path: root/slides.md
diff options
authorCody Hiar <cody@hiar.ca>2019-10-16 10:36:14 -0600
committerCody Hiar <cody@hiar.ca>2019-10-16 10:36:14 -0600
commit81f10379aa6de8da03ea9553d54252435a48dbea (patch)
treec023c7f11d846bd6ab87c5946764dcf13f135e6c /slides.md
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'slides.md')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/slides.md b/slides.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f01762a
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+++ b/slides.md
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+%title: Python Script Refactor
+%author: Cody Hiar
+%date: 2019-10-15
+-> Python Script Refactor <-
+# About Me
+* Graduated Computer Engineering at U of A
+* Now working remotely @ Blendable
+* Vim/Tmux Diehard, also cli in general
+* Interests: Python, Automation, DevOps, Linux
+# Where I be
+* www.codyhiar.com
+* www.github.com/thornycrackers
+# Past Presentations (available on GitHub)
+* Docker for Homo Troglodytes (YEGSEC)
+* Scraping with scrapy (YEGSEC)
+* Python Daemons (Edmonton.py)
+* Setting Django up on a VPS (Edmonton.py)
+-> My Goals <-
+* Give a quick rundown on tools
+* Show some "cool" tricks
+* Give a couple tips modularizing code to move past the single script.
+-> Stop Calling it Bad Code <-
+-> https://blog.pragmaticengineer.com/bad-code/ <-
+-> Props to the brave soul who supplied the code <-
+-> Automatic Formatting <-
+pip3 install --user isort
+pip3 install --user black
+isort myscript.py
+black myscript.py
+Automatic linters in ANY language are always a great step towards learning how
+to writing clean code. They also require little to no investment on your behalf.
+Almost all modern language will have some sort of tool available.
+-> Manual Formatting <-
+pip3 install --user flake8
+pip3 install --user flake8-bugbear
+pip3 install --user flake8-docstrings
+pip3 install --user flake8-isort
+pip3 install --user pep8-naming
+pip3 install --user pydocstyle
+Flake8 existed before black and has LOTS of plugins to finely tune the rules
+to your liking. Flake8 requires you to make manual changes but will help you in
+making your scripts consistent during your refactors. `NOTE:` flake8 defaults to
+80 line length where as black allows up to 88. To make sure they play nice together
+you can create a `.flake8` file and update `max-line-length`. This repo has an
+-> Global Constants use Capitals and Tuples instead of list/set <-
+APIURI = "https://lol.nope/redacted"
+infra_client_ID = "ALSO-REDACT"
+userlist = { ... }
+APIURI = "https://lol.nope/redacted"
+USERLIST = ( ... )
+Capital letters are a typical pattern in python to signify global static vars
+(e.g `crypto.FILETYPE_PEM`). As your script grows other files can reference
+global constants instead of magic numbers (crypto.FILETYPE_PEM == 1). Tuples
+instead of lists means that code cannot modify your values. I like to put tuples
+into a separate file called `constants.py` so the top of my file is cleaner
+-> Loading key file into it's own function <-
+Instead of the file being loaded into the global namespace it can be loaded
+when it is needed. Other scripts can also reuse this function if they need to
+access that file. This will build onto a larger idea of writing for modularity.
+-> Long Strings into Variables Before Function Calls <-
+results = sniff(iface="enp10s0", prn=packet_handler, filter="...", store=0)
+results = sniff(iface="enp10s0", prn=packet_handler, filter=filter, store=0)
+In the first example the end of the function call is pushed off the screen
+whereas the second one we can see the entire call and most of the filter
+variable. Other devs will appreciate not having to scroll just to read the
+function being called.
+-> Consider "not" logic to save on indents <-
+if pkt[2][1].Method == "POST":
+ if getattr(pkt[2][1], "Content-Type") == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded":
+ {code block}
+if pkt[2][1].Method != "POST":
+ return
+if getattr(pkt[2][1], "Content-Type") != "application/x-www-form-urlencoded":
+ return
+{code block}
+If you have deeply nested code it can sometimes be more valuable to test for
+the opposite of what you are looking for to save on deep indentations which
+gives your code more room to breathe.
+-> Use if/else vs except UnboundLocalError <-
+ print(pass_rip)
+except UnboundLocalError: #password not found in blob; bail
+ logging.debug("password bail")
+ break
+if not pass_rip:
+ logging.debug("password bail")
+ break
+We can use if statements to see if a variable exists instead of try/catch
+-> itertools.product vs Double for loop <-
+for passw in passlist:
+ if passw in splitified[1]:
+ for userstr in userlist:
+ if userstr in splitified[1]:
+ {code block}
+password_and_users = itertools.product(passlist, userlist)
+for passw, userstr in password_and_users:
+ if passw in splitified[1] and userstr in splitified[1]:
+ {code block}
+`itertools.product` will compute the Cartesian product between to iterables so
+we can avoid having nested for loops and checks.
+-> Handling Multiple Exceptions <-
+except IndexError:
+ pass #for debug, remove or handle me
+except AttributeError:
+ pass #for debug, remove or handle me
+except ConnectionError:
+ logging.error("...")
+except (IndexError, AttributeError):
+ pass
+except ConnectionError:
+ logging.error("...")
+If we have multiple exceptions we can put them all on the same line.
+-> Using __name__ == '__main__' <-
+mystr = "Hello"
+def main():
+ mystr = "Hello"
+ print(mystr)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
+Using this little trick our `main` function is only file is called directly
+from the command line but if another python script imports our file that code
+will not be ran.
+-> logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) <-
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) <-
+In this example we are letting the runtime name the logger for our file. This
+is helpful to prevent namespace collisions but also makes the logger in each
+file unique so that we can fine tune each logger to our specific needs. E.g:
+mute noisey files, set the log level higher or lower, send to different
+sources, adjust formatting.
+-> Using a REPL for developing code <-
+This is by far the best way to learn to getting hands on experience with code
+that will be help you decide how to organize code. It will help expose weak
+points and also aid in developing more modular code. If you do not want to use
+a repl you can also just write a small script that imports and uses your code.
+Some good REPLs: bpython, ipython, ptpython
+-> Questions, comments, concerns? <-