ while not sync:
+ data = self._poll_read(2)
+ if data == '\xFA\xAB':
+ sync = True
+ tries += 1
+ if tries >= max_retries:
+ raise RuntimeError('Could not synchronize with FT232H!')
+ def mpsse_set_clock(self, clock_hz, adaptive=False, three_phase=False):
+ """Set the clock speed of the MPSSE engine. Can be any value from 450hz
+ to 30mhz and will pick that speed or the closest speed below it.
+ """
+ # Disable clock divisor by 5 to enable faster speeds on FT232H.
+ self._write('\x8A')
+ # Turn on/off adaptive clocking.
+ if adaptive:
+ self._write('\x96')
+ else:
+ self._write('\x97')
+ # Turn on/off three phase clock (needed for I2C).
+ # Also adjust the frequency for three-phase clocking as specified in section 2.2.4
+ # of this document:
+ #
+ if three_phase:
+ self._write('\x8C')
+ else:
+ self._write('\x8D')
+ # Compute divisor for requested clock.
+ # Use equation from section 3.8.1 of:
+ #
+ # Note equation is using 60mhz master clock instead of 12mhz.
+ divisor = int(math.ceil((30000000.0-float(clock_hz))/float(clock_hz))) & 0xFFFF
+ if three_phase:
+ divisor = int(divisor*(2.0/3.0))
+ logger.debug('Setting clockspeed with divisor value {0}'.format(divisor))
+ # Send command to set divisor from low and high byte values.
+ self._write(str(bytearray((0x86, divisor & 0xFF, (divisor >> 8) & 0xFF))))
+ def mpsse_read_gpio(self):
+ """Read both GPIO bus states and return a 16 bit value with their state.
+ D0-D7 are the lower 8 bits and C0-C7 are the upper 8 bits.
+ """
+ # Send command to read low byte and high byte.
+ self._write('\x81\x83')
+ # Wait for 2 byte response.
+ data = self._poll_read(2)
+ # Assemble response into 16 bit value.
+ low_byte = ord(data[0])
+ high_byte = ord(data[1])
+ logger.debug('Read MPSSE GPIO low byte = {0:02X} and high byte = {1:02X}'.format(low_byte, high_byte))
+ return (high_byte << 8) | low_byte
+ def mpsse_gpio(self):
+ """Return command to update the MPSSE GPIO state to the current direction
+ and level.
+ """
+ level_low = chr(self._level & 0xFF)
+ level_high = chr((self._level >> 8) & 0xFF)
+ dir_low = chr(self._direction & 0xFF)
+ dir_high = chr((self._direction >> 8) & 0xFF)
+ return str(bytearray((0x80, level_low, dir_low, 0x82, level_high, dir_high)))
+ def mpsse_write_gpio(self):
+ """Write the current MPSSE GPIO state to the FT232H chip."""
+ self._write(self.mpsse_gpio())
+ def get_i2c_device(self, address, **kwargs):
+ """Return an I2CDevice instance using this FT232H object and the provided
+ I2C address. Meant to be passed as the i2c_provider parameter to objects
+ which use the Adafruit_Python_GPIO library for I2C.
+ """
+ return I2CDevice(self, address, **kwargs)
+ # GPIO functions below:
+ def _setup_pin(self, pin, mode):
+ if pin < 0 or pin > 15:
+ raise ValueError('Pin must be between 0 and 15 (inclusive).')
+ if mode not in (GPIO.IN, GPIO.OUT):
+ raise ValueError('Mode must be GPIO.IN or GPIO.OUT.')
+ if mode == GPIO.IN:
+ # Set the direction and level of the pin to 0.
+ self._direction &= ~(1 << pin) & 0xFFFF
+ self._level &= ~(1 << pin) & 0xFFFF
+ else:
+ # Set the direction of the pin to 1.
+ self._direction |= (1 << pin) & 0xFFFF
+ def setup(self, pin, mode):
+ """Set the input or output mode for a specified pin. Mode should be
+ either OUT or IN."""
+ self._setup_pin(pin, mode)
+ self.mpsse_write_gpio()
+ def setup_pins(self, pins, values={}, write=True):
+ """Setup multiple pins as inputs or outputs at once. Pins should be a
+ dict of pin name to pin mode (IN or OUT). Optional starting values of
+ pins can be provided in the values dict (with pin name to pin value).
+ """
+ # General implementation that can be improved by subclasses.
+ for pin, mode in iter(pins.items()):
+ self._setup_pin(pin, mode)
+ for pin, value in iter(values.items()):
+ self._output_pin(pin, value)
+ if write:
+ self.mpsse_write_gpio()
+ def _output_pin(self, pin, value):
+ if value:
+ self._level |= (1 << pin) & 0xFFFF
+ else:
+ self._level &= ~(1 << pin) & 0xFFFF
+ def output(self, pin, value):
+ """Set the specified pin the provided high/low value. Value should be
+ either HIGH/LOW or a boolean (true = high)."""
+ if pin < 0 or pin > 15:
+ raise ValueError('Pin must be between 0 and 15 (inclusive).')
+ self._output_pin(pin, value)
+ self.mpsse_write_gpio()
+ def output_pins(self, pins, write=True):
+ """Set multiple pins high or low at once. Pins should be a dict of pin
+ name to pin value (HIGH/True for 1, LOW/False for 0). All provided pins
+ will be set to the given values.
+ """
+ for pin, value in iter(pins.items()):
+ self._output_pin(pin, value)
+ if write:
+ self.mpsse_write_gpio()
+ def input(self, pin):
+ """Read the specified pin and return HIGH/true if the pin is pulled high,
+ or LOW/false if pulled low."""
+ return self.input_pins([pin])[0]
+ def input_pins(self, pins):
+ """Read multiple pins specified in the given list and return list of pin values
+ GPIO.HIGH/True if the pin is pulled high, or GPIO.LOW/False if pulled low."""
+ if [pin for pin in pins if pin < 0 or pin > 15]:
+ raise ValueError('Pin must be between 0 and 15 (inclusive).')
+ _pins = self.mpsse_read_gpio()
+ return [((_pins >> pin) & 0x0001) == 1 for pin in pins]
+class SPI(object):
+ def __init__(self, ft232h, cs=None, max_speed_hz=1000000, mode=0, bitorder=MSBFIRST):
+ self._ft232h = ft232h
+ # Initialize chip select pin if provided to output high.
+ if cs is not None:
+ ft232h.setup(cs, GPIO.OUT)
+ ft232h.set_high(cs)
+ self._cs = cs
+ # Initialize clock, mode, and bit order.
+ self.set_clock_hz(max_speed_hz)
+ self.set_mode(mode)
+ self.set_bit_order(bitorder)
+ def _assert_cs(self):
+ if self._cs is not None:
+ self._ft232h.set_low(self._cs)
+ def _deassert_cs(self):
+ if self._cs is not None:
+ self._ft232h.set_high(self._cs)
+ def set_clock_hz(self, hz):
+ """Set the speed of the SPI clock in hertz. Note that not all speeds
+ are supported and a lower speed might be chosen by the hardware.
+ """
+ self._ft232h.mpsse_set_clock(hz)
+ def set_mode(self, mode):
+ """Set SPI mode which controls clock polarity and phase. Should be a
+ numeric value 0, 1, 2, or 3. See wikipedia page for details on meaning:
+ """
+ if mode < 0 or mode > 3:
+ raise ValueError('Mode must be a value 0, 1, 2, or 3.')
+ if mode == 0:
+ # Mode 0 captures on rising clock, propagates on falling clock
+ self.write_clock_ve = 1
+ self.read_clock_ve = 0
+ # Clock base is low.
+ clock_base = GPIO.LOW
+ elif mode == 1:
+ # Mode 1 capture of falling edge, propagate on rising clock
+ self.write_clock_ve = 0
+ self.read_clock_ve = 1
+ # Clock base is low.
+ clock_base = GPIO.LOW
+ elif mode == 2:
+ # Mode 2 capture on rising clock, propagate on falling clock
+ self.write_clock_ve = 1
+ self.read_clock_ve = 0
+ # Clock base is high.
+ clock_base = GPIO.HIGH
+ elif mode == 3:
+ # Mode 3 capture on falling edge, propagage on rising clock
+ self.write_clock_ve = 0
+ self.read_clock_ve = 1
+ # Clock base is high.
+ clock_base = GPIO.HIGH
+ # Set clock and DO as output, DI as input. Also start clock at its base value.
+ self._ft232h.setup_pins({0: GPIO.OUT, 1: GPIO.OUT, 2: GPIO.IN}, {0: clock_base})
+ def set_bit_order(self, order):
+ """Set order of bits to be read/written over serial lines. Should be
+ either MSBFIRST for most-significant first, or LSBFIRST for
+ least-signifcant first.
+ """
+ if order == MSBFIRST:
+ self.lsbfirst = 0
+ elif order == LSBFIRST:
+ self.lsbfirst = 1
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Order must be MSBFIRST or LSBFIRST.')
+ def write(self, data):
+ """Half-duplex SPI write. The specified array of bytes will be clocked
+ out the MOSI line.
+ """
+ # Build command to write SPI data.
+ command = 0x10 | (self.lsbfirst << 3) | self.write_clock_ve
+ logger.debug('SPI write with command {0:2X}.'.format(command))
+ # Compute length low and high bytes.
+ # NOTE: Must actually send length minus one because the MPSSE engine
+ # considers 0 a length of 1 and FFFF a length of 65536
+ length = len(data)-1
+ len_low = length & 0xFF
+ len_high = (length >> 8) & 0xFF
+ self._assert_cs()
+ # Send command and length.
+ self._ft232h._write(str(bytearray((command, len_low, len_high))))
+ # Send data.
+ self._ft232h._write(str(bytearray(data)))
+ self._deassert_cs()
+ def read(self, length):
+ """Half-duplex SPI read. The specified length of bytes will be clocked
+ in the MISO line and returned as a bytearray object.
+ """
+ # Build command to read SPI data.
+ command = 0x20 | (self.lsbfirst << 3) | (self.read_clock_ve << 2)
+ logger.debug('SPI read with command {0:2X}.'.format(command))
+ # Compute length low and high bytes.
+ # NOTE: Must actually send length minus one because the MPSSE engine
+ # considers 0 a length of 1 and FFFF a length of 65536
+ len_low = (length-1) & 0xFF
+ len_high = ((length-1) >> 8) & 0xFF
+ self._assert_cs()
+ # Send command and length.
+ self._ft232h._write(str(bytearray((command, len_low, len_high, 0x87))))
+ self._deassert_cs()
+ # Read response bytes.
+ return bytearray(self._ft232h._poll_read(length))
+ def transfer(self, data):
+ """Full-duplex SPI read and write. The specified array of bytes will be
+ clocked out the MOSI line, while simultaneously bytes will be read from
+ the MISO line. Read bytes will be returned as a bytearray object.
+ """
+ # Build command to read and write SPI data.
+ command = 0x30 | (self.lsbfirst << 3) | (self.read_clock_ve << 2) | self.write_clock_ve
+ logger.debug('SPI transfer with command {0:2X}.'.format(command))
+ # Compute length low and high bytes.
+ # NOTE: Must actually send length minus one because the MPSSE engine
+ # considers 0 a length of 1 and FFFF a length of 65536
+ length = len(data)
+ len_low = (length-1) & 0xFF
+ len_high = ((length-1) >> 8) & 0xFF
+ # Send command and length.
+ self._assert_cs()
+ self._ft232h._write(str(bytearray((command, len_low, len_high))))
+ self._ft232h._write(str(bytearray(data)))
+ self._ft232h._write('\x87')
+ self._deassert_cs()
+ # Read response bytes.
+ return bytearray(self._ft232h._poll_read(length))
+class I2CDevice(object):
+ """Class for communicating with an I2C device using the smbus library.
+ Allows reading and writing 8-bit, 16-bit, and byte array values to registers
+ on the device."""
+ # Note that most of the functions in this code are adapted from this app note:
+ #
+ def __init__(self, ft232h, address, clock_hz=100000):
+ """Create an instance of the I2C device at the specified address on the
+ specified I2C bus number."""
+ self._address = address
+ self._ft232h = ft232h
+ # Enable clock with three phases for I2C.
+ self._ft232h.mpsse_set_clock(clock_hz, three_phase=True)
+ # Enable drive-zero mode to drive outputs low on 0 and tri-state on 1.
+ # This matches the protocol for I2C communication so multiple devices can
+ # share the I2C bus.
+ self._ft232h._write('\x9E\x07\x00')
+ self._idle()
+ def _idle(self):
+ """Put I2C lines into idle state."""
+ # Put the I2C lines into an idle state with SCL and SDA high.
+ self._ft232h.setup_pins({0: GPIO.OUT, 1: GPIO.OUT, 2: GPIO.IN},
+ def _transaction_start(self):
+ """Start I2C transaction."""
+ # Clear command buffer and expected response bytes.
+ self._command = []
+ self._expected = 0
+ def _transaction_end(self):
+ """End I2C transaction and get response bytes, including ACKs."""
+ # Ask to return response bytes immediately.
+ self._command.append('\x87')
+ # Send the entire command to the MPSSE.
+ self._ft232h._write(''.join(self._command))
+ # Read response bytes and return them.
+ return bytearray(self._ft232h._poll_read(self._expected))
+ def _i2c_start(self):
+ """Send I2C start signal. Must be called within a transaction start/end.
+ """
+ # Set SCL high and SDA low, repeat 4 times to stay in this state for a
+ # short period of time.
+ self._ft232h.output_pins({0: GPIO.HIGH, 1: GPIO.LOW}, write=False)
+ self._command.append(self._ft232h.mpsse_gpio() * _REPEAT_DELAY)
+ # Now drop SCL to low (again repeat 4 times for short delay).
+ self._ft232h.output_pins({0: GPIO.LOW, 1: GPIO.LOW}, write=False)
+ self._command.append(self._ft232h.mpsse_gpio() * _REPEAT_DELAY)
+ def _i2c_idle(self):
+ """Set I2C signals to idle state with SCL and SDA at a high value. Must
+ be called within a transaction start/end.
+ """
+ self._ft232h.output_pins({0: GPIO.HIGH, 1: GPIO.HIGH}, write=False)
+ self._command.append(self._ft232h.mpsse_gpio() * _REPEAT_DELAY)
+ def _i2c_stop(self):
+ """Send I2C stop signal. Must be called within a transaction start/end.
+ """
+ # Set SCL low and SDA low for a short period.
+ self._ft232h.output_pins({0: GPIO.LOW, 1: GPIO.LOW}, write=False)
+ self._command.append(self._ft232h.mpsse_gpio() * _REPEAT_DELAY)
+ # Set SCL high and SDA low for a short period.
+ self._ft232h.output_pins({0: GPIO.HIGH, 1: GPIO.LOW}, write=False)
+ self._command.append(self._ft232h.mpsse_gpio() * _REPEAT_DELAY)
+ # Finally set SCL high and SDA high for a short period.
+ self._ft232h.output_pins({0: GPIO.HIGH, 1: GPIO.HIGH}, write=False)
+ self._command.append(self._ft232h.mpsse_gpio() * _REPEAT_DELAY)
+ def _i2c_read_bytes(self, length=1):
+ """Read the specified number of bytes from the I2C bus. Length is the
+ number of bytes to read (must be 1 or more).
+ """
+ for i in range(length-1):
+ # Read a byte and send ACK.
+ self._command.append('\x20\x00\x00\x13\x00\x00')
+ # Make sure pins are back in idle state with clock low and data high.
+ self._ft232h.output_pins({0: GPIO.LOW, 1: GPIO.HIGH}, write=False)
+ self._command.append(self._ft232h.mpsse_gpio())
+ # Read last byte and send NAK.
+ self._command.append('\x20\x00\x00\x13\x00\xFF')
+ # Make sure pins are back in idle state with clock low and data high.
+ self._ft232h.output_pins({0: GPIO.LOW, 1: GPIO.HIGH}, write=False)
+ self._command.append(self._ft232h.mpsse_gpio())
+ # Increase expected number of bytes.
+ self._expected += length
+ def _i2c_write_bytes(self, data):
+ """Write the specified number of bytes to the chip."""
+ for byte in data:
+ # Write byte.
+ self._command.append(str(bytearray((0x11, 0x00, 0x00, byte))))
+ # Make sure pins are back in idle state with clock low and data high.
+ self._ft232h.output_pins({0: GPIO.LOW, 1: GPIO.HIGH}, write=False)
+ self._command.append(self._ft232h.mpsse_gpio() * _REPEAT_DELAY)
+ # Read bit for ACK/NAK.
+ self._command.append('\x22\x00')
+ # Increase expected response bytes.
+ self._expected += len(data)
+ def _address_byte(self, read=True):
+ """Return the address byte with the specified R/W bit set. If read is
+ True the R/W bit will be 1, otherwise the R/W bit will be 0.
+ """
+ if read:
+ return (self._address << 1) | 0x01
+ else:
+ return self._address << 1
+ def _verify_acks(self, response):
+ """Check all the specified bytes have the ACK bit set. Throws a
+ RuntimeError exception if not all the ACKs are set.
+ """
+ for byte in response:
+ if byte & 0x01 != 0x00:
+ raise RuntimeError('Failed to find expected I2C ACK!')
+ def ping(self):
+ """Attempt to detect if a device at this address is present on the I2C
+ bus. Will send out the device's address for writing and verify an ACK
+ is received. Returns true if the ACK is received, and false if not.
+ """
+ self._idle()
+ self._transaction_start()
+ self._i2c_start()
+ self._i2c_write_bytes([self._address_byte(False)])
+ self._i2c_stop()
+ response = self._transaction_end()
+ if len(response) != 1:
+ raise RuntimeError('Expected 1 response byte but received {0} byte(s).'.format(len(response)))
+ return ((response[0] & 0x01) == 0x00)
+ def writeRaw8(self, value):
+ """Write an 8-bit value on the bus (without register)."""
+ value = value & 0xFF
+ self._idle()
+ self._transaction_start()
+ self._i2c_start()
+ self._i2c_write_bytes([self._address_byte(False), value])
+ self._i2c_stop()
+ response = self._transaction_end()
+ self._verify_acks(response)
+ def write8(self, register, value):
+ """Write an 8-bit value to the specified register."""
+ value = value & 0xFF
+ self._idle()
+ self._transaction_start()
+ self._i2c_start()
+ self._i2c_write_bytes([self._address_byte(False), register, value])
+ self._i2c_stop()
+ response = self._transaction_end()
+ self._verify_acks(response)
+ def write16(self, register, value, little_endian=True):
+ """Write a 16-bit value to the specified register."""
+ value = value & 0xFFFF
+ value_low = value & 0xFF
+ value_high = (value >> 8) & 0xFF
+ if not little_endian:
+ value_low, value_high = value_high, value_low
+ self._idle()
+ self._transaction_start()
+ self._i2c_start()
+ self._i2c_write_bytes([self._address_byte(False), register, value_low,
+ value_high])
+ self._i2c_stop()
+ response = self._transaction_end()
+ self._verify_acks(response)
+ def writeList(self, register, data):
+ """Write bytes to the specified register."""
+ self._idle()
+ self._transaction_start()
+ self._i2c_start()
+ self._i2c_write_bytes([self._address_byte(False), register] + data)
+ self._i2c_stop()
+ response = self._transaction_end()
+ self._verify_acks(response)
+ def readList(self, register, length):
+ """Read a length number of bytes from the specified register. Results
+ will be returned as a bytearray."""
+ if length <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("Length must be at least 1 byte.")
+ self._idle()
+ self._transaction_start()
+ self._i2c_start()
+ self._i2c_write_bytes([self._address_byte(True), register])
+ self._i2c_stop()
+ self._i2c_idle()
+ self._i2c_start()
+ self._i2c_read_bytes(length)
+ self._i2c_stop()
+ response = self._transaction_end()
+ self._verify_acks(response[:-length])
+ return response[-length:]
+ def readRaw8(self):
+ """Read an 8-bit value on the bus (without register)."""
+ self._idle()
+ self._transaction_start()
+ self._i2c_start()
+ self._i2c_write_bytes([self._address_byte(False)])
+ self._i2c_stop()
+ self._i2c_idle()
+ self._i2c_start()
+ self._i2c_write_bytes([self._address_byte(True)])
+ self._i2c_read_bytes(1)
+ self._i2c_stop()
+ response = self._transaction_end()
+ self._verify_acks(response[:-1])
+ return response[-1]
+ def readU8(self, register):
+ """Read an unsigned byte from the specified register."""
+ self._idle()
+ self._transaction_start()
+ self._i2c_start()
+ self._i2c_write_bytes([self._address_byte(False), register])
+ self._i2c_stop()
+ self._i2c_idle()
+ self._i2c_start()
+ self._i2c_write_bytes([self._address_byte(True)])
+ self._i2c_read_bytes(1)
+ self._i2c_stop()
+ response = self._transaction_end()
+ self._verify_acks(response[:-1])
+ return response[-1]
+ def readS8(self, register):
+ """Read a signed byte from the specified register."""
+ result = self.readU8(register)
+ if result > 127:
+ result -= 256
+ return result
+ def readU16(self, register, little_endian=True):
+ """Read an unsigned 16-bit value from the specified register, with the
+ specified endianness (default little endian, or least significant byte
+ first)."""
+ self._idle()
+ self._transaction_start()
+ self._i2c_start()
+ self._i2c_write_bytes([self._address_byte(False), register])
+ self._i2c_stop()
+ self._i2c_idle()
+ self._i2c_start()
+ self._i2c_write_bytes([self._address_byte(True)])
+ self._i2c_read_bytes(2)
+ self._i2c_stop()
+ response = self._transaction_end()
+ self._verify_acks(response[:-2])
+ if little_endian:
+ return (response[-1] << 8) | response[-2]
+ else:
+ return (response[-2] << 8) | response[-1]
+ def readS16(self, register, little_endian=True):
+ """Read a signed 16-bit value from the specified register, with the
+ specified endianness (default little endian, or least significant byte
+ first)."""
+ result = self.readU16(register, little_endian)
+ if result > 32767:
+ result -= 65536
+ return result
+ def readU16LE(self, register):
+ """Read an unsigned 16-bit value from the specified register, in little
+ endian byte order."""
+ return self.readU16(register, little_endian=True)
+ def readU16BE(self, register):
+ """Read an unsigned 16-bit value from the specified register, in big
+ endian byte order."""
+ return self.readU16(register, little_endian=False)
+ def readS16LE(self, register):
+ """Read a signed 16-bit value from the specified register, in little
+ endian byte order."""
+ return self.readS16(register, little_endian=True)
+ def readS16BE(self, register):
+ """Read a signed 16-bit value from the specified register, in big
+ endian byte order."""
+ return self.readS16(register, little_endian=False)